3 results found

Vaccination programs in Europe, lessons learnt and the way forward (EUSUHM 2017) | HPV Prevention and Control Board | University of Antwerp

HPV Prevention and Control Board search menu search content Vaccination programs in Europe, lessons learnt and the way forward (EUSUHM 2017) Mind the gap! EUSUHM Congress Youth Health Care in Europe, 6-8 September 2017 Workshop 5: HPV vaccination programs in Europe, lessons learnt and the way forwar…


2020 | Antwerp Centre for Entrepreneurship Research | University of Antwerp

Antwerp Centre for Entrepreneurship Research search menu search content 2020 Surviving the emotional rollercoaster called entrepreneurship: the role of emotion regulation De Cock R., Denoo L., & Clarysse B. (2020) Surviving the emotional rollercoaster called entrepreneurship: the role of emotion reg…


On Beckett's works | The Samuel Beckett Endpage | University of Antwerp

The Samuel Beckett Endpage search menu search content On Beckett's works Forthcoming Little, James. The Making of Samuel Beckett's 'Not I' / 'Pas moi', 'That Time' / 'Cette fois' and 'Footfalls' / 'Pas'. University Press Antwerp & Bloomsbury, Winter 2021. Moorjani, Angela. Beckett and Buddhism. Camb…
