- Major Trasporteconomie en Logistiek in Master Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen / Handelsingenieur
- Master Maritiem en Logistiek Management
- Master Maritime and Air Transport Management
- Master Real Estate Management
- Microcredential Transport & Logistiek
- Master class maritime transport
- Master class air transport
- Antwerp Rail School
- Antwerp Inland Navigation School
- Urban Logistics Summer School
- Beroepcarroussel
- Guest speaker
- Jobbeurs
- Career Center
- Praktijkprojecten / stages / praktijkgerichte masterproeven
- In-company projects
- Excursions
Major Transporteconomie en Logistiek
In het masterjaar van de opleidingen Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Bedrijfseconomie en Handelsingenieur, kunnen studenten kiezen uit een aantal majors. Elke major is een specialisatie om in af te studeren. De Major Transport en Logistiek (georganiseerd door de afdeling Transport en Regionale Economie) is daar één van.
Binnen de major Transport en Logistiek richt de afdeling zich op studenten die een carrière willen beginnen als:
- junior transportadviseurs worden uitgezonden naar transport- of havenbedrijven of naar bedrijven die op zoek zijn naar transportoplossingen;
- hoger management binnen een logistiek- en transportbedrijf, in een positie om te beslissen of te adviseren over kostenberekening, prijsstelling, investeringen in voertuig- of vrachtafhandelingsapparatuur, aanschaf of toepassing van software voor wagenparkbeheer, levering van lijndiensten, keuze van aanloophavens, enz. ;
- management binnen een bedrijf dat extern transport vraagt of eigen transport organiseert, waarbij ze beslissen over regels voor voorraadbeheer, just-in-time transport, bevoorrading en leveringsprocedures, enz.;
- junior adviseurs voor overheidsinstanties die zich bezighouden met onderwerpen op het gebied van vervoersbeleid;
- leden van onderzoeksafdelingen van banken, overheidsinstanties, havens, openbaarvervoerbedrijven, parastatalen of politieke partijen, waar zij onderzoek doen naar vervoer, havens en luchthavens.
Master Maritiem en Logistiek Management
Sinds september 2018 biedt TPR de Master of Maritime and Logistics Management aan. Dit is de enige Nederlandse masteropleiding (maritiem) transport en logistiek die in Vlaanderen wordt aangeboden.
Master Maritime / Air Transport Management
TPR also provides outstanding international training in transportation economics for both an academic and professional career by offering a specialized Master of Science in Maritime Transport Management and a Master of Science in Air Transport Management at C-MAT (Centre for Maritime and Air Transport Management), hosted by the Antwerp Management School and the University of Antwerp.
Master Global Supply Chain Management
Looking for a management career and not afraid of a challenge? In the Global Supply Chain Management Master, you will learn to master the complex supply chain world. With an analytical, down-to-earth mentality and solid baggage of professional knowledge, you will dispel any logistical uncertainty.
Master Real Estate Management
TPR also provides outstanding international training in real estate management by offering the part-time Master of Real Estate Management, hosted by the Antwerp Management School.
TPR is involved in four transport and logistics micro-credentials in English and two micro-credentials in Dutch, for which separate registration is possible:
- Logistics and Distribution Management
- Transport Innovation, Digitalisation and Entrepreneurship
- Transport and Location
- Transport Policy
- Logistiek en Transport
- Duurzaam Hinterlandvervoer
Master class maritime transport
Gain in-depth insights about managing maritime supply chains. We offer two separate two-week courses on the topics 'port economics & business' and 'maritime economics & business'.
Master class air transport
Learn how to address challenges and changes in air transport. We offer one separate two-week course on the topic of 'airline management & strategy'
Antwerp Rail School
The current key aspects of the rail industry are covered during the Antwerp Rail School. This is a great opportunity for seasoned professionals in the business to gain more in-depth knowledge, as well as for academics and PhD students who would like to gain advanced insight how rail businesses work and what scientific methods can be applied and derived. During and in between the sessions, there will be many opportunities for networking.
Antwerp Inland Navigation School
The current key aspects of the inland navigation industry are covered during the Antwerp Inland Navigation School. This is a great opportunity for seasoned professionals in the business to gain more in-depth knowledge, as well as for academics and PhD students who would like to gain advanced insight how inland navigation businesses work and what scientific methods can be applied and derived. During and in between the sessions, there will be many opportunities for networking.
Urban Logistics Summer School
Summer school on Urban Logistics - an intensive immersion into the world of moving freight in urban areas. The course is based on various important themes around planning and management of logistics in cities with a particular focus on innovation and sustainability.
Pharma Logistics Winter School
This exciting winter school offers students and management trainees a unique opportunity to dive into the fast-growing field of pharmaceutical logistics, learning about global supply chains, cold chain management, and the latest industry innovations.
Guest speaker
TPR is open to guest lecturers from industry and policy. Interested in sharing your knowlegde? Let us know.
Hoe vind je een eerste job die bij jou past? Dankzij initiatieven als jobbeurzen op de campus.
Career Center
Publish job offers, internships and company events at the Career Platform of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp or of C-MAT (Antwerp Management School).
In-company projects
Students can help you as a company or organisation with research a specific topic through in-company projects at C-MAT (Antwerp Management Shool).
Praktijkprojecten / stages
Als bedrijf kan je enorm baat hebben bij een praktijkproject, een praktijkgerichte masterproef of een stage. Een student heeft namelijk een frisse kijk op actuele vraagstukken binnen jouw organisatie, wat vaak leidt tot creatieve oplossingen en innovatieve aanbevelingen.
For many of our courses, we organize excursions for our students. We go with them to Paris, London, the Port of Antwerp, TU Delft ...
Excursion to the Port of Antwerp

Excursion to Paris