4 results found

Regulating services | Ecoplan | University of Antwerp

Ecoplan search menu search content Regulating services Regulating services Pollination Pollination by insects (mainly honeybees and bumblebees) is an essential ecosystem service for the cultivation of fruit (like apples, pears, cherries, strawberries), vegetables (like tomatoes, eggplant, paprika), …


Research Ruurd van Diggelen | Ruurd van Diggelen | University of Antwerp

Ruurd van Diggelen Research Ruurd van Diggelen Research team Geobiology Eco-hydrological analysis and field experiments (ANTHROPOFENS). 08/04/2021 - 07/04/2026 Abstract Before restoration attempts of degraded wetlands are carried out, it is essential to first analyze the functioning of such systems …


Coastal and River Basin Management | Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development | University of Antwerp

Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development search menu search content Coastal and River Basin Management Nature-based solutions, ecosystem functioning, estuaries, (eco)toxicology, economics, ecosystem services, drought/flood risk management. Research groups Ecosphere Centre for Urban Histo…


Public defences 2023 | Science | University of Antwerp

Science Public defences 2023 Attend a phd defence or search the archive of concluded doctoral research Public defences 2023 Attend a phd defence or search the archive of concluded doctoral research Machine learning for vibrational circular dichroism: Constructing novel and accelerating established a…
