14 results found
Board | Biomab | University of Antwerp
Biomab search menu search content Board Prof. Dr. Francis Van Glabbeek, Adjunct Diensthoofd Orthopedie UZA, Antwerps Chirurgisch Training, Anatomie en Onderzoekscentrum, UAntwerpen - Voorzitter BIOMAB Dr. Ann Van de Velde, Kliniekhoofd Hematologie UZA, Voorzitter AEIMS en Lid van Commissie Cultuu…
News and activities | Biomab | University of Antwerp
Biomab search menu search content News and activities AEIMS/MAA Congress, London, 2-3 Oct 2024 Registration link Historiek Dissectietekendagen 22 maa 2024: 18de Dissectie Tekendag (Hybride) + Filosofisch debat "Het lichaam binnen de performancekunst" - Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunste…
Overview | Antwerp Time Machine | University of Antwerp
Antwerp Time Machine search menu search content Overview Overview partners Currently, the Antwerp Time Machine consists of the following partners: University of Antwerp - Academic partners Centre for Urban History (CSG) Antwerp Centre for Digital Humanities and Literary Criticim (ACDC) Computational…
Publications Cathy Berx | Cathy Berx | University of Antwerp
Cathy Berx associate professor Publications Cathy Berx Recht van gedecentraliseerd(e) besturen Source Leuven, Acco Learn, 2022,441 p. Author(s) Cathy Berx Citation link Machtig vuur : over de kracht en de beheersing ervan in sterk verander(en)de tijden: openingsrede Source Provincie Antwerpen, 2021,…
In situ macro X-ray fluorescence scanning of paintings | Antwerp X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy laboratory | University of Antwerp
Antwerp X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy laboratory search menu search content In situ macro X-ray fluorescence scanning of paintings During a MA-XRF experiment, the painting is excited by an X-ray millibeam to emit X-ray fluorescence radiation. Via the energy of the recorded fluorescence radiation th…
Commonism | Culture Commons Quest Office | University of Antwerp
Culture Commons Quest Office search menu search content Commonism A New Aesthetics of the Real After half a century of neoliberalism, a new radical, practice-based ideology is making its way from the margins: commonism, with an o in the middle. It is based on the values of sharing, common (intellect…
Dissertations | Center for European Philosophy | University of Antwerp
Center for European Philosophy search menu search content Dissertations Dissertations in preparation Harriët Bergman, Pride as a Political Emotion. Taking Pride and the Politics of Recognition beyond the Confines of Identity Politics. Supervisors: Guy Vanheeswijck & Herbert De Vriese Linde De Vroey…
Reflection mid-infrared scanning of paintings | Antwerp X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy laboratory | University of Antwerp
Antwerp X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy laboratory search menu search content Reflection mid-infrared scanning of paintings By means of macroscopic scanning reflection FTIR spectroscopy, it is possible to record highly specific distribution maps of organic and inorganic compounds from flat, macroscop…
Antwerp HeArts | Antwerp HeArts | University of Antwerp
Antwerp HeArts search search content Antwerp HeArts Healthcare for Artists Antwerp HeArts? Antwerp HeArts (Healthcare for Artists) is the multidisciplinary centre of expertise for the prevention and treatment of artists’ diseases. It was founded by the Antwerp University Hospital (UZA) and the Uni…
Past activities | Center for European Philosophy | University of Antwerp
Center for European Philosophy search menu search content Past activities 2022 Lecture Series: Philosophical Sources of European Identity. University of Antwerp, spring semester 2022. More information. Fourth Antwerp Philosophy Nocturne. University of Antwerp, March 26. More information. 2021 Radio …
Smart Light | Smart Light | University of Antwerp
Smart Light search menu search content Smart Light AXIS Smart*Light: grensoverschrijdend onderzoek voor hoog-innovatieve röntgenoplossingen In onderzoeksproject Smart*Light wordt een compacte en verplaatsbare bron van zeer heldere röntgenstraling met instelbare golflengte ontwikkeld, een ‘tafelm…
Ideeën-arm Vlaanderen | Centre for Urban History | University of Antwerp
Centre for Urban History search menu search content Ideeën-arm Vlaanderen Mag er nog gelachen worden om Het Verhaal van Vlaanderen? Jeroen Puttevils, Tim Soens, Peter Stabel (Centrum voor Stadsgeschiedenis, Universiteit Antwerpen) Dit is een meer uitgebreide versie van de column “Geschiedenis is …
PhD defences | Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts | University of Antwerp
Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts search menu search content PhD defences Attend a phd defence or find the archive of concluded doctoral research Disarming Design - Politics of participatory practices - Annelys de Vet (29/11/2024) Annelys de Vet 29 November 2024, Sint Lucas School of Arts (Sho…
Publications Vivian Liska | Vivian Liska | University of Antwerp
Vivian Liska emeritus with assignment Publications Vivian Liska Monographs, edited books and special issues Liska, Vivian, "Prekäres Erbe. Deutsch-jüdisches Denken und sein Fortleben", Göttingen, Wallstein, 2021, 263 p., ISBN 978-3-8353-5005-2. Liska, Vivian, Vladimir Biti, Joep Leerssen [eds.], …