PhD theses

  Author Title Year
Alain Mercier GP's prescribing of antidepressants in France. A critical analysis on attitudes and behavior. 2014
Isabelle Aubin-Auger Improving colorectal cancer screening in General Practice from obstacles to brief intervention. 2014
Nele Michels Portfolio learning and assessing at the workplace: development, reliability and validity. 2012
Niels Adriaenssens Outpatient antimicrobial use in Europe. 2012
Katrien Bombeke Patientgerichtheid bij medische studenten: determinanten en het effect van communciatieonderwijs en ziekenhuisstages 2012
Barbara Michiels Influenza in de huisartspraktijk: preventie, diagnose en behandeling 2012
Hilde Philips Out-of-Hours. Primary Care in Belgium. 2010
Hilde Bastiaens Involvement, empowerment and self-management education in primary care. How to support people with type 2 diabetes in self-managing their illness? 2010
Johan Wens Beyond the borders of evidence… towards a better diabetes care. 2008
Kristin Hendrickx Klinische en communicatieve vaardigheden van intiem onderzoek: nood aan opleiden van studenten, kaderend binnen een transculturele context. 2008
Lieve Peremans Contraceptive consultation in general practice: a study on quality and performance. 2006
Etienne Vermeire The study of research evidence synthesis, applied to adherence to treatment recommendations in people living with type 2 diabetes. 2005
Veronique Verhoeven Opportunistic screening for urogenital chlamydial infection in women in general practice. 2004
Samuel Coenen Antibiotics for coughing in general practice: exploring, describing and optimising prescribing [Dissertation]. 2003
Roy Remmen An evaluation of clinical skills training at the medical school of the University of Antwerp. 1999
Christine Rouneau Doctor's gender and patient care: a study of perceived GP behauvior during consultations. 1994
Leo Schillemans Geschonden grenzen. Omgaan met de gevolgen van incest met behulp van het grenzenmodel. 1994
Bart Van den Eynden Kwaliteit van leven in palliatieve zorg. 1994
Jo Lebeer You are more than your brain. Plasticity of development of children with neurological impairments in the context of family interaction. A transdisciplinary study. 1994
Paul Van Royen Vaginal discharge and bacterial vaginosis in family practice. 1993
Joke Denekens Sterelisatie en mentaal gehandicapten. Wie beslist? 1992