Towards greater complementarity between religious and non-religious agencies in providing support

On Thursday 10 October 2024, Soligion's research team will present the main findings from four years of research at the Soligion closing event. Since this research project is supported by the Flemish government (FWO-SBO), all lectures will be in Dutch.

On this day, you will gain insight into the diversity in the philosophically and religiously inspired solidarity landscape in Flanders and Brussels, we will delve deeper into the often difficult but sometimes also inspiring dynamics we encountered between religious and non-religious social actors, and we will offer tools and policy recommendations to enable smoother collaborations between religious and non-religious actors in the welfare field.


When: Thursday 10 October, 10-16.30 am
Where: Klooster van de Grauwzusters, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, Antwerpen