Below you will find UAntwerp funding options specifically for postdocs. These options includes funding from the University Research Fund (BOF), the Industrial Research Fund (IOF) and the Support Young Researchers Grant (OJO).

BOF Postdoctoral Fellowships

Within the University Research Fund ("Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds" - BOF), most calls are addressed to senior academic staff members. However, postdocs can be appointed on a number of these projects (such as the IMPULS projects and the Postdoc challenges). 

The following BOF initiatives are addressed to both UAntwerp and external postdoctoral researchers

  • The BOF Seal of Excellence grants for FWO & MSCA postdoc aim to provide a one-off, one-year reception of candidates for a mandate FWO Junior postdoctoral researcher, or incoming Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship, with the UAntwerpen as host institution. These grants are awarded to candidates who are ranked as a reserve by the expert panels and the domain boards of the FWO or are favorably ranked by the panels of the European Commission. 
  • The BOF Postdoc challenges are  organised and published by the research groups themselves. An overview of the projects awarded in 2024 can be found below. The list will be updated with newly published Challenges on a regular basis.

More information and an overview of all BOF calls can be found on Pintra (after login). 

Contact: Kristina Granaas

IOF Postdoctoral projects

Within the Industrial Research Fund (“Industrieel Onderzoeksfonds” - IOF), there are two types of calls which are also addressed to addressed to members of the academic staff (University of Antwerp) or the teaching or scientific staff of the AUHA (“Associatie Universiteit & Hogescholen Antwerpen”) colleges.

  • The IOF-Proof-of-Concept (PoC) projects are projects in which postdoctoral researchers can participate and are aimed at bringing research to society. This could serve as a stepping stone to a license with a company or starting a spin-off, among other things.
  • The IOF-Service Platform projects are projects in which research groups organise themselves in a multidisciplinary way, such that they can provide a paying service to society and/or industry within two years. They should become self-sustaining within this period and contribute to the fourth-flow funding (through collaboration with the private sector).

More information and an overview of all IOF project calls can be found on Pintra (after login).

Contact: Inge Torfs

Support Young Researchers Grant (OJO)

The Support Young Researchers Grant (“subsidie Omkadering van Jonge Onderzoekers” - OJO) is intended for all PhD researchers and postdoctoral researchers affiliated with the University of Antwerp. The Antwerp Doctoral School launches a call (OJO call) every autumn, via email, to submit proposals for initiatives that address training needs and support of young researchers. Proposals can be submitted in the following categories:

  • Interuniversity initiatives
  • Domain-specific training
  • Initiatives focused on career development
  • International research visits
  • Faculty initiatives

The OJO call is tied to the calendar year. Funding applications can be submitted for activities that take place between 1 January and 31 December of the following calendar year.