Human Anatomy and Embryology
The laboratory of Human Anatomy and Embryology was founded with the RUCA (Rijksuniversitair Centrum Antwerpen) in 1965 by prof. dr. Luc Vakaet. For 40 years the main focus was on the early development of chicken embryos. Nowadays the laboratory combines basic and anatomical research. The laboratory is under supervision of prof. dr. Guy Hubens and dr. Luc van Nassauw.
Heeft u er ooit bij stilgestaan dat u na uw dood een zeer waardevolle dienst kan bewijzen aan uw medemens? Als de geneeskunde en het wetenschappelijk onderzoek vandaag staan waar ze staan, dan is dat onder meer te danken aan hen die er bewust voor kiezen om hun lichaam na hun overlijden ter beschikking te stellen van de wetenschap. Meer informatie kan u hier terugvinden.
Body donation
Have you ever realised just how valuable a service you could perform to humanity even after your death? That medicine and scientific research have come so far is due in part to those who have been willing to donate their bodies to science after death. Additional information can be found here (in dutch).
Anatomical research
Since the publication of the Fabrica mid 1500, knowledge concerning the anatomy and physiology of the human body has increased steadily. At our anatomical facility, we try to gain insight in some of the areas in human anatomy. More information can be found here.
Zebrafish research
The zebrafish is thé animal model of the basic research lab. The research focuses is on the innervation of the gastrointestinal tractus, with special attention for Hirschsprung's disease, inflammatory bowel disease and obesity. More information can be found here.
prof. dr. Guy Hubens (head)
dr. Luc van Nassauw
prof. dr. Hilde Bortier
Veerle de Maere
Els Goeman
David Malan
dr. Leen Uyttebroek
Martine van Geel
prof. dr. Marc Callebaut