Several plasma reactors used for sustainable chemistry / gas conversion applications
e.g., conversion of CO2, CH4 and N2 into value-added chemicals, fuels or fertilizer precursors, H2 synthesis from hydrocarbons or from NH3, etc.
Instrument specifications:
- Gliding Arc Plasmatron (GAP) reactor;
- Rotating Gliding Arc (RGA) plasma reactor;
- Dual Vortex Plasmatron (DVP), home-built – based on our computer modelling;
- Several Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge (APGD) reactors, some built in collaboration with Ghent University, others home-built;
- Several microwave (MW) plasma reactors;
- Several dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma reactors, home-built;
- Several plasma arc reactors, home-built.
These plasma reactors are powered with various power supplies, from AFS, Technix, TREK, or home-built.
They are combined with several electrical characterisation tools, and with the following analytical equipment for gas analysis:
- Several gas chromatographs;
- Several non-dispersive infrared/ultraviolet (NDIR/UV) spectrometers;
- Several optical sensors;
- Mass spectrometer (from Hiden);
- FTIR spectrometer (from Bruker).
Several plasma jet and DBD setups for plasma medicine
These plasma setups are used for the treatment of cancer, in vitro (2D cell cultures and 3D tumor models), in ovo, and in vivo, and for virus killing.
Instrument specifications:
- Micro-plasma jet built at Bochum University, as EU COST reference jet;
- kINPen plasma jet (both kINPen IND and kINPen MED), from Neoplas GmbH, Germany;
- Floating electrode DBD built at Nyheim Plasma Institute, Drexel University, USA;
- Plasma jet and DBD built at the Plasma Bioscience Research Center, South-Korea.
Contact persons:
Annemie Bogaerts: +32-(0)3-265.23.77,
Karen Leyssens: +32-(0)3-265.23.53,
Karel Venken: +32-(0)3-265.23.43,
Priyanka Shaw: +32-(0)3-265.10.94,