- Abstract of the recent PhD Defences
> Read the abstracts here. - Full list of PhD students
- Interested in starting a PhD?
- Forthcoming and past PhD defences Faculty of Business and Economics
Full list of PhD students
PhD Under preparation
- Fares Abudayyeh: Public and Private Perceptions of Sea Freight intermodal competitiveness
- Rafael Ascanio Arevalo: Integration of the MooV-model with first/last mile optimalisation
- Felipe Bedoya-Moya: Spillover Effects from Inland Waterway Transportation Development
- Bianca Borca: The evaluation of economic benefits of resolving nautical bottlenecks at the Danube
- Yassin Boullauazan: Drivers of port actor adaptation through digital innovation
- Peter Bulckaert: Key factors in determining the success or failure of start-up airlines
- Miguel Carmona: A regulatory model for public-private partnerships in the Portugese road sector
- Emma Ceulemans: Innovative traffic management strategies in Antwerp
- Charis Christodoulou Raftis:
- Marie Cryns: De impact van ontwikkelde technologieën en het corridor management systeem gecreëerd in functie van CRISTAL op verschillende actoren in de binnenvaartecosystemen
- Carlos Da Fonseca Nunes Marques: Transition from conventional vehicle taxation models in light of emerging energy and powertrain technologies: a system dynamics approach
- Mehran Farzadmehr: Research on the economics of implementing innovation in smart ports ecosystems
- Lorenzo Franchi: Smart and green ports: growth and development of an integrated ecosystem
- Dimitrios Georgoudakis: Investments decisions for new types of ships based on shipping cycle
- Christiane Hallensleben: Coopetition in the aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) service industry
- Elspeth Hanaford
- Xibei Jia: Demonstrating lower polluting solutions for sustainable airports across Europe
- Bruce Lambert: Does the presence of a ‘super-individual’ change the evaluation of potential benefits for public sector participation in multimodal freight (maritime) corridors?
- Hanane Llouh: Restructuring local commercial districts in a digitized and hypermobile society
- Shin-Jer Lu: Structuring operational strategy and business model of commercial cargo drone operators
- Joeri Meeús: Defining an industry Integrated Management System standard
- James Merten: Disaster Economics: How intermodal connections recover from a marine transportation disruption
- Stijn Michielsen:
- Osvaldo Navarro: Evaluation of urban logistics policy measures
- Loghman Nanwayboukani: The economics of vessel platooning
- Sameh Omar: The Impact of Manufacturing Re-shoring on Maritime Trade volume and direction: An application to the East-West trade boundconcepts
- Jolien Pauwels: Strategische opties voor een duurzame ontwikkeling van regionale luchthavens
- Juan Manuel Pulido
- Periklis Saragiotis: Maritime trade regulatory impact analysis
- Ola Shawer: Towards Air connectivity in the African Continent: An Analysis
- Wouter Schmidt: Innovation for sustainable ports: analysing success and failure factors
- Daniel Schubert: Real options analysis to validate and assess risk of road and/or rail fixed links, bridges and tunnels
- Peter Shobayo: A holistic approach to barge congestion in large seaports
- Katrien Storms: Future vision for inland navigation
- Aanan Sutaria: last-mile delivery with micro hubs
- Vincent Van Bockstaele: Dynamic machine learning model of air cargo price forecast and its applications
- Noemi Van Meir: Greening maritime transportation
- Lars-Michael Wendel: Winning the race for customer ownership: Strategies and implications of commercial value chain recomposition in the airline industry
- Jeffrey Willems: Green ports economic analysis
PhD 2025
Katrien Storms - Unravelling D&D within the maritime ecosystem and its influence on the use of IWT I port-hinterland supply chains - Supervisors Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander & Prof. dr. Edwin van Hassel
Mehran Farzadmehr - AI-powered solutions assessment in port and maritime sector - Supervisors Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander & dr. Valentin Carlan (10-02-2025)
PhD 2023
Han Cui - Essays on competition and cooperation in the port and shipping industry - Supervisor Prof. dr. Theo Notteboom (13-12-2023)
Elnert Coenengrachts - Analysing the supply-side dynamics of the shared mobility transition: the shared mobility market and potential role for mobility hubs - Supervisors Prof. dr. Joris Beckers & Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander (07-07-2023)
Peter Shobayo - Enchancing the competitiveness of inland waterway transport : a multi-methodological approach applied to port barge congestion and urban areas: dissertation - Supervisors: Prof. dr Edwin van Hassel & Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander (15-05-2023)
Daniel Behr - Determining financial viability of freight railway undertakings under open access regulatory environments. Supervisors Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander & Prof. dr. Eddy Van de Voorde ( 31-01-2023)
PhD 2022
Majid (Seyed Abolfazl) Mohseni - Sustainability of maritime supply chain; economic analysis to comply with environmental regulations and social issues. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Thierry vanelslander & Prof. dr. Edwin Van Hassel (25-01-2022)
Sisangile Nduna - Efficiency and productivity in container terminal operation: A case study for the Hamburg - Le Havre range. Supervisor: Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander (18-03-2022)
PhD 2021
Eleni Moschouli - Supporting the process of transport infrastructure decision-making: an instrument to identify the combinations of conditions under which project objectives can be achieved - supervisor: Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander (24-11-2021)
PhD 2020
Edwin Verberght - Innovation in Inland Navigation, Failure and Succes: The European Case. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Thierry vanelslander & Prof. dr. Ir. Edwin Van Hassel (10-02-2020)
Matteo Balliauw - Port capacity investments under uncertainty: The use of real options models. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Eddy van de Voorde & Prof. dr. Hilde Meersman (24-02-2020)
Thomas Van Asch - Air Cargo Competitiveness and European Airports: Markets and Strategy. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Eddy Van de Voorde, Prof. dr. Wouter de Wulf & dr. Franziska Kupfer (28-09-2020)
Sven Buyle - Evolution of Air Navigation Service Provider Business Models within the Single European Sky. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Hilde Meersman, Prof dr. Wouter Dewulf & dr. Evy Onghena (29-09-2020)
PhD 2019
Jeroen Cant: Food inaccessibility in Flanders identifying spatial mismatches between retail and residential patterns (6-3-2019) - supervisor Prof. dr. Ann Verhetsel
Joris Beckers: The Logistics sector in a consumer driven society, essays on location and network structure (18-3-2019) supervisor: Prof. dr. Ann Verhetsel
Kostas Papoutsis: 'Retail logistics costs and policy impact - What is the total cost to secure innovation for a greener retail supply chain? (12-7-2019) - supervisors: Prof. dr. Wouter Dewulf & Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander
Iván Cárdenas: Unlocking the benefits of pick-up poinhts for sustainable E-commerce distribution in urban areas (23-8-2019) - supervisors: Prof. dr. Wouter Dewulf en Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander
Katrien De Langhe: 'What role for rail urban freight distribution?' (24-09-2019) supervisors are Prof. dr. Eddy Van de Voorde and Prof. dr. Christa Sys.
Valentin Carlan: 'Maritieme supply chain innovation: costs, benefits ans cost-effectiveness of ICT introduction' (20-11-2019) supervisors are Prof. dr. Christa Sys and Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander.
Joost Hintjens: 'Cooperation between seaports concerning hinterland transport' (22-11-2019) supervisors are Prof. dr. Eddy Van de Voorde and Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander.
PhD 2018
Katja Bringmann: Essays on Cross-border Venture and Venture Internationalization- Supervisors Prof. dr. Ann Verhetsel and Prof. dr. Thomas Vanoutrive
Marcella De Martino (IRAT Naples): Port competitiveness adopting a Supply Chain Management (SCM) approach- Supervisors Prof. Hilde Meersman and Prof. Eddy Van de Voorde
PhD 2017
Jochen Maes: In search of solutions to transport and logistics capacity
Jack Doomernik: Strategies for international High-Speed Rail operations in the European passenger transport market - Promotors: Prof. dr. Thierry Vanelslander en Prof. Dr Eddy van de Voorde
Ties Vanthillo: Shaping conditions for economic development: the role of regional strategies - Promotors: Prof. Ann Verhetsel and Prof. Dr. Thierry Vanelslander
PhD 2016
- Els Struyf: Passenger and cargo? Cost economies at airport level - Promotors: Hilde Meersman and Eddy Van de Voorde
- Marzieh Nazemzadeh: The role of port infrastructure for economic development within applicatin to Belgium and the Port of Antwerp - Promotors: Hilde Meersman and Thierry Vanelslander
- Toon Zijlstra: On the Mobility Budget for Company Car Users - Promotors: Ann Verhetsel en Thomas Vanoutrive
- Yasmine Rashed: ContainerTroughput Modelling and Forecasting: An Empirical Dynamic Econometric Time Series Approach - Promotors: Hilde Meersman and Thierry Vanelslander
PhD 2015
Patrick Verhoeven (ECSA): Economic assessment of management reform in European seaports - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
PhD 2014
- Claudi Pani - Managing vessel arrival uncertainty in container terminals: a machine learning approach - Promotors: Thierry Vanelslander and Gianfranco Fancello
- Wouter Dewulf - The Strategy of Air Cargo Operators - About Carpet Sellers and Cargo Stars - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
PhD 2013
- Evy Onghena: From Cost Structure to Strategy: The impact of the Cost Structure on the Strategic Behaviour of Integrators - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde & Hilde Meersman
- Roel Gevaers: Evaluation of innovations in B2C last mile, B2C reverse and waste logistics - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde & Hilde Meerman
- Feliciana Montero: Productivity in the Container Port Business - Focus on the Mediterranean Range - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde & Hilde Meersman
- Cosimo Lisi: From waste to reusable raw material: the transport optimization within the recycling process of glass and iron - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde en Hilde Meersman
- Raimonds Aronietis: Succesful Development and Implementation of Transport Policy Innovations: Tackling Congestion on Port Hinterland Links - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde & Thierry Vanelslander
PhD 2012
- Franziska Kupfer: The Airport Choice for Scheduled Freighter Operations in Europe - Promotor: Ann Verhetsel & Eddy Van de Voorde
- Paresa Markianidou: The Relation between Trade & Container flows - Promotor: Hilde Meersman
PhD 2011
- Monica Grosso: Improving the competitiveness of intermodal transport: applications on European corridors - Promotor: Hilde Meersman
- Marjan Beelen: Structuring and modelling decision making in the inland navigation sector - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
- Edwin Van Hassel: Developing a Small Barge Convoy System to reactivate the use of the small inland waterway network - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
PhD 2010
- Christa Sys: Inside the box: assessing competitive conditions, concentration and the market structure of container liner shipping industry - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
- Thomas Vanoutrive: From mobility management and multilevel modelling towards modelling mobility and multilevel management - Promotor: Ann Verhetsel
- Barbara Van Dyck: When the Third Sector builds the City. Brownfield Transformation Projects in Marseille and Montréal - Promotor: Ann Verhetsel
PhD 2008
- Jasmine Siu Lee Lam: Managing container shipping supply chains: modeling, empirical analysis and applications - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
PhD 2007
- Tom Pauwels: Modellering van het Goederenvervoer in België - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
PhD 2005
- Thierry Vanelslander: The Economics behind Co-operation and Competition in Sea-Port Container Handling - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
PhD 2001
- Kris Debisschop: Verfijning van economische analyse van investeringsopportuniteiten: een toepassing in de Vlaamse context - Promotor: Eddy Van de Voorde
Interested in starting a PhD?
Those interested in starting up a PhD at the Department Transport and Regional Economics should submit the following documents to departement.tpr@uantwerpen.be.
- an overview of previous education, MATM scores if available
- a detailed CV
- a research proposal
- in case the PhD was started already, an overview of the PhD work as to date
- a motivation letter
- a proof of good English
Please find more information on the webpages of the Faculty of Business and Economics.