CD70-directed CAR natural killer cells as novel off-the-shelf cell therapy in colorectal and pancreatic cancer targeting tumor cells and their microenvironment
PhD defence Astrid Van den Eynde - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Harnessing next-generation sequencing for analysing pathogenic streptococci and microbiome dynamics
PhD defence Juan Pablo Rodriguez Ruiz - Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
On dipeptidyl peptidase 9 and the road towards understanding its role in human cells
Public defense Joni De Loose - Department Pharmaceutical Sciences
De publieke handhaving van consumentenrecht in België. Een analyse van de juridische effectiviteit op basis van het EU-recht en rechtsvergelijking
Doctoraatsverdediging Jasper Vereecken - Dubbeldoctoraat Universiteit Antwerpen & Universiteit Gent