On 3 July 2012, the Ethics Committee for the Social Sciences and Humanities (EA SHW) was established.
All research with human participants applying a methodology from the social sciences or humanities, eg. Interviews, surveys, focus groups, observations, etc, wheter or not involving participants from high-risk groups (children, peoople with disabilities, prisoners, etc.) must be presented to this advisory committee. An interdisciplinary composition was chosen, in which researchers from research fields susceptible to ethical advice were appointed.
Be aware: The Ethics Committee for Social Sciences and Humanities can under no circumstances grant retroactive advice. No clearance can be given for studies that have already taken place.
Procedure for submission
- The application form can be requested via eashw@uantwerpen.be
- Informed consent
- Form in case of changes to the study
- Declaration on honour
Tip sheets
- Tip Sheet 1: Study Population
- Tip Sheet 2 & 3: Legal & Ethical Informed Consent
- Tip Sheet 4: Anonymity & Pseudonimity
- Tip Sheet 5 & 6: Reimbursement
- Tip Sheet 7 & 8: Research with Minors (-18)
- Tip Sheet 9 & 10: Vulnerability
- Tip Sheet 12: Recordings
- Tip Sheet 13: Deception & Debriefing
- Tip Sheet 14 & 15: Reuse of data
- Tip Sheet 16: Global Engagement