8 results found

Posters | Health in Congolese artisanal and small-scale mines | University of Antwerp

Health in Congolese artisanal and small-scale mines search menu search content Posters Soma kwa kiswahili Posters kiswahili Lisez en ligne en français Posters français EN On the basis of our findings we developed health education materials, such as these seven posters on different health effects, …


Publications | Health in Congolese artisanal and small-scale mines | University of Antwerp

Health in Congolese artisanal and small-scale mines search menu search content Publications Read the articles (English) here Lisez les papiers (français) ici Pakua muhtasari wa kiswahili hapa EN We published seven working papers in French and six articles in English in a special issue of The Extrac…


Publications Monica van den Berg | Monica van den Berg | University of Antwerp

Monica van den Berg senior researcher - academic interim staff postdoc Publications Monica van den Berg Recurrence quantification analysis of rs-fMRI data : a method to detect subtle changes in the TgF344-AD rat model Source Computer methods and programs in biomedicine - ISSN 0169-2607-257 (2024) p.…


Publications Jan Vermorken | Jan Vermorken | University of Antwerp

Jan Vermorken emeritus occasional assignment Publications Jan Vermorken Season of radiotherapy and outcomes of head & neck cancer patients in the MACH-NC & MARCH meta-analyses Source Radiotherapy and oncology - ISSN 0167-8140-190 (2024) p. 1-7 Author(s) Elaine Limkin, Pierre Blanchard, Benjamin Laca…


2005-2006 | Institute of Jewish Studies | University of Antwerp

Institute of Jewish Studies search menu search content 2005-2006 Program 1st semester Inaugural lecture: An Old-New Language: Hebrew from 'saba' to 'sababa': October 27th 2005 Prof. Dr. Dorit Ravid - Tel Aviv University Het concept 'joods': Novemer 3th 2005 Prof. dr. Julien Klener Het verlangen naar…


Publications Julie van der Zee | Julie van der Zee | University of Antwerp

Julie van der Zee associate professor - guest professor Publications Julie van der Zee Genome-wide analyses reveal a potential role for the MAPT, MOBP, and APOE loci in sporadic frontotemporal dementia Source The American journal of human genetics - ISSN 0002-9297-111:7 (2024) p. 1316-1329 Author(s)…


Publications Rosa Rademakers | Rosa Rademakers | University of Antwerp

Rosa Rademakers full research professor Publications Rosa Rademakers Visualization and analysis of medically relevant tandem repeats in nanopore sequencing of control cohorts with pathSTR Source Genome research - ISSN 1088-9051- (2024) p. 1-8 Author(s) Wouter De Coster, Ida Höijer, Inge Bruggeman, …


DRC Visits | Visites en RDC | Driving change | University of Antwerp

Driving change search menu search content DRC Visits | Visites en RDC Recherche dans le Lualaba et Sud-Kivu en début 2023 Photo de l'équipe de Lubumbashi Des membres de l'équipe de Lubumbashi Des membres de l'équipe de Lubumbashi Vue d'une certaine distance d'un site minier artisanal près de Ko…
