What is dual use, misuse & military use?

The VLIR guidelines for researchers on dual use and misuse of research define the concepts as follows:

Dual-use items are materials, fabrics, techniques, etc. which can be used for both civil and military purposes. This does not mean that you as a researcher are aiming for a military application of your research, but rather that your research or the materials you use may lend themselves to this. There is a European regulation where you will find a list of all dual-use items.

Misuse is defined as the misuse of research/research results for unethical purposes. The focus here is mainly on misuse for terrorist or criminal activities and on applications that are or can be used to violate human rights or compromise the safety of people, animals or the environment. As a researcher, you can conduct your research with the best of intentions, but that does not mean that in the wrong hands it cannot potentially turn out differently.

The universitie primarily conducts research focused on civilian applications. Nevertheless, research that has a military focus may also take place. Think, for example, of collaborations with the Royal Military Academy or projects under the Defence-related Research Action (DEFRA, funded by the Ministry of Defence) and the European Defence Fund (EDF, funded by the European Union) that launch military oriented research calls.

Research with a dual or military finality is subjected to an interplay of legal and ethical obligations that do not necessarily coincide completely. For example, research that does not raise particular ethical questions may still be subject to legal obligations regarding the export of dual-use technology. Conversely, a research institution may also impose ethics reviews that go beyond the export controls that follow from the legislation.

Reporting obligation

In case of military research or when an exportlicense is required, researchers have a reporting obligation to the contactpoint of the institution: dualuse@uantwerpen.be

Researchers have a reporting obligation within the institution regarding dual use items or potential misuse in the context of the following types of funding:

  • Projects funded by the EU or other agencies that require an ethics review, e.g. Horizon Europe, FWO, internal funds (IOF, BOF).
  • Projects funded by programs of military authorities, e.g. US Department of Defense, AFOSR, etc.
  • Bilateral cooperation with companies that also produce military systems.
  • Partnerships or dissemination activities that require an export authorization.