With regard to the procedure for infractions of the research integrity, a Committee for Research Integrity was established in 2010, which assesses in a transparent manner, but at the same with the necessary attention to the private sphere, cases of scientific fraud. 

Professor Willem Lemmens, member of the tenured academic staff within the Department of Philosophy and the Pieter Gillis Centre,  acts as the contact point for scientific fraud. Researchers of the university, with the necessary regard for their anonymity,  can ask him questions on research integrity or report perceived transgressions. 

Furthermore, during the course of the procedure, the possibility is offered for both complainant and defendant(s) to contact a confidential advisor for research integrity. This confidential counsellor  knows the procedure and sensitivity of a complaint and focuses purely on assisting the complainant and defendant(s) during the course of a formal CWI procedure.

The University of Antwerp is also engaged in the Flemish Committee for Research Integrity which facilitates the dialogue on research integrity on the Flemish level.