This page gives an overview of the main equipment of the Experimental Laboratory of Translational Neuroscience and Otolaryngology. We always welcome cooperation with other departments, universities and industry.
Video-EEG monitoring system
Surgical set-up with gas anaesthesia for stereotaxical implantation of surface and depth electrodes. Video-EEG recording set-up (Ponemah, Data Science International) for monitoring up to 18 rodents simultaneously under awake and freely moving conditions. This set-up is mostly used for epilepsy research, but also of interest for other neurophysiological applications in rodents. Neuroscore seizures analysis software is available for automated detection of spontaneous epileptic seizures.
Behavioural testing
Acoustic startle boxes (Kinder Scientific) for prepulse inhibition tests (e.g. schizophrenia models) or gap prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle (GPIAS, tinnitus models).
Further, the lab is equipped with a 4x8 photobeam based locomotor activity system (San Diego Instruments, USA) for measuring locomotion in 8 animals simultaneously, forced swim test and sugar preference test.
Audioboxes for electrophysiological measurements
These audioboxes are fully sound proof and equipped with precision electrophysiological equipment (BioGen and BioSig acquisition software, Tucker Davis Technologies). They are used for several applications such as acoustic brain response (ABR), distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), audiogenic seizures and vocalization experiments in rodents.
Autoradiograpy and histology
Fully equipped lab for in situ 3H and 14C autoradiography on brain sections, film development and digital FLA7000 phosphorimager system. Cryostat (Prosan) for sectioning of frozen samples, light microscopy with digital camera and basic immunohistochemistry and histology staining.