10 results found
Lament | Centre for the study of bible, culture and modernity | University of Antwerp
Centre for the study of bible, culture and modernity search menu search content Lament Klage/Eicha. Lament in Jewish Thought Conference "Klage/Eicha. Lament in Jewish Thought" University of Antwerp, February 6-8, 2013 Lament, mourning, and the transmissibility of a tradition in the aftermath of dest…
Lament in Jewish Thought | Centre for the study of bible, culture and modernity | University of Antwerp
Centre for the study of bible, culture and modernity search menu search content Lament in Jewish Thought Lament in Jewish Thought. Philosophical, Theological, and Literary Perspectives Lament in Jewish Thought. Philosophical, Theological, and Literary Perspectives Ed. by Ferber, Ilit / Schwebel, Pau…
German-Jewish Thought and Its Afterlife - Vivian Liska | Institute of Jewish Studies | University of Antwerp
Institute of Jewish Studies search menu search content German-Jewish Thought and Its Afterlife - Vivian Liska German-Jewish Thought and Its Afterlife: A Tenuous Legacy (Vivian Liska) In German-Jewish Thought and Its Afterlife, Vivian Liska innovatively focuses on the changing form, fate and function…
2003-2004 | Institute of Jewish Studies | University of Antwerp
Institute of Jewish Studies search menu search content 2003-2004 Program 1st semester Inaugural lecture: Eeuwigheid, dood en grammatica: Jiddische poëzie uit de 20e eeuw: October 23th 2003 Willy Brill - vertaalster Freud en de godsdienst: een psychoanalytisch alternatief voor het religieuze geloof?…
"What do I have in common with Jews?" | Institute of Jewish Studies | University of Antwerp
Institute of Jewish Studies search menu search content "What do I have in common with Jews?" New Readings of Kafka One Hundred Years after his Death On the occasion of the centennial of Kafka’s death a three-day symposium at the University of Antwerp from June 16-18, 2024 will explore new approach…
"What do I have in common with Jews?" | European Philosophy and Jewish Tradition | University of Antwerp
European Philosophy and Jewish Tradition search menu search content "What do I have in common with Jews?" New Readings of Kafka One Hundred Years after his Death On the occasion of the centennial of Kafka’s death a three-day symposium at the University of Antwerp from June 16-18, 2024 will explore…
Upcoming Events | European Philosophy and Jewish Tradition | University of Antwerp
European Philosophy and Jewish Tradition search menu search content Upcoming Events Internationaler Franz Rosenzweig-Kongress / International Franz Rosenzweig Congress “Rosenzweig und …: Rosenzweig in Beziehung zu anderen Denker:innen / Rosenzweig and …: Rosenzweig in Relation to Other Thinker…
Hermann Broch | Institute of Jewish Studies | University of Antwerp
Institute of Jewish Studies search menu search content Hermann Broch Aspekte jüdischen Denkens im Werk Hermann Brochs Conference in German, in memoriam Jean-Paul Bier Participation is free To register for (part of) this conference, click here. Conference organized by the Internationaler Arbeitskrei…
Publications Vivian Liska | Vivian Liska | University of Antwerp
Vivian Liska emeritus with assignment Publications Vivian Liska Monographs, edited books and special issues Liska, Vivian, "Prekäres Erbe. Deutsch-jüdisches Denken und sein Fortleben", Göttingen, Wallstein, 2021, 263 p., ISBN 978-3-8353-5005-2. Liska, Vivian, Vladimir Biti, Joep Leerssen [eds.], …
Research Vivian Liska | Vivian Liska | University of Antwerp
Vivian Liska emeritus with assignment Research Vivian Liska Research team Antwerp Centre for Digital humanities and literary Criticism (ACDC) Institute of Jewish Studies Expertise Focusing on Jewish Studies in the broadest sense of the concept and approaching this research era from a multitude of pe…