
As a research group, ACDC is affiliated to DARIAH-VL – one of three consortia within DARIAH-BE. DARIAH-VL is currently made up of the following institutions:

  • Ghent University: Prof. Dr. Christophe Verbruggen (Coordinator: DARIAH-VL and DARIAH-BE National Coordinator)
  • KU Leuven: Prof. Dr. Mark Depauw, Department of Ancient History
  • University of Antwerp: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van Hulle, Department of Literature
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Prof. Dr. Wouter Ryckbosch, Department of History

The day-to-day activities of DARIAH-VL are coordinated by Sally Chambers (UGent).


  1. The creation of a humanities-specific digital ecosystem and VRE services in Flanders/Belgium. For this, it operates through Digital Humanities Research Centres at each partner institution. Within the framework of DARIAH-EU, following a bottom-up approach, DARIAH-VL develops user-friendly, sustainable and reusable generic modules and applications in the context of ongoing research projects as part of the VRE service infrastructure.
  2. Exchange and sustain existing expertise in the Flemish field of digital humanities. Coordinated by, but not limited to the thematic DARIAH Working Groups, a joint knowledge base is being established, research data interoperability is being investigated and innovative, well-documented search and analysis tools for digitized data are being created and disseminated.


The Flemish contribution to DARIAH is the Virtual Research Environment Service Infrastructure (VRE-SI) offering a sustainable portfolio of services enabling digital scholarship in the arts and humanities in Flanders, Belgium and beyond. The VRE-SI plays a central role in the implementation of the digital research lifecycle, for example, by bringing together the tools necessary for analysing and interpreting digital collections. The VRE-SI is developed in close collaboration with existing research projects to ensure that the developed services meet the actual needs of researchers. 

UAntwerp Contributions

ACDC has contributed to the VRE-SE by developing the Manuscript Desk: an online transcription environment for Digital Scholarly Editing. Already freely accessible online, the development of this tool continues for the duration of the project as new features are added. ACDC is also currently developing a generic online publication environment for genetic materials (Manuscript Web), and generalizing a Digital Exhibition environment (based on the Brulez Digital Exhibit).