16 results found
Research Jonathan Schenk | Jonathan Schenk | University of Antwerp
Jonathan Schenk predoc researcher FWO Research Jonathan Schenk Research team Government and Law Personal Rights and Property Rights A choice of law rule for the proprietary aspects of B2B transactions as a step further in the EU harmonisation process. 01/11/2021 - 30/11/2025 Abstract Yearly, billion…
Research Rick Faust | Rick Faust | University of Antwerp
Rick Faust doctoral scholarship holder Research Rick Faust Research team Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences (ARCHES) Centre for Urban History Cherchez la femme: Women and the Boom of Antiques in Belgium (c. 1880 – c. 1940). 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2028 Abstract Cherchez la femme studies the boom in the…
Jonathan Schenk | Government and Law | University of Antwerp
Government and Law search menu search content Jonathan Schenk Jonathan Schenk has been a PhD researcher at the University of Antwerp’s Law Faculty since 2019. After working as a teaching and research assistant for prof. dr. N. Carette in property law (2019-2020) and prof. dr. J. Meeusen in EU law …
Conference on Platform Economy and Transport Law | Business and Law | University of Antwerp
Business and Law search menu search content Conference on Platform Economy and Transport Law 21-22 September 2023, University of Antwerp Full title: The Future of Law in the Age of Disruptive Technology. Navigating the Platform Economy and Transport Law The rapid advancement of disruptive technologi…
About Shock Cities - Research | Shock Cities | University of Antwerp
Shock Cities search menu search content About Shock Cities - Research Research outline Central in this project are the late medieval food crises in an urban environment. For an urban environment, the focus is on five cities in and near the Flemish county. To get a better understanding of these food …
Previous editions | TransportNET | University of Antwerp
TransportNET search menu search content Previous editions Antwerp Rail School Programme 2023 Antwerp Rail School 24-29 April 2023 - University of Antwerp Date Topic Time Subject Speaker Monday 24 April (Location: Brussels South Station, Frankrijkstraat 91 ) Setting the scene: the strategic challenge…
Research Nicolas Carette | Nicolas Carette | University of Antwerp
Nicolas Carette professor Research Nicolas Carette Research team Personal Rights and Property Rights Expertise Publications (esp) on construction law (e.g. Handbook Construction Law, 2013) A choice of law rule for the proprietary aspects of B2B transactions as a step further in the EU harmonisation …
Research Ulrike Müller | Ulrike Müller | University of Antwerp
Ulrike Müller assistant professor - senior researcher Research Ulrike Müller Research team Centre for Urban History Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences (ARCHES) Expertise Ulrike Müller specializes in the history and theory of collections and museums. She holds a joint PhD in art and cultural histo…
Ongoing doctoral research | Antwerp Tax Academy | University of Antwerp
Antwerp Tax Academy search menu search content Ongoing doctoral research Some of ATA's members are currently preparing a PhD. Below is a list of the doctoral research being carried out at the moment - click on a title to view a summary of the research. Unless indicated ontherwise, the research is co…
Research Johan Meeusen | Johan Meeusen | University of Antwerp
Johan Meeusen full professor Research Johan Meeusen Research team Government and Law Expertise Legal consult, research projects and research and educational assistance on EU law and private international law. Towards Universal Parenthood in Europe (UniPAR). 01/02/2024 - 31/01/2026 Abstract The inter…
Research Ilja Van Damme | Ilja Van Damme | University of Antwerp
Ilja Van Damme professor Research Ilja Van Damme Research team Centre for Urban History Expertise Antwerp Time Machine - Spatial History - Urban History - History of urban life, culture, and creativity - History of consumption - History of retailing and shopping Cherchez la femme: Women and the Boom…
Analyses and Policy Briefs | Institute of Development Policy | University of Antwerp
Institute of Development Policy Analyses and Policy Briefs Analyses and Policy Briefs Analyses and Policy Briefs are crisp and sharp briefs that offer analysis and/or policy recommendations, and generally make reference to more extensive IOB research outputs. These are typically two- or four-pagers …
Research Walter Daelemans | Walter Daelemans | University of Antwerp
Walter Daelemans full professor Research Walter Daelemans Research team Centre for Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics (CLiPS) Antwerp Centre for Digital humanities and literary Criticism (ACDC) Expertise Development of systems for natural language processing / Computer…
Ongoing and past projects | Centre for Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Sociolinguistics | University of Antwerp
Centre for Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Sociolinguistics search menu search content Ongoing and past projects Ongoing projects The digital literacy of seniors: The appropriation of interactive social media writing at an older age. 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2028 Abstract Social media su…
Projects | Government and Law | University of Antwerp
Government and Law search menu search content Projects Here you can find a chronological overview of the projects investigated by our research group. Ongoing projects Communication as a driver of trust in the judiciary and for sustainable compliance with the law? 15/09/2024 - 14/09/2029 Abstract The…
Academic Projects - Centre for Urban History | Centre for Urban History | University of Antwerp
Centre for Urban History search menu search content Academic Projects - Centre for Urban History Ongoing projects The Financial Inclusion of Migrants: The case study of Nineteenth century Antwerp. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2027 Abstract During the 19th century, millions of people moved from the countryside…