8 results found

Human (Homo sapiens) | Biophysics and Biomedical Physics | University of Antwerp

Biophysics and Biomedical Physics search menu search content Human (Homo sapiens) Geometric data from De Greef et al. 2014 Geometric data from De Greef et al. 2014 (http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.heares.2014.03.002) Name Type Download Malleus stl Download (zip 120kB) Malleus Anterior Ligament stl D…


2013 | Antwerp Centre of Evolutionary Demography | University of Antwerp

Antwerp Centre of Evolutionary Demography search menu search content 2013 Wie is de homo sapiens. By C. Declerck. 'Wie is de homo sapiens?' Inzichten uit de psychologie en neurowetenschappen, Carolyn Declerck, Acco.be. ISBN: 9789033493218 https://www.acco.be/nl-be/items/9789033493218/Wie-is-de-homo-…


Film 'Sous l'Etoile d'Or' | Diversity and inclusion | University of Antwerp

Diversity and inclusion search menu search content Film 'Sous l'Etoile d'Or' In 1939, Belgian filmmaker Hélène Schirren made this promotional film about the Belgian Colonial College founded in 1920. This building is currently the University of Antwerp’s Rector’s Office on Campus Middelheim. Th…


Film 'Sous l'Etoile d'Or' | Aula Lumumba | University of Antwerp

Aula Lumumba search menu search content Film 'Sous l'Etoile d'Or' In 1939, Belgian filmmaker Hélène Schirren made this promotional film about the Belgian Colonial College founded in 1920. This building is currently the University of Antwerp’s Rector’s Office on Campus Middelheim. The historica…


Film 'Sous l'Etoile d'Or' | Auditorium Lumumba | University of Antwerp

Auditorium Lumumba search menu search content Film 'Sous l'Etoile d'Or' En 1939, la cinéaste belge Hélène Schirren a réalisé ce film promotionnel sur la Haute-École coloniale, une institution fondée en 1920 et qui abrite aujourd’hui le rectorat de l’Université d’Anvers, sur le campus d…


Research expertise | Centre for Ethics | University of Antwerp

Centre for Ethics search menu search content Research expertise Bauwens Michaël Historical and contemporary research in ethics and metaphysics. Technique Conceptual analysis, thought experiments. Users General audience interested in philosophical questions. Keywords Metaphysics, Relation church-sta…


Research Stijn Wittouck | Stijn Wittouck | University of Antwerp

Stijn Wittouck postdoc researcher FWO Research Stijn Wittouck Research team Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (LAMB) Expertise My area of expertise is computational microbiology, more specifically the analysis of genome, amplicon and metagenome sequencing data of bacteria with the…


Testimonials of exchange students | Medicine and Health Sciences | University of Antwerp

Medicine and Health Sciences Testimonials of exchange students Testimonials of exchange students The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences welcomes exchange students from all over the world. Find out what they think about our programmes and what they have to say about their experience in Antwerp. …
