ASCID (Antwerp Study Centre for Infectious Diseases)
ASCID is a close collaboration between VAXINFECTIO (research unit within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences) and EVECO, the Evolutionary Ecology Group (research unit within the Faculty of Sciences, department Biology). ASCID is formally recognized as a ‘Centre of Excellence’ by the University of Antwerp. The mission of the Centre is basic and multidisciplinary research with a main research focus on infectious diseases. In pursuance of its mission, the Centre is well placed to conduct and manage scientific studies which combine several disciplines and other key research areas: i) drug discovery and development, ii) socio-economic policy and organization, iii) ecology and sustainable development, iv) imaging, v) oncology and vi) neurosciences.
The research focus of Prof. Herwig Leirs and his team in the EVECO group is in the area of animal population biology and fits directly under the key research domain “ecology and sustainable development”. The questions addressed vary from very fundamental problems about population dynamics, to applications in pest control, nature conservation and the ecology of infections in wild animals. It is of course the latter area of interest that provides the link with the main research focus of “Infectious Diseases” which is the priority for this Centre of Excellence.
Previous Editions ASCID Symposium
COVID-19 pandemic: 2 years later - June 2022
COVID-19 PANDEMIC: 2 years later
- 18u30-18u40 – Welcome - Prof. Zwi Berneman, University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Experimental Hematology (LEH)
- 18u40-19u20 - COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022: evolution of clinical insights and patient policy - Prof. Erika Vlieghe, University of Antwerp/UZA & Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp (ITG) (Presentation, pdf -5.1Mb)(Video)
- 19u20-20u00 - Mental well-being and economy- Prof Philippe Beutels, University of Antwerp, Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID) (Video)
- 20u00-20u40 - New insights in the role of non-human hosts in the origin and future of SARS-CoV-2 - Prof. Sophie Gryseels, University of Antwerp, Evolutionary Ecology Group (EVECO) (Presentation, pdf -15.69Mb)(Video)
- 20u40-21u20 - Modelling and policy: a retrospective look at the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Belgium - Prof Niel Hens, University of Antwerp/University of Hasselt, Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID) (Presentation, pdf-5.1Mb)(Video)
- 21u20-22u00 - COVID-19 vaccination policy - Prof. Pierre Van Damme, University of Antwerp, Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV)
One year of COVID-19: an overview - April 2022
6-6.10 p.m. Welcome (Video)
Prof. Zwi Berneman, University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Experimental Hematology (LEH)
6.10-6.40 p.m. Clinical aspects of COVID-19 (Video)
Prof. Erika Vlieghe, (University of Antwerp/UZA & Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp (ITG)
6.40-7.10p.m. Non-human animals in the history, present and future of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (Video)
Prof. Herwig Leirs, University of Antwerp, Evolutionary Ecology Group (EVECO)
7.10-7.40 p.m. COVID-19 vaccines (Video)
Prof. Pierre Van Damme, University of Antwerp, Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV)
7.40-8.10 p.m. Covid-19 T-cell epidemiology (Video)
Prof. Benson Ogunjimi, University of Antwerp, Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID)
8.20-8.50 p.m. The role of mathematical and statistical models during the COVID-19 pandemic (Video)
Prof. Niel Hens, University of Antwerp/University of Hasselt, Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID)
8-9.20 p.m. Health, economics, wellbeing and justice in a pandemic (Video)
Prof. Philippe Beutels, University of Antwerp, Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID)
9.20-9.50 p.m. Diagnostic Challenges (Video)
Prof. Herman Goossens, University of Antwerp, Laboratory of MedicalMicrobiology (LMM) & University Medical Centre, Utrecht
9.50-22.10 Panel discussion and last questions from the public
Current Viral Epidemics - November 2019
Current Viral Epidemics
26th November 2019
6-6.30 p.m. Registration with sandwiches, coffee and tea
General Introduction and introduction of VAXI-IDEA, a new Methusalem consortium inspired by ASCID
Prof. Zwi Berneman (VAXINFECTIO, LEH, UAntwerpen) & Prof. Pierre Van Damme (VAXINFECTIO, CEV, UAntwerpen)
6.30-7.10 p.m. Building a European clinical research alliance to respond to emerging infectious diseases
Prof. Herman Goossens (University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Medical Microbiology (LMM) and University Medical Centre, Utrecht)
7.10-7.50 p.m. Understanding vaccine hesitancy and other impediments to measles elimination in Europe
Prof. Philippe Beutels (University of Antwerp, Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID))
7.50-8.30 p.m. Measles epidemics in Europe: what needs to be done?
Prof. Heidi Theeten (University of Antwerp, Centre for Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV))
8.30-10 p.m. Closing networking reception
Migration and Infectious Diseases - April 2019
Migration and Infectious Diseases
2 April 2019 - 6 to 10 p.m.
- 6-6.30 p.m. Registration with sandwiches, coffee and tea
- General Introduction - Prof. Zwi Berneman (VAXINFECTIO, LEH, UAntwerpen)
- 6.30-7.10 p.m. Have we overexaggerated the migration challenge? Dr. Manuel Carballo (Epidemiologist and Executive Director of the International Centre for Migration, Health and Development (ICMHD))
- 7.10-7.50 p.m. Tuberculosis : a European disease, not a ‘tropical’ one. Wouter Arrazola de Oñate (Vlaamse Vereniging voor Respiratoire Gezondheidszorg en Tuberculosebestrijding (VRGT))
- 7.50-8.30 p.m. Vaccination of refugees, asylum seekers and other migrating people: tailoring the immunization programme Dr. Geert Top (Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid)
- 8.30-10 p.m. Closing networking reception
Human Challenge Studies - October 2018
Human Challenge Studies
09 October 2018 - 6.30 to 10 p.m.
- 18u00-18u30 Opening reception with coffee and sandwiches
- General Introduction - Prof. Zwi Berneman (VAXINFECTIO, LEH, UAntwerpen)
- 18u30-19u10 "CHIM: what can we do with these models from a regulatory viewpoint" – Pieter Neels, chair Human Vaccine Committee IABS
- 19u10- 19u50 "The Ethical Aspects of Human Challenge Studies" – Dr Hugh Davies, Oxford Chair Research Ethics Committee
- 19u50- 20u30 “Developing novel controlled human infection models for parasitic diseases" - Dr Meta Roestenberg, Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC)
- 20u30-22u Closing networking reception
Louse and Flea-borne Diseases - April 2018
Louse and Flea-borne Infections
17 April 2018 - 6 to 10 p.m.
- 18u00-18u30 Opening reception with coffee and sandwiches
- General Introduction - Prof. Zwi Berneman (VAXINFECTIO, LEH, UAntwerpen)
- 18u30-19u10 "The Plague" - Prof. Herwig Leirs (Faculty of Sciences, EVECO, UAntwerp)
- 19u10-19u50 "Louse and flea-borne Rickettsiosis" - Dr. Steven Van Den Broucke (Institute for Tropical Medicine, Antwerp)
- 19u50-20u30 "Global Health Technologies: Innovative and multidisciplinary research & development to control Vector-borne Diseases"- Prof. Maria Elena Bottazzi (Texas Medical Center, United States)
- 20u30 - 22u00 Closing networking reception
Figure: Plague_doctors'beak shaped mask
Tick-Borne Diseases - November 2017
Tick-Borne Diseases
14 November 2017 - 6.30 to 10 p.m.
- 18u00-18u30 Registration with sandwiches, coffee and tea
- 18u30-18u40 Welcome - Prof. Zwi Berneman, University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Experimental Hematology
- 18u40-19u05 'Ecology of ticks and tick-borne pathogens'- Prof. Erik Matthysen, University of Antwerp, EVECO
- 19u05-19u30 'Clinical Aspects of Tick-borne Diseases’ - Dr. Ula Maniewski, the Institute for Tropical Medicine (ITG-ITM)
- 19u30-19u55 'Human surveillance of Tick-borne Diseases in Belgium'- Tinne Lernout, Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP)
- 19u55-20u20 'Rare and Emerging Tick-borne Diseases of Public Health Importance in the European Union and European Economic Area'- Dr. Wim Van Bortel, the Institute for Tropical Medicine (ITG-ITM)
- 20u20-20u45 ‘Lyme Disease’ – Prof. Dirk Vogelaers, University Hospital Gent
- 20u45-22u00 Closing networking reception
Zoonotic Infectious Diseases - June 2017
Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
20 June 2017 - 6.30 to 10 p.m.
- 18u30-19u00 Registration with sandwiches, coffee and tea
- 19u00-19u10 Welcome - Prof. Zwi Berneman, University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Experimental Hematology
- 19u10-19u40 'Bush meat infections: a manifold wildlife conservation argument'- Dr. Anne Laudisoit, University of Antwerp, EVECO
- 19u40-20u10 'Crossing all borders: one health, zoonoses and interreg ’ - Prof. Erlangga Yusuf, University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Medical Microbiology
- 20u10-20u40 'Looking for the origins of the HIV pandemic'- Dr. Anne Buvé, the Institute for Tropical Medicine
- 20u40-21u10 'HEV: unappreciated, but omnipresent?'- Dr. Thomas Van Wolleghem - University Hospital Antwerp, Gastro-enterology and Hepatology Department
- 21u10-22u00 Closing networking Reception
Antibiotic Resistance - November 2016
Antibiotic Resistance
15 November 2016 - 6.30 to 10 p.m.
- 18u30-19u00 Registration with sandwiches, coffee and tea
- 19u00-19u10 Welcome - Prof. Zwi Berneman, University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Experimental Hematology
- 19u10-19u40 'Surveillance of antibiotic resistance’ - Prof. Erlangga Yusuf, University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Medical Microbiology
- 19u40-20u10 'Transmission of antibiotic resistance from animals to humans and vice versa, one health in action'– Prof. Jeroen Dewulf, University of Ghent, Chair of AMCRA
- 20u10-20u40 ‘Neutropenic fever and the problem of antibiotic resistance’- Dr. Anke Verlinden - University Hospital Antwerp, Hematology Department
- 20u40-21u10 ‘Antibiotic resistance in invasive bacterial infections in low-resources settings’ - Dr. Erika Vlieghe, Insititute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
- 21u10-22u00 Closing networking reception
ASCID Evening Symposium - April 2016
first ASCID evening symposium
28 April 2016 - 6 to 10 p.m.
- 18u30-19u00 Registration with coffee
19u00-19u10 Welcoming - Prof. Alain Verschoren, Rector University of Antwerp - 19u10 - 19u20 Introduction ASCID - Prof. Zwi Berneman, University of Antwerp
- 19u20-20u00 The emerging ZIKA virus: current epidemiology and challenges for its control - Dr. Veerle Vanlerberghe, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
- 20u00 -20u30 Patterns in mice, patterns in humans? - Prof. Herwig Leirs, University of Antwerp
- 20u30 -21u00 ERC "TransMID: Translational and Transdisciplinary research in Modeling Infectious Diseases " - Prof. Niel Hens, University of Hasselt
- 21u00-22u00 Closing networking reception