The University of UAntwerp has an extensive research offer. There are 15 Centres of Excellence in which the University of Antwerp has built a prominent reputation. A full overview of all research groups can be found in our online database.

IOF Consortia

Because of their high valorisation potential and correspondingly high 'economic and social' applicability, a lot of research groups are relevant for companies. A great number of these research groups have been put together in IOF Consortia. These consortia are financed by the Industrial Research Fund (IOF) which supports basic and applied research in the economic and social field.


Companies can make use of technologies from the university or college portfolio. The offer is constantly updated.

Equipment and infrastructure

The AUHA also offers equipment and infrastructure for companies to use. We have 7 core facilities and part of our Hercules infrastructure has been made available to companies.

Science Park University of Antwerp

The Science Park University of Antwerp in Niel is a business park for innovative entrepreneurs. In the spring of 2015, our brand new incubator named "Darwin" was inaugurated.