The aim of the University of Antwerp, to awaken a wider audience’s interest in science and to introduce you to its impact on our lives, involves all of our scientists.
- Via the annual presentation and writing contest PRESS>SPEAK we challenge young researchers to take their first steps to a wider but small-scale audience of colleagues, family, friends and fans.
- With PRESS>SPEAK>Inspire we offer a yearly network and inspiration session on the topic of science communication for all researchers of the university and colleges.
- Let’s Talk Science is a joint initiative of all Flemish universities and invites doctoral students and postdocs to participate in courses on science communication and related skills. The event takes place every year at the beginning of July.
- Pitch your research for a science documentary as part of ScienceVille (part of DOCVILLE documentary film festival).
- The KVAB/Young Academy annual Scientific Communication Prizes are awarded to researchers with exceptional merit in scientific communication. Each time, the awards highlight very concrete projects. All branches of science are eligible.
UAntwerp staff members can find our complete offer of activities aimed at researchers on Pintra.
The Incredible Art of Making Science Public
Teams channel with information on different topics in scicom, inspirational examples, templates and a chance to share ideas with your colleagues