Full list of books published by the Department of Transport and Regional Economics.
Maritime Supply Chains
Maritime Supply Chains breaks the maritime chain into components, consistently relating them to the overall integrated supply chain. The book not only analyzes and provides solutions to frequently encountered problems and key operational issues, it also applies cutting-edge scientific techniques on the maritime supply chain. Sections consider shipping, ports and terminals, hinterland and the issues that intersect different parts of the chain. Readers will find discussions of the various actors at play and how they relate to the overall function of the supply chain. Finally, the book offers solutions to the most pressing problems, thus providing a unique, well-balanced account.
Dit handboek licht de binnenvaarsector in al zijn facetten toe. Het boek staat ook stil bij de problemen en uitdagingen in deze sector. De combinatie van theorie en praktijk, doorspekt met talrijke oefeningen en praktijkvoorbeelden, maakt de geïnteresseerde in binnenvaart snel vertrouwd met deze sector. Deze aanpak is interessant voor de logistieke partijen die gebruik (willen) maken van deze transportmodi en voor (beginnende) binnenvaartondernemers en hogere beleidsniveaus. Daarnaast is het interessant voor jonge onderzoekers om zich vertrouwd te maken met de meest voorkomende problemen in de sector en met de oplossingen om die problemen aan te pakken. Ten slotte is het boek ook voor studenten een zeer interessant referentiewerk.
Intermodal Freight Transportation conceptualizes intermodal transport as a set of physical, logical, financial and contractual flows, examining the barriers that impact intermodal freight services and the resulting performance variables. The book covers transport modes, agents, supply and demand patterns, key drivers, trends influencing the freight transportation sector, the evolution of supply and logistics chains, and the impacts of technological advancements, such as autonomous vehicles and e-commerce.
Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business
Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business (Rosário Macário, Eddy Van de Voorde)
This book offers material for strategic thinking featuring contributions from key figures in Europe, the US and Asia. The focus of the book expands from economic to legal issues, bankruptcy and safety and security. The carefully selected papers offer a thorough and structured analysis of major current developments in the air transport industry. Fully up to date, topics covered include competitive strength, capacity utilisation and risk.
Transport Economics (Gust Blauwens, Peter De Baere, Eddy Van de Voorde)
Transport economics has become a well-developed discipline with branches in many areas of economic science. Transport Economics combines four different perspectives in a single volume and provides a general overview.
Laden en lossen in de Binnenvaart: onderhandeling, regelgeving of gebruik?
Laden en lossen in de Binnenvaart: onderhandeling, regelgeving of gebruik?
Christa Sys had a book published on ‘Laden en lossen in de Binnenvaart: onderhandeling, regelgeving of gebruik?’ (forthcoming 1e half January 2015). This publication (in Dutch) deals with cost calculations of laytime on demurrage and the economics beyond regulation. The different type of legal regulations on loading, unloading and laytime on demurrage in Belgium and in neighboring countries (Germany, Netherlands and France) are explained in part one in a clear and concise manner. The second part of the book treats the “Antwerp rules 1951 for delivery by lighter to liner vessels’. The theoretical aspect is illustrated with numerous examples of adopted practice.
Port Business: Market Challenges and Management Actions
Port Business: Market Challenges and Management Actions
Thierry Vanelslander and Christa Sys edited a book on ‘Port Business: Market Challenges and Management Actions’. (released on 23 September 2014). This publication deals with the question how the previously formulated recommendations can concretely be implemented. Which measures should be taken proprietarily? Which timing is to be followed? How do these measures need to be translated into policy steps? Is there a need for a stimulus policy, or is regulation sufficient? In providing answers and scenarios to these questions, the book offers value to scientists, policy makers and practitioners.
Hilde Meersman, Eddy Van de Voorde, Thierry Vanelslander edited a book on (released on 6 June 2014). This book provides an expert analysis of alternative investments routes and the investment strategies available to the major port players, and is a much-needed guide to expanding the investor base for private debt funding of projects from loan providers to bond investors. Port Infrastructure Finance is an invaluable book for all parties involved in the port and maritime business, as well as investment companies, banks and other financial institutions involved in infrastructure investment.
Shun Chen, Hilde Meersman, Eddy Van de Voorde and Koos Frouws had a book published on Modelling and Forecasting in Dry Bulk Shipping (released on 30 April 2014). This book models price behaviour and forecasts prices in the dry bulk shipping market, a major component of the world shipping industry. This book will be extremely useful for shipbuilders, owners and charterers, as well as shipping analysts and policymakers. It will also be of great interest to academics and researchers concerned with the economics of the shipping industry.
Hilde Meersman and Eddy Van de Voorde, together with Moshe Ben Akiva (MIT), edited a new book on Freight Transport Modelling. The book is complementary to Recent Developments in Transport Modelling - Lessons for the Freight Sector (2008), and provides fully new insights. It addresses the need to develop new freight transport models and scientific tools to counter internal and external economic impacts, and delivers theoretical and empirical input on three levels: global, regional and local (urban). The book presents insightful contributions from respected international experts in transport economics and freight modeling.
Smart Transport Networks - Market Structure, Sustainability and Decision Making
Smart Transport Networks - Market Structure, Sustainability and Decision Making
TPR members Thomas Vanoutrive and Ann Verhetsel edited a book in the NECTAR series on Transportation and Communications Networks Research: ‘Smart Transport Networks - Market Structure, Sustainability and Decision Making’. The following three chapters were written by members of TPR:
Classifying Transport Studies Using Three Dimensions of Society: Market Structure, Sustainability and Decision Making (Thomas Vanoutrive and Ann Verhetsel)
Nothing Remains the Same! Port Competition Revisited (Hilde Meersman, Eddy Van de Voorde and Thierry Vanelslander)
Persistence of Profits in the Container Liner Shipping Industry? (Christa Sys)
Future Challenges for Inland Navigation (Christa Sys, Thierry Vanelslander)
Future challenges for inland navigation is a collection of scientific and sector-oriented contributions by authors from the field of inland navigation, viz. academics, researchers and experts from the sector. The contributions cover topics on the consequences of possible strategic and economic developments up to 2030.
The future challenges for inland navigation presented in this book take into account market functioning, technologies and investments in inland navigation, all from a viewpoint of sustainability, in its three facets: economic, social and environmental. The book also presents a number of scenarios for possible strategies that the various market players may adopt and insights into the anticipated economic consequences.
Strategic Spatial Projects (Stijn Oosterlynck, Jef Van den Broeck, Louis Albrechts, Frank Moulaert, Ann Verhetsel)
This book presents four years of case study research and theoretical discussions on strategic spatial projects in Europe and North America. It takes the position that planning is not well equipped to take on its current challenges if it is considered as only a regulatory and administrative activity. There is an urgent need to develop a mode of planning that aims to innovate in spatial as well as social terms.
This timely, important book is for spatial planning, urban design and community development and policy studies courses. For academics, researchers and students in planning, urban design, urban studies, human and economic geography, public administration and policy studies.
Applied Transport Economics is a collection of scientific contributions by prominent authors from the field of transport economics. The contributions cover topics on the interface of transport business economics, transport policy and road pricing, welfare economics and cost-benefit analysis, as well as the valuation of transport time. The contributions constitute a reader that ties in perfectly with the content of Transport Economics, the handbook by authors Gust Blauwens, Peter De Baere and Eddy Van de Voorde.
Glossary of Maritime and Shipping Terms (Honore C.Paelinck)
Students wanting to learn more about maritime and port economics have not always been prepared to a detailed knowledge of the specific terminology of the shipping world. A manua l of terms that are totally foreign to them helps to a quicker and better understanding of the new courses they are confronted with. Also in the financial and insurance world, money markets, securities andbanking, new words, methods and systems are being developed and acronyms, abbreviations and sometimes bizarre names are being used in contracts and agreements. It is therefore wise to understand them correctly in an ever more complex environment.
The glossary is intended as a reference to both shipping and financial terminology. It is printed in a handy format so as to be readily available at all time. It certainly does not have the pretence to be absolutely complete but hopes to inspire readers to keep on looking further in a world where continuous learning is a must.
Future Challenges for the Port and Shipping Sector
Future Challenges for the Port and Shipping Sector
This book is written by Prof. dr. Hilde Meersman, Prof. dr. Eddy Van de Voorde en dr. Thierry Vanelslander. Future Challenges in the Port and Shipping Sector discusses the issues that most influence the future of maritime and port industries. Make sure you are prepared for future threats and opportunities for the port and shipping industry, reserve a copy today!
Markteconomie en kunst (Ingeborg Dusar en Hilde Meersman)
Nog al te vaak domineert de romantische opvatting over de incompatibiliteit van kunst en economie ons denken. Nochtans heeft er altijd een wisselwerking tussen beide domeinen bestaan. Rubens was evenveel ondernemer als kunstenaar en het is bekend dat een bruisend cultuurleven, waar ruimte is voor experiment en vernieuwing, goed is voor de economie. De kunstenaar is wellicht zelden in de eerste plaats bekommerd om de marktwaarde van zijn werk, en wil vooral in vrijheid kunnen werken. Maar aan de wetten van de markt ontsnapt hij niet, zeker niet in turbokapitalistische tijden waar de kunstmarkt een zodanig explosieve groei kent dat de vraag naar de eigenwaarde van kunst plots weer dringend wordt. In deze bundel onderzoeken wetenschappers uit diverse disciplines samen met actoren uit de kunstwereld op welke manieren het artistieke en economische veld elkaar raken en beïnvloeden. In welke mate speelt kunst een rol in het economische leven? Opent de kunst nieuwe perspectieven op het ondernemerschap? Is de economie een prominent thema in de kunst? In het eerste deel komen economische thema’s en tendenzen in literatuur en beeldende kunst aan bod. Het tweede luik gaat vooral over de betekenis van de kunsten in de economie.
Recent Developments in Transport Modelling: Lessons for the Freight Sector
Recent Developments in Transport Modelling: Lessons for the Freight Sector
This book is edited by Moshe Ben-Akiva, Hilde Meersman and Eddy Van de Voorde. In recent years the freight transport business has become much more complex and significant as a business sector, because of developments such as globalisation and new technologies. More sophisticated modelling of freight transport is therefore a hot topic in transportation research. This book is an edited collection of commissioned contributions from international experts and is the result of a previous Department colloquium. It aims to provide an overview of current issues in freight transport analysis.
Optimising Strategies in the Air Transport Business: Survival of the Fittest?
Optimising Strategies in the Air Transport Business: Survival of the Fittest? (Hilde Meersman, Paul Roossens, Eddy Van de Voorde en Frank Witlox)
This book is the result of a colloquium organised at the University of Antwerp, where the major bottlenecks in the air transport business were identified, lessons were drawn from international expertise and experience, and solutions and strategies for the future were presented. In this book, Internationally renowned experts from the air transport business - academics as well as business practitioners - outline the playing field in which air transport actors must operate, analyse specific problems, and consider a number of realistic scenarios.
Jongeren en wonen in Vlaanderen
Jongeren en wonen in Vlaanderen (Ann Verhetsel, Frank Witlox, Nele Tierens)
Centraal in het onderzoek staat een enquête die peilt naar de woonvoorkeuren, woonwensen en woonbehoeften van kinderen tot en met achttien jaar. Een confrontatie tussen die woonwensen en de woonsituatie (op basis van de gegevens van de Volks- en Woningtelling) moet leiden tot het formuleren van beleidsopties. De resultaten van deze studie kunnen als een algemeen beleidskader dienen voor de Vlaamse Administratie en de Vlaamse steden en gemeenten om stimuleringsprojecten te evalueren die gericht zijn op de verbetering van de woonsituatie voor gezinnen met kinderen.
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