Media & Politics
- Jacobs, L., & van Spanje, J. (2023). Gatekeeping, News Values and Selection: Factors Determining the Newsworthiness of Hate Crimes. Journalism Studies, 24(13), 1692-1710.
- Soontjens, K., Beckers, K., Walgrave, S., van der Goot, E., & van der Meer, T. G. (2023). Not All Parties are Treated Equally Journalist Perceptions of Partisan News Bias. Journalism Studies, 24(9), 1194-1213.
- Verleyen, E., & Beckers, K. (2023). European Refugee Crisis or European Migration Crisis? How Words Matter in the News Framing (2015–2020) of Asylum Seekers, Refugees, and Migrants. Journalism and Media, 4(3), 727-742.
- Beckers, K., & Moy, P. (2023). Public Opinion in the News: Examining Portrayals and Viewpoint Heterogeneity. Journalism Practice, 17(6), 1250–1267.
- Van Remoortere, A., Walgrave, S., & Vliegenthart, R. (2023). Mass media occurrence as a political career maker. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 28(1), 201-218.
- Soontjens, K., Beckers, K., Van Remoortere, A. (eds.) Journalistiek uit Balans? Inhoud, percepties en gevolgen van partijdigheid van de Vlaamse media. ASP, Brussel
- Beckers, K., Soontjens, K., Walgrave, S. (2023). “Bakens van onpartijdigheid? Partijdigheidspercepties bij Vlaamse Politieke journalisten” In: Soontjens, K., Beckers, K., Van Remoortere, A. (eds.) Journalistiek uit Balans? Inhoud, percepties en gevolgen van partijdigheid van de Vlaamse media. ASP, Brussel, pp. 113-126.
- Walgrave, S. (2023). “Percepties van partijdigheid en de vicieuze cirkel van mediawantrouwen” In: Soontjens, K., Beckers, K., Van Remoortere, A. (eds.) Journalistiek uit Balans? Inhoud, percepties en gevolgen van partijdigheid van de Vlaamse media. ASP, Brussel, pp. 127-135.
- Soontjens, K. Van Remoortere, A., Walgrave, S. (2023), “Hoe politici denken over de partijdigheid van het Nieuws” In: Soontjens, K., Beckers, K., Van Remoortere, A. (eds.) Journalistiek uit Balans? Inhoud, percepties en gevolgen van partijdigheid van de Vlaamse media. ASP, Brussel, pp. 63-80.
- De Mulder, A. (2023), "Hoe vaak, op welke manier en waarom politici mediakritiek geven" In: Soontjens, K., Beckers, K., Van Remoortere, A. (eds.) Journalistiek uit Balans? Inhoud, percepties en gevolgen van partijdigheid van de Vlaamse media. ASP, Brussel, pp. 81-96.
- De Vries, E., Vliegenthart, R., & Walgrave, S. (2022). Telling a Different Story: A Longitudinal Investigation of News Diversity in Four Countries. Journalism Studies, 23(14), 1721-1739.
- Buyens, W., & Van Aelst, P. (2022). Alternative media, alternative voices? A quantitative analysis of actor diversity in alternative and mainstream news outlets. Digital Journalism, 10(2), 337-359.
- Lamot, K. (2022). What the metrics say. The softening of news on the Facebook pages of mainstream media outlets. Digital Journalism, 10(4), 517-536.
- Beckers, K., Walgrave, S., Wolf, H. V., Lamot, K., & Van Aelst, P. (2021). Right-wing bias in journalists’ perceptions of public opinion. Journalism Practice, 15(2), 243-258.
- Soontjens, K., Van Remoortere, A., & Walgrave, S. (2021). The hostile media: Politicians’ perceptions of coverage bias. West European Politics, 44(4), 991-1002.
- Praet, S., Van Aelst, P, Daelemans, W., Walgrave, S., Kreutz, T., Peeters, J., & Martens, D. (2021). Comparing automated content analysis methods to distinguish issue communication by political parties on Twitter. Computational Communication Research, 3(2): 195-219.,
- Van Aelst P. & Van Erkel P. (2021). Why Don’t We Learn from Social Media? Studying Effects of and Mechanisms behind Social Media News Use on General Surveillance Political Knowledge. Political communication, 38(4), 407-425.
- De Mulder, A., & Paulussen, S. (2021). Mediakritiek of anti-journalistiek? Hoe Vlaamse politici op Twitter media bekritiseren. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 49(3).
- Amsalem, E., Zoizner, A., Sheafer, T., Walgrave, S., & Loewen, P. J. (2020). The effect of politicians’ personality on their media visibility. Communication Research, 47(7), 1079-1102.
- Cristancho, C. & Wouters, R. (2020). Protesters at the news gates: An experimental study of journalists’ news judgment of protest events. Communications. 47.2: 262-285.
- Ketelaars, P. & Sevenans, J. (2020). It’s a Matter of Timing. How the Timing of Politicians’ Information Subsidies Affects What Becomes News. Political communication. DOI: 10.1080/10584609.2020.1763528
- Soontjens, K., Van Remoortere, A., & Walgrave, S. (2020): The hostile media: politicians’ perceptions of coverage bias. West European Politics, DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1792671
- Lefevere, J., Van Aelst, P., & Peeters, J. (2020). Campaigning Online and Offline: Different Ballgames? Politics of the Low Countries, Online First. doi: 10.5553/PLC/.000002
- Ketelaars, P., & Aelst, P. (2020). An Actor Approach to Mediatization. Politics of the Low Countries, Online First. doi: 10.5553/PLC/.000004
- van Erkel, P. F. A., & Van Aelst, P. (2020). Why Don’t We Learn from Social Media? Studying Effects of and Mechanisms behind Social Media News Use on General Surveillance Political Knowledge. Political Communication, 1-19. Doi:10.1080/10584609.2020.1784328
- Males, J., & Van Aelst, P. (2020). Did the Blue Planet set the Agenda for Plastic Pollution? An Explorative Study on the Influence of a Documentary on the Public, Media and Political Agendas. Environmental Communication, 1-15. doi:10.1080/17524032.2020.1780458
- Helfer, L., & Van Aelst, P. (2020). Why politicians react to media coverage: A comparative experiment of political agenda-setting. The Agenda Setting Journal, 4(1), 88-108. doi:
- Van Aelst, P., Belchior, A. M., Merle, P., & Santana-Pereira, J. (2020). Introduction: Mass media effects and the political agenda: Assessing its scope and conditions. The Agenda Setting Journal, 4(1), 3-16. doi:
- Zerback, T., Reinemann, C., Van Aelst, P., & Masini, A. (2020). Was Lampedusa a key Event for Immigration News? An Analysis of the Effects of the Lampedusa Disaster on Immigration Coverage in Germany, Belgium, and Italy. Journalism Studies, 1-18. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2020.1722730
- Vliegenthart, R., & Walgrave, S. (2020). Conclusion: Lessons learnt and how to move forward. The Agenda Setting Journal, 4(1), 162-169.
- Wolf, H. V., Perko, T., & Thijssen, P. (2020). How to Communicate Food Safety after Radiological Contamination: The Effectiveness of Numerical and Narrative News Messages. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4189.
- Beckers, K., Masini, A., Sevenans, J., van der Burg, M., De Smedt, J., Van den Bulck, H., & Walgrave, S. (2019). Are newspapers’ news stories becoming more alike? Media content diversity in Belgium, 1983–2013. Journalism, 20(12), 1665-1683.
- Van Aelst, P., & Walgrave, S. (2019). The Information and Arena Model: Its Value and Limitations. Political Communication, 36(1), 203-207.
- Lamot, K., & Paulussen, S. (2019). Six Uses of Analytics: Digital Editors’ Perceptions of Audience Analytics in the Newsroom. Journalism Practice, 1-16.
- Lamot, K., & Peter, VA. (2019). Beaten By Chartbeat. Journalism Studies.
- Peeters, J., Van Aelst, P., & Praet, S. (2019). Party ownership or individual specialization? A comparison of politicians’ individual issue attention across three different agendas. Party Politics, 1354068819881639.
- Humprecht, E., Esser, F., & Van Aelst, P. (2019). Resilience to Online Disinformation: A Framework for Cross-National Comparative Research. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 0(0), 1940161219900126. doi:10.1177/1940161219900126
- Vliegenthart R. and Walgrave S. (2019), “The Media Agenda” In: Baumgartner, F., Breunig, C., Grossman, E. (eds.) Comparative Policy Agendas. Theory, Tools and Data (pp. 271-282). Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Perko, T., Prezelj, I., Cantone, M. C., Oughton, D. H., Tomkiv, Y., & Gallego, E. (2018). Fukushima Through the Prism of Chernobyl: How Newspapers in Europe and Russia Used Past Nuclear Accidents. Environmental Communication, 1-19.
- Soontjens, K. (2018). The Rise of Interpretive Journalism: Belgian Newspaper Coverage, 1985-2014. Journalism Studies. Doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2018.1467783
- Beckers, K., & Van Aelst, P. (2018). Look Who’s Talking: An analysis of actors in television news (2003–2016). Journalism Studies, 1-19
- Beckers, K., Walgrave, S., & Van den Bulck, H. (2018). Opinion balance in vox pop television news.Journalism studies, 19(2), 284-296.
- Amsalem, E., Zoizner, A., Sheafer, T., Walgrave, S., & Loewen, P. J. (2018). The Effect of Politicians’ Personality on Their Media Visibility. Communication Research, 0093650218758084.
- Vos, D., & Van Aelst, P. (2018). Does the Political System Determine Media Visibility of Politicians? A Comparative Analysis of Political Functions in the News in Sixteen Countries. Political Communication, 35(3), 371-392.
- Vesa, J., Blomberg, H., Kroll, C., & Van Aelst, P. (2018). What Politicians Look For in the News and How That Affects Their Behavior: A Uses and Gratifications Approach to Political Agenda Setting. International Journal of Communication, 12, 20.
- Boydstun, A. E., & Van Aelst, P. (2018). New Rules for an Old Game? How the 2016 US Election Caught the Press off Guard. Mass Communication and Society, 1-26.
- Johnson, M., Paulussen, S., & Van Aelst, P. (2018). Much Ado About Nothing? The low importance of Twitter as a sourcing tool for economic journalists. Digital Journalism, 6(7), 869-888.
- Amsalem, E., Sheafer, T., Walgrave, S., Loewen, P. J., & Soroka, S. N. (2017). Media Motivation and Elite Rhetoric in Comparative Perspective. Political Communication, 1-19.
- Walgrave, S., Boydstun, A. E., Vliegenthart, R., & Hardy, A. (2017). The nonlinear effect of information on political attention: media storms and US Congressional Hearings. Political Communication, 1-23.
- Beckers, K., Masini, A., Sevenans, J., van der Burg, M., De Smedt, J., Van den Bulck, H., & Walgrave, S. (2017). Are newspapers’ news stories becoming more alike? Media content diversity in Belgium, 1983–2013. Journalism, 1464884917706860
- Sevenans, J. (2017). One concept, many interpretations: the media’s causal roles in political agenda-setting processes. European Political Science Review, 1-21.
- Sevenans, J. (2017). How Mass Media Attract Political Elites’ Attention. European Journal of Political Research. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12220.
- Van Aelst, P., Strömbäck, J., Aalberg, T., Esser, F., de Vreese, C., Matthes, J., ... & Papathanassopoulos, S. (2017). Political communication in a high-choice media environment: a challenge for democracy?. Annals of the International Communication Association, 41(1), 3-27
- Masini, A. & Van Aelst, P. (2017). Actor diversity and viewpoint diversity: Two of a kind?. Communications, 42(2), pp. 107-126. doi:10.1515/commun-2017-0017
- Masini, A., Van Aelst, P., Zerback, T., Reinemann, C., Mancini, P., Mazzoni, M., ... & Coen, S. (2017). Measuring and Explaining the Diversity of Voices and Viewpoints in the News: A comparative study on the determinants of content diversity of immigration news. Journalism Studies, 1-20.
- Harder, R. A., Sevenans, J., & Van Aelst, P. (2017). Intermedia agenda setting in the social media age: How traditional players dominate the news agenda in election times. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 22(3), 275-293.
- Zoizner, A., Sheafer, T., & Walgrave, S. (2017). How politicians’ attitudes and goals moderate political agenda setting by the media. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 22(4), 431-449.
- Melenhorst, L., & Van Aelst, P. (2017). Why Do Politicians Use the Media When Making Laws? A Study On the Functional Use of Mass Media During Legislative Processes. In P. Van Aelst & S. Walgrave (Eds.), How Political Actors Use the Media (pp. 227-243). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Walgrave, S., & Van Aelst, P. (2017). Elaborating and Specifying the Information & Arena Framework. In How Political Actors Use the Media (pp. 265-279). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Van Aelst, P. (2017). Media malaise and the decline of legitimacy: any room for good news?. In Myth and reality of the legitimacy crisis: explaining trends and cross-national differences in established democracies/Ham, van, C.[edit.]; ea (pp. 95-114).
- Van Aelst, P., & Walgrave, S. (2017). How political actors use the media. Springer International Publishing.
- Helfer, L. (2016). Media Effects on Politicians: An Individual-Level Political Agenda-Setting Experiment.The International Journal of Press/Politics. DOI: 10.1177/1940161215627461
- Wouters, R. (2016) Do targets react and third parties comment? Responsiveness and scope expansion in television news items of protest (pdf). Social Movement Studies. DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2016.1191339
- Prezelj, I., Perko, T., Cantone, M. C., Gallego, E., Tomkiv, Y., & Oughton, D. H. (2016). The limits of public communication coordination in a nuclear emergency: lessons from media reporting on the Fukushima case (pdf). Journal of radiological protection: official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 36(2), S45-63.
- Tomkiv, Y., Perko, T., Oughton, D. H., Prezelj, I., Cantone, M. C., & Gallego, E. (2016). How did media present the radiation risks after the Fukushima accident: a content analysis of newspapers in Europe (pdf). Journal of radiological protection: official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 36(2), S64-S81.
- Vliegenthart, R., Walgrave, S., Wouters, R., Hutter, S., Jennings, W., Gava, R., ... & Brouard, S. (2016). The Media as a Dual Mediator of the Political Agenda–Setting Effect of Protest. A Longitudinal Study in Six Western European Countries (pdf). Social Forces, 95(2), 837-859.
- Beckers, K., Walgrave, S., & Van den Bulck, H. (2016). Opinion Balance in Vox Pop Television News. Journalism Studies, 1-13
- Van Aelst, P., & Walgrave, S. (2016). Information and arena: The dual function of the news media for political elites. Journal of Communication, 66(3), 496-518.
- Van Aelst, P., van Santen, R., Melenhorst, L., & Helfer, L. (2016). From Newspaper to Parliament and Back? A Study of Media Attention as Source for and Result of the Dutch Question Hour. World Political Science, 12(2), 261-282.
- Van Aelst, P., van Erkel, P., D’heer, E., & Harder, R. A. (2016). Who is leading the campaign charts? Comparing individual popularity on old and new media. Information, Communication & Society, 1-18. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1203973
- Van Aelst, P., Sheafer, T., Hubé, N.,& Papathanassopoulos, S. (2016). Personalization. In C. H. De Vreese, F. Esser & D. Hopmann (Eds.), Where’s the Good News? Comparing Political Journalism in 16 Countries. (pp. 112-130). London: Routledge
- De Cleen, B., & Van Aelst, P. (2016). Belgium. The Rise and Fall of Populism Research. In T. Aalberg, F. Esser, C. Reinemann, J. Stromback & C. De Vreese (Eds.), Populist political communication in Europe (pp. 99-110). New York and London: Routledge.
- Fraussen, B. & Wouters, R. (2015). Aandacht trekken of advies verstrekken? De aanwezigheid van middenveldorganisaties in adviesraad- en beeldbuispolitiek (pdf). Res Publica, 57(2), 159-183.
- Perko, T., Tomkiv, Y., Oughton, D.H., Cantone, M.C., Gallego, E., Prezelj, I. & Byrkina, E. (2015). Units related to radiation exposure and radioactivity in mass media: the Fukushima case study in Europe and Russia (pdf). Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 10.1093/rpd/ncu328.
- Melenhorst, L. (2015). The Media’s Role in Lawmaking: A Case Study Analysis (pdf). The International Journal of Press/Politics, 0.1177/1940161215581924.
- Helfer, L. & Van Aelst, P. (2015). What Makes Party Messages Fit for Reporting? An Experimental Study of Journalistic News Selection (pdf). Political Communication, 10.1080/10584609.2014.969464.
- Wouters, R. (2015). Reporting Demonstrations: On Episodic and Thematic Coverage of Protest Events in Belgian Television News (pdf). Political Communication, 10.1080/10584609.2014.958257.
- De Ceunynck, T., De Smedt, J., Daniels, S., Wouters, R. & Baets, M. (2015). “Crashing the gates” – selection criteria for television news reporting of traffic crashes (pdf). Accident Analysis and Prevention, 80, p. 142-152.
- Wouters, R. (2015). Patterns in Advocacy Group Portrayal: Comparing Attributes of Protest and Non-Protest News Items Across Advocacy Groups (pdf). Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 10.1177/1077699015596327.
- Sevenans, J. & Vliegenthart, R. (2015). Political Agenda-Setting in Belgium and the Netherlands: The Moderating Role of Conflict Framing (pdf). Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 10.1177/1077699015607336.
- Van Aelst, P., Melenhorst, L., Van Holsteyn, J. & Veen, J. (2015). Lawmaking and News Making: Different Worlds after all? A Study on News Coverage of Legislative Processes in the Netherlands (pdf). The Journal of Legislative Studies, 10.1080/13572334.2015.1060071.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Boydstun, A., Walgrave, S., & Hardy, A. (2014). Two Faces of Media Attention. Media Storm vs. Non-Storm Coverage (pdf). Political Communication, 31: 1-24.
- Walgrave, S., Lefevere, J., & Tresch, A. (2014). The Limits of Issue Ownership Dynamics: The Constraining Effect of Party Preference. Journal of Elections (pdf). Public Opinion & Parties, 24(1), 1-19.
- Van Santen, R., Helfer, L., Van Aelst, P. (2014). When politics becomes news : an analysis of parliamentary questions and press coverage in three West European countries (pdf). Acta politica: international journal of political science, p. 1-19.
- Van Aelst, P., Vliegenthart, R. (2014). Studying the tango: an analysis of parliamentary questions and press coverage in the Netherlands (pdf). Journalism studies, p. 392-410.
- Epping L., Vos D., De Smedt J. (2014). ‘Second order elections’ in de media? Berichtgeving over de lokale verkiezingen van 2012 in België (pdf), 42(1), p. 55-70.
- Paulussen, S., & Harder, R. A. (2014). Social Media References in Newspapers: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as sources in newspaper journalism (pdf). Journalism Practice, 8 (5), 542-551.
- De Bruycker, I., & Walgrave, S. (2014). How a new issue becomes an owned issue. Media coverage and the financial crisis in Belgium (2008–2009). International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 26(1), 86-97.
- Green-Pedersen, C. & Walgrave, S. (Eds.). (2014). Agenda Setting, Policies, and Political Systems.A Comparative Approach. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Book chapters
- Midtbø, T., Walgrave, S., Van Aelst, P., Christensen, D.A. (2014) Do the media set the agenda of Parliament or is it the other way around? Agenda interactions between MPs and mass media (pdf). In: K. Deschouwer (ed.). Representing the people : a survey among members of statewide and substate parliaments (pdf). Oxford University Press, p. 188-208.
- Van Aelst, P. (2014). Media, political agendas and public policy (pdf). In: C. Reinemann (ed.). Handbook of political communication. Berlin, De Gruyter-Mouton.
- Van Aelst, P., Thesen, G., Walgrave, S., Vliegenthart, R. (2014). Mediatization and political agenda setting: changing issue priorities? (pdf). In: J. Strömbäck (ed.). Mediatization of politics: understanding the transformation of Western democracies (pdf). Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 200-222.
- Van Aelst, P. (2014). Wie bepaalt het verkiezingsnieuws : partijen of personen? In: C. Devos (ed.). Een politieke geschiedenis van morgen. Gent, Borgerhoff & Lamberigts.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Vos, D. (2013). The vertical glass ceiling: Explaining female politicians’ underrepresentation in television news (pdf). Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 38 (4), 389-410.
- Perko, T., Železnik, N., Turcanu, C., & Thijssen, P. (2012). Is knowledge important? Empirical research on nuclear risk communication in two countries (pdf). Health physics, 102(6), 614-625.
- de Cock R., d' Haenens L., Reul R., De Smedt J., Ichau E., Valcke P., Wauters E., Schipper A. (2013). Reporting on victims : journalism praxis according to Flemish journalists, Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap (pdf), 41(3), p. 251-267.
- Wouters, R. (2013). From the Street to the Screen: Characteristics of Protest Events as Determinants of Television News Coverage (pdf). Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 18(1), 83-105.
Various (reports, unpublished manuscripts,...)
- De Smedt, J., Wouters, R., & De Swert, K. (2013). Inter-coder reliability in the TV News Archive. A Report on Coding Issues, Countries and Actors in Belgian television news (word). Steunpunt Media.
- Helfer, L. (2013). Wissenschaft die Vertrauen schafft (Science that creates trust) (pdf)
- Leeronderzoek 2013. Buitenlandjournalistiek Binnenstebuiten. Hoe buitenlandse correspondenten en parachutejournalisten (niet) het verschil kunnen maken (pdf). Journal of Practicing Journalism Research.
Conference papers
- Vos, D. (2013). Which politicians pass the media gates and why? A preliminary model and review of previous studies (pdf). ICA Annual Conference, 17 June 2013 - 21 June 2013, London.
- Perko, T. (2012). Modelling Risk Perception and Risk Communication in Nuclear Emergency Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach (pdf). Universiteit Antwerpen.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Vos, D. (2012). Is gender bias een mythe? Op zoek naar verklaringen voor de beperkte aanwezigheid van vrouwelijke politici in het Vlaamse televisienieuws (pdf) [Is gender bias a myth? In search of explanations for the limited coverage of female politicians in the Flemish television news]. Res Publica 54(2), 193-217.
- Perko, T. (2012). Importance of Journalism and Mass Communication for Nuclear Emergency Management (pdf). Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism, 2(8)
- Perko, T., Turcanu, C., & Carlé, B. (2012). Media reporting of nuclear emergencies: The effects of transparent communication in a minor nuclear event (pdf). Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 20(1), 52-63.
- Perko, T. (2012). The Role of Mass Media and Journalism in Risk Communication (pdf). Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism, 2(2)
- Perko, T., Turcanu, C., & Geenen, D. (2012). Media reporting and changes in public opinion after Fukushima nuclear accident: Belgium as case study (pdf). International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, 3(4), 291-307.
- Esser, F., de Vreese, C. H., Strömbäck, J., van Aelst, P., Aalberg, T., Stanyer, J., ... & Reinemann, C. (2012). Political Information Opportunities in Europe A Longitudinal and Comparative Study of Thirteen Television Systems. (pdf) The International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(3), 247-274.
- Van Aelst, P., Sheafer, T., & Stanyer, J. (2012). The personalization of mediated political communication: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings. (pdf) Journalism, 13(2), 203-220.
Book chapters
- Vliegenthart, R. & Walgrave, S. (2012). The Interdependency of Mass Media and Social Movements. In: H. Semetko & M. Scammell (Eds.). Handbook of Political Communication. Sage, London, p. 387-398.
Various (reports, unpublished manuscripts,...)
Turcanu, C. & Perko, T. (2012). Attitude towards nuclear energy: focus on the young generation (pdf). Open Report of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre; BLG-1088, 17.
Conference papers
- Cantone M., Perko T., Turcanu C., Prezelj I., Tavola F. & Sturloni G. (2012). The Fukushima accident : content analysis of the media in three European countries. AIRP Atti del XXXV Congresso Nazionale di Radioprotezione, Radiation Protection Society, 17 October 2012 - 19 October 2012, Venezia, Italy.
- Perko, T. & Turcanu, C. (2012). Media attention to nuclear accidents: Fukushima as a case study. European nuclear conference 2012, 9 December 2012 - 12 December 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- De Swert, K. (2011). Where is the balance in the news? The determinants of balanced coverage of political news sources in television news (pdf). Universiteit Antwerpen.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Hopmann, D. N., Van Aelst, P., & Legnante, G. (2011). Political balance in the news: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings (pdf). Journalism, 1464884911427804.
- Lefevere, J., De Swert, K., & Walgrave, S. (2011). Effects of Popular Exemplars in Television News (pdf). Communication Research, 39: 103-119.
- Perko, T. (2011). Importance of risk communication during and after a nuclear accident (pdf). Integrated environmental assessment and management, 7(3), 388-392.
- Perko, T., Turcanu, C., & Carl?, B. (2011). Risk communication in nuclear emergency management: an experiment with media news (pdf). International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, 3(3), 217-233.
- De Swert, K., & Wouters, R. (2011). The coverage of China in Belgian television news: a case study on the impact of foreign correspondents on news content (pdf). Chinese Journal of Communication, 4(3), 331-347.
- Van Aelst, P., & Walgrave, S. (2011). Minimal or Massive? The Political Agenda–Setting Power of the Mass Media According to Different Methods (pdf). International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(3), 295-316.
Articles without peer review
- Turcanu, C., Perko, T., Carlé, B.& Schröder, J. (2011). Public acceptance of radio contamination in food products: what can we learn for a better decision-making? (pdf) Annalen van de Belgische Vereniging voor Stralingsbescherming, 35(1), 193-202
Various (reports, unpublished manuscripts,...)
- Perko, T., Turcanu, C., Geenen, D., Mamane, N., & Van Rooy, L. (2011). Media content analysis of the Fukushima accident in two Belgian newspapers (pdf). Open Report of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre; BLG-1084.
- Perko, T., Turcanu, C., Carlé, B., & Vidmar, T. (2011). How transparent is transparent enough? A case study of a minor nuclear event. Nuclear Energy-Global Trends and Perspectives in South East Europe (pdf). Podgorica, Montenegro, 10-12.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Aalberg, T., Van Aelst, P., & Curran, J. (2010). Media systems and the political information environment: A cross-national comparison (pdf). The International Journal of Press/Politics, 15(3), 255-271.
- De Swert, K., & Hooghe, M. (2010). When Do Women Get a Voice? Explaining the Presence of Female News Sources in Belgian News Broadcasts (2003—5) (pdf). European Journal of Communication, 25(1), 69-84.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Walgrave, S., Lefevere, J. & Nuytemans, M. (2009). Issue Ownership Stability and Change. How political parties claim and maintain issues through media appearances (pdf). Political Communication, 26 (1): 153-172.
- Vliegenthart, R. & Walgrave, S. (2009). The contingency of intermedia agenda-setting. A longitudinal study in Belgium (pdf). Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 85 (4): 860-877.
- Vliegenthart, R., & Walgrave, S. (2009). Média et politique Les conditions de l’effet des médias sur l’agenda parlementaire Belge (pdf). Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 16 (3): 423-440.
Book chapters
- Walgrave, S., Lefevere, J. (2009). Do the media shape parties’ preferences? An empirical study of party manifestoes in Belgium (1987-2003) (pdf). In: S. Koch-Baumgarten & K. Voltmer (eds.). Public Policy and the Media. The Interplay of Mass Communication and Political Decision Making. Routledge: London.
- Wouters, R. (2009). The Nature of Foreign News. Conceptual Considerations about Analyzing Foreign News over Time (pdf). In: A. Stepinska (ed.). News in Europe, Europe on News. Logos Verlag: Berlin, 43-62.
Articles without peer review
- Hooghe, M. & De Swert, K. (2009). Gender Model or Job Model? (pdf) Media Report to Women, 37 (1): 13-21.
Various (reports, unpublished manuscripts,...)
- Wouters, R., De Swert, K. & Walgrave, S. (2009). Een venster op de wereld. De actuele staat van buitenlandberichtgeving: feiten, impact en actieruimte (pdf). Vlaams Vredesinstituut: Brussel.
Working papers
Peer-reviewed articles
- Walgrave, S., Soroka, S. & Nuytemans, M. (2008). The mass media's political agenda-setting power. A longitudinal analysis of media. parliament and government in Belgium (1993-2000) (pdf). Comparative Political Studies, 41 (6): 814-836.
- Walgrave, S. (2008). Again the almighty mass media. A subjective assessment of the media's political agenda-setting power by journalists and politicians in Belgium (pdf). Political Communication, 25 (4): 445-459.
- Van Aelst, P., Maddens, B., Noppe, J. & Fiers, S. (2008). Politicians in the news: media or party logic? Media attention and electoral success in the Belgian election campaign of 2003 (pdf). European Journal of Communication, 23 (2): 193-210.
- Van Aelst, P., Brants, K., Van Praag, P., De Vreese, C., Nuytemans, M. & Van Dalen, A. (2008). The Fourth Estate as Superpower? An empirical study on perceptions of media power in Belgium and the Netherlands (pdf). Journalism Studies, 9 (4): 494-511.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Walgrave, S. & De Swert, K. (2007). Where does issue ownership come from? From the party or from the media? Issue-party identifications in Belgium (1991-2005) (pdf). The International Journal of Press and Politics, 12 (1): 37-67.
- Hooghe, M., De Swert, K. & Walgrave, S. (2007). De kwaliteit van het nieuws. Kwaliteitsindicatoren voor de televisieverslaggeving (pdf). Acco: Leuven.
Various (reports, unpublished manuscripts,...)
- Lardon, S. (2007). Monitor Diversiteit 2007: Kwantitatieve studie naar zichtbaarheid van diversiteit op het Vlaamse scherm (pdf). VRT-studiedienst ism Universiteit Antwerpen en de onderzoeksgroep ENA.
- Van Aelst, P. (2006). Toeschouwer, speler of scheidsrechter: een empirische studie over de rol van de media in de verkiezingscampagne van 2003 (pdf). Universiteit Antwerpen.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Walgrave, S. & Van Aelst, P. (2006). The Contingency of the Mass Media's Political Agenda Setting Power. Towards A Preliminary Theory. (pdf) Journal of Communication, 56: 88-109.
Book chapters
- Hooghe, M., De Swert, K. & Walgrave, S. (2005). Het leven zoals het is? Televisienieuws en onze kijk op de werkelijkheid. In: M. Hooghe, K. De Swert & S. Walgrave (eds.). Nieuws of televisie. Televisiejournaals als venster op de wereld. Acco: Leuven.
- Walgrave, S. & De Swert, K. (2005). De 'kanseliersbonus' revisited. Over de dominante aanwezigheid van de regering en de premier in het TV-nieuws (pdf). In: M. Hooghe, K. De Swert & S. Walgrave (eds.). Nieuws of televisie. Televisiejournaals als venster op de wereld. Acco: Leuven, 79-98.
- Walgrave, S. & Nuytemans, M. (2005). De rol van de media in de politiekeagendasetting. In: S. Walgrave, L. De Winter & M. Nuytemans (eds.). Politieke-agendasetting in België (1991-2000). De moeilijke dialoog tussen publieke opinie, media en het politieke systeem. Academia Press: Gent, 99-122.
Conference papers
- Walgrave, S. & Verhulst, J. (2005). The 2003 Iraqi war in the media: Politics, media, and public opinion in eight countries APSA Political Communication conference on International Communication and Conflict (pdf). 31 August 2005, Washington, D.C.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Walgrave, S. & De Swert, K. (2004). The making of the (issues of the) Vlaams Blok. The media and the success of the Belgian extreme-right party (pdf). Political Communication, 21: 479-500.
Articles without peer review
- Jagers, J. & Walgrave, S. (2003). Politiek gaat over de mensen. Populistische retoriek bij de Vlaamse politieke partijen (pdf). Samenleving en Politiek, 10.
Book chapters
- Walgrave, S. & Van Aelst, P. (2002). Wij zeggen wat u denkt. Over de politieke communicatie van het Vlaams Blok. In: B. Van den Broeck & M.-C. Foblets (eds.). Het failliet van de integratie? Het multiculturalismedebat in Vlaanderen. Acco: Leuven, 221-227.
Peer-reviewed articles
- De Swert, K. & Walgrave, S. (2002). De kanseliersbonus in de Vlaamse pers. Een onderzoek naar regering en oppositie in drie Vlaamse kranten (1991-2000) (pdf). Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 23 (3/4): 371-403.
Articles without peer review
- Walgrave, S. & De Swert, K. (2002). Does news content matter? The contribution of the News media in the Making of the Issues of the Vlaams Blok (pdf). Ethical perspectives, 9 (4): 249-275.
- Walgrave, S. & De Swert, K. (2002). Doet het er toe welk nieuws er gebracht wordt? De invloed van de nieuwsmedia op de agenda-setting ten gunste van het Vlaams Blok (pdf). Ethische Perspectieven, 12: 122-151.
Articles without peer review
- Manssens, J. & Walgrave, S. (1998). Populair en/of kwaliteit? De Vlaamse pers over de zaak-Dutroux (pdf), 2.