Below you will find an overview of initiatives, supported by UAntwerp and in collaboration with other Flemish universities or research centres. Moreover, you can find the link to the interuniversity website:


Flanders' Training Network for Methodology and Statistics (FLAMES) is an inter-university training network rooted in the 5 Flemish universities.

This network aims to support young researchers in their pursuit of best-in-class training in methodology, statistics and data sciences by providing an overarching, structural, large and high quality course offer for doctoral students and young empirical researchers. StatUa is partner of FLAMES.

An overview of the training offer can be found on the website.


Lectures on effective communication (online, by Principiae)

The speaker is Jean-Luc Doumont, PhD. For additional information, visit
Participation is free of charge for PhD and postdoc researchers but registration is required.

Webinar - Monday 17 March 2025: Networking for researchers 

A success factor for any career, networking can be daunting for shyer people, who then envy the “people-oriented” ones. In fact, both the introverted and the extraverted can benefit from a more systematic approach to professional networking. This lecture reviews the types of network worth considering and the approaches to effective networking, both face to face and online, each time offering concrete, readily applicable tips.

An engineer (Louvain) and PhD in applied physics (Stanford), Jean-Luc Doumont is acclaimed worldwide for his no-nonsense approach, his highly applicable, often life-changing recommendations on a wide range of topics, and Trees, maps, and theorems, his book about “effective communication for rational minds.”

Dates & Location

Thursday 17 March 2025, 14:00 - 16:00 – Online via Zoom

Register here

Upcoming webinars:

Conveying messages with graphs – Friday 6 June 2025 14:00 – 16:00

Persuading other people – next semester

Mind the GAP (Good Academic Practices)

Mind the GAP is a new online training tool on research integrity, created in a joint effort by the five Flemish Universities and aiming at both junior and senior researchers. The tool, which is available on Blackboard (after login), provides a thorough introduction to research integrity and touches on all aspects and stages of your research. It also addresses several malpractices and makes use of exercises and a test to evaluate your knowledge.

After completion of the 4 basic modules, a final test will be presented. If you answer at least 80% of the questions correctly, you pass the test and a certificate of attendance will be generated of which you need to take a printscreen as proof.

This training is compulsory for starting PhD researchers from academic year 2022-2023 onwards and is strongly recommended for all other researchers. It is strongly recommended to follow this course during the first year of your PhD.

The training takes approximately 8 hours to complete and can be included in your doctoral study programme (Competence category B: 1 point): add the activity to your annual progress report and include the certificate of attendance as proof. 

You can find the course in Blackboard (after login) in the course overview by scrolling down to the courses that are not linked to a specific academic year.

NEW: Discover the Mind the GAP podcastHave a listen via Spotify or Apple podcasts.

Qualitative Research Seminars

Research & Valorization

This seminar series, organised by the Doctoral Schools of 5 Flemish Universities, targets PhD students and young researchers in all disciplines at the beginning of their academic career. Registration for each seminar is organized by the doctoral school of the host institution and all questions related to registration and practical organization should be directed to the doctoral school of the host institution. PhD students from all Flemish universities can participate free of charge. For participants from other institutions, there is a participation fee. They will be contacted individually about this.

University of Antwerp
Catherine Bayart
Ghent University
Mia Rousseau
Hasselt University
Hilde Vanderheyden
University of Leuven
Michèle Van Buggenum
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Nele Van Schelvergem

Practical information

These seminars are currently not scheduled.

Research to market

The Research to market programme is a short interuniversity programme for researchers that teaches you to create value from your research and takes you on a journey to discover its market potential. It is the perfect first step if you are interested in entrepreneurship as a researcher.

More information on later editions will follow.

Systematic Review - Course by Cochrane

Aim and Topic

Systematic reviews are key elements in evidence-based healthcare. These literature reviews answer clearly defined questions, with explicit methods to identify, select, critically appraise, analyze and report data. This systematic approach distinguishes high-quality systematic reviews from traditional, so-called narrative, reviews and low-quality systematic reviews. 

Cochrane is an international non-profit organization that produces and disseminates trusted systematic reviews, and advocate for its use ( The focus of Cochrane is on systematic reviews of research in health care and health policy. The Cochrane methodology is considered the gold standard in systematic review development. Cochrane Belgium provides guidance and support to researchers interested in performing a systematic review. 

This 3-day course focuses on systematic reviews of interventions. It will teach you all about the different steps to take to perform a high-quality, methodologically sound and reliable systematic review. This hands-on course consists of plenary sessions and workshops on:

  • Writing your review protocol
  • Searching for studies
  • Selecting studies and collecting data
  • Introduction to risk of bias of randomized controlled trials
  • Analyzing the data and meta-analysis
  • Interpreting the findings and GRADE

The course, taught by systematic review experts, is filled with workshops and exercises, thus preparing you to get started immediately on your own systematic review.

Click here to find the detailed programme

Target audience

PhD and Postdoctoral researchers, planning or interested in performing a high-quality (Cochrane) systematic review in the (near) future.

About Cochrane

Cochrane is a non-profit organization that provides guidance and support to researchers and healthcare professionals who want to write high-quality systematic reviews. The Cochrane methodology is considered the gold standard in systematic review development.

Registration and practical information

Next courses will be given on following dates:

  • Course 1 :  15, 16 and 17 April 2024 (at UGent) or
  • Course 2:  21, 22 and 23 May 2024 (at KULeuven)

Registrations are closed.

This course is free for UAntwerp PhD researchers.


For more information, visit the website or contact Cochrane at

Belgian Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Cebam)
3000 Leuven
Tel.: +32 (0)16 37 72 73

Flanders AI Academy (VAIA)

The Flanders AI Academy or VAIA is a collaboration between all the universities in Flanders. VAIA provides courses and trainings in Artificial Intelligence for professionals and researchers in Flanders. Their aim is to unlock the expertise in the academic research institutions so it can flow towards the work force of our society. In this way VAIA helps ensure the (future) economic competitiveness of Flanders. With a wide range of accessible courses and trainings, VAIA aims to stimulate everybody to adopt lifelong learning.

An overview of courses and trainings can be found on the website of VAIA:



VIB is a life sciences research institute in Flanders, Belgium. With more than 1,470 scientists from over 60 countries, we perform basic research into the molecular foundations of life.

VIB is an excellence-based entrepreneurial institute that focuses on translating basic scientific results into pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications. VIB works in close partnership with 5 universities − UGent, KU Leuven, University of Antwerp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Hasselt University and is funded by the Flemish government.

VIB develops and disseminates a wide range of science-based information about all aspects of biotechnology.

An overview of interesting trainings en events offered by VIB can be found on the website (see also info below).

Tel. +32 9 244 66 11​