7 results found

Andere D-A-CH Veranstaltungen | Deutschcafé | University of Antwerp

Deutschcafé search menu search content Andere D-A-CH Veranstaltungen Das Deutschcafé empfiehlt außerdem noch diese Veranstaltungen: Die Veranstaltungen des Österreichischen Kulturforums Brüssel (Facebook) Die Veranstaltungen des Goethe-Instituts in Brüssel Die Veranstaltungen des Österreichze…


Publications Ferdiana Hoti Krasniqi | Ferdiana Hoti Krasniqi | University of Antwerp

Ferdiana Hoti Krasniqi unpaid staff Publications Ferdiana Hoti Krasniqi Communication of uncertainties in radiological risk situations Source Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Sciences, 2023,391 p. Author(s) Ferdiana Hoti, Peter Thijssen, Tanja Perko…


Publications Hugo Robles Díez | Hugo Robles Díez | University of Antwerp

Hugo Robles Díez unpaid staff Publications Hugo Robles Díez Phenotypic and environmental correlates of natal dispersal movements in fragmented landscapes Source Landscape ecology - ISSN 0921-2973-37:11 (2022) p. 2819-2833 Author(s) Hugo Robles Díez, Carlos Ciudad, Zeno Porro, Julien Fattebert, Gi…


Meysman Filip | Microbial Systems Technology | University of Antwerp

Microbial Systems Technology search menu search content Meysman Filip Division of labor and growth during electrical cooperation in multicellular cable bacteria Geerlings, Nicole M.J.; Karman, Cheryl; Trashin, Stanislav; As, Karel S.; Kienhuis, Michiel V.M.; Hidalgo Martinez, Silvia; Vasquez-Cardena…


2013 - Selected publications | Antwerp Centre of Evolutionary Demography | University of Antwerp

Antwerp Centre of Evolutionary Demography search menu search content 2013 - Selected publications Selected publications 2013 Selected peer reviewed scientific journal publications Boone Christophe, Wezel Filippo C. & van Witteloostuijn Arjen (2013).- Joining the pack or going solo? A dynamic theory …


Public Opinion, Voting & Campaigns | Media, Movements and Politics | University of Antwerp

Media, Movements and Politics search menu search content Public Opinion, Voting & Campaigns Public Opinion, Voting & Campaigns 2023 Van Erkel, P. F. (2023). The odd one out: The influence of ideological positioning on individual electoral success. Party Politics, 29(1), 65-76. Muric, M., Thijssen, P…


7th Entrepreneurial Finance Association (ENTFIN) Conference | Antwerp Centre for Entrepreneurship Research | University of Antwerp

Antwerp Centre for Entrepreneurship Research search menu search content 7th Entrepreneurial Finance Association (ENTFIN) Conference 5-7 July, 2023, Antwerp, Belgium Call for Papers Following the success of prior ENTFIN conferences, the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp i…
