Creativity & Entrepreneurship Office is committed to strengthening student entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset and sustainable societal impact of students, researchers, professors and staff. To this end, we cooperate interdisciplinary with all UAntwerp campuses in regional and international partnerships.
- D stands for Development & training
We stimulate an entrepreneurial culture and collaboration through training, workshops, and impact challenges. With a focus on competencies, we foster entrepreneurial spirit and self-reliance among students, researchers, professors, and staff. We provide support, training, and coaching to students who wish to start a business during their studies. - R for Reporting & analysis
We analyse the needs of student entrepreneurs and adjust our services accordingly. We take into account insights from, among others, the GUESSS survey (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey). We report on our impact initiatives and student entrepreneurship to the Entrepreneurship Committee, the Education Council, and the Industrial Research Fund Council (IOF Council). - I for Information, advise & solutions
We engage students, researchers, professors, and staff with our offerings and activities to foster entrepreneurial spirit and support them in developing their entrepreneurial skills. We inform, advise, and coach student entrepreneurs. - V for Visibility & impact
We enhance the visibility and impact of the University of Antwerp as an innovative, sustainable, and international university, with a focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We organise events, impact challenges, regional and international networking activities involving stakeholders. - E for Expanding opportunities
We actively seek regional and international collaboration opportunities for (student) entrepreneurship, knowledge valorisation, and interdisciplinarity. We secure funding to enhance our efforts in entrepreneurship, sustainability, knowledge transfer, and quadruple-helix collaboration. - R for Reaching out
We foster entrepreneurship through internal collaboration and collaborate externally with regional and international partners such as governments, sector federations, and the YUFE alliance. We ensure consistent communication and marketing towards student entrepreneurs. Together with student entrepreneurs and our alumni, we are building an entrepreneurial community and sharing our impact stories. - S for Safeguarding compliance
We operate efficiently and effectively within the regulatory framework and policies, such as in granting the status of student entrepreneur and associated special facilities. We provide solutions and support where necessary to ensure decisions are made in an informed and transparent manner.
Who is who?

Barbara Tan
+32 3 265 30 35
- Head of Unit
Entrepreneurial mindset/ Student entrepreneurship

Freya De Herdt
+32 3 265 93 07

Nathalie De Schepper
- Entrepreneurial coach & Trainer

Filip Noppe
+32 3 265 28 05
- Touchpoint student-entrepreneurs
Campus-wide interdisciplinary projects

dr. Inneke Baatsen
+32 3 265 89 24
- Research Manager USI, seconded

dr. Olga Beloborodova
+32 3 265 42 57
- Researchmanager ARIA + School of Arts

dr. Kate Reilly
+32 3 265 53 60
- Research Manager USI, seconded

dr. Jan Verpooten
+32 3 265 22 59
- Research Manager ARIA
Knowledge Valorization/regional & International Partnerships

dr. Janina Meissner
-Manager Knowledge Valorization

Dimitri Vranken
- Valorization Manager AUHA
Studying and entrepreneurship: it can be done!
*Disclaimer: the name of the office has changed after recording this video