- Can we improve cryopreservation protocols to increase the chance on viable offspring?
- Can early pre-antral follicles also be vitrified?
- What is the possible effect of vitrification on subsequent in vitro follicular development?
- How to preserve pre-antral follicles and oocytes to maximise subsequent in vitro embryo production?
- How to monitor follicle survival, viability and function post freezing? They ‘look’ OK, but do they ‘function’ well?
- What to be expected from the search for new, innovative cryoprotecting agents? Would antifreeze proteins from deep-sea fish be an option?
- Is there a hidden stock of stem cells present in the ovary to replenish the oocyte reserve?
- Can oocytes be produced from stem cells present in individuals who naturally do not have oocytes?
- Is in vitro gametogenesis the long-awaited solution for the most extreme cases of infertility in human and endangered species?