320 results found

FAQ | University of Antwerp

FAQ General information Can I do a study exchange when there is no exchange agreement with my home institution? No. To be eligible for an study exchange period at our university, it's essential that your institution has a valid bilateral exchange agreement with the University of Antwerp, as this all…


Event, conference or project site | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Event, conference or project site Your conference, event or project online? Organising a conference or major event? Working on an interesting project or research project? A good website is essential to let the world know about your event, conference or proj…


Joint or double PhD | Antwerp Doctoral School | University of Antwerp

Antwerp Doctoral School search menu search content Joint or double PhD Joint, double or multiple PhD A joint, a double or a multiple PhD is a PhD that is prepared at two or three universities (in Belgium or abroad). The minimum requirement is that the PhD researcher conducts at least six months of r…


Faculty of Design Sciences - History | Design Sciences | University of Antwerp

Design Sciences Faculty of Design Sciences - History Faculty of Design Sciences - History History The origins of the Faculty of Design Sciences can be traced back to the seventeenth century. In today's faculty, however, the only discipline that is directly associated with the Academy of Antwerp - hi…


Research Geert Van Raemdonck | Geert Van Raemdonck | University of Antwerp

Geert Van Raemdonck Research Geert Van Raemdonck Research team Identification of biomarkers using proteomics to detect cervical cancer. 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2013 Abstract Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus (mostly by "high risk" HPV-types 16, 18, 31, 45 en 58) and is worldwide the s…


The Spin Off | INSPIRE safety pharmacology | University of Antwerp

INSPIRE safety pharmacology search menu search content The Spin Off 15/12/2021 - Callan (ESR#10) In Safety Pharmacology, an important element of drug research and development, it is common practice to determine the blood concentration of a drug candidate over time. This is important information to u…


Research Group Meetings | EAUH2022 | University of Antwerp

EAUH2022 search menu search content Research Group Meetings Separate meetings on invitation German Gesellschaft für Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung (GSU, org. Sebastian Haumann) - Thursday September 1 - 13:-14:00 - K.101 Meeting CITYHIST BCN (org. Joan Roca i Albert) - Thursday Septembe…


Exhibitions - Heritage Library | Archives and Heritage | University of Antwerp

Archives and Heritage search menu search content Exhibitions - Heritage Library Exhibitions For more information, see separate exhibitions. Cookie prreferences Strictly necessary cookies They are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and can not be switched off. They are generally defi…


Competence-based testing | Centre of Expertise for Higher Education | University of Antwerp

Centre of Expertise for Higher Education search menu search content Competence-based testing It is not always clear to teachers what is meant by competence-based testing. There is thus also considerable uncertainty regarding whether a teacher’s own testing is or is not competence-based. In this ti…


Access to Career Center | Alumni | University of Antwerp

Alumni search menu search content Access to Career Center log in and get started for students and alumni for students and alumni from the Faculty of Economic Sciences for PhD (separate platform: PhD Talent Pool) for companies Cookie prreferences Strictly necessary cookies They are necessary for the …


Genetic research | IBB-Neurobiobank | University of Antwerp

IBB-Neurobiobank search menu search content Genetic research via University Hospital Antwerp - Center of Medical Genetics Genetic research on Neurodegenerative / Neuromuscular diseases WESDE: Gene panel ‘Dementia early onset’ (panel1) APP CSF1R ITM2B PRNP TBK1 VCP APOE FUS MAPT PSEN1 TREM2 CHCHD…


Equipment at laboratory for adsortpion and catalysis University of Antwerp | Laboratory of Adsorption and Catalysis | University of Antwerp

Laboratory of Adsorption and Catalysis search menu search content Equipment at laboratory for adsortpion and catalysis University of Antwerp Spectroscopic techniques At the laboratory of adsorption and catalysis there is different equipment available for analysis and testing of samples. Spectroscopi…


Departments, research groups and institutes - Faculty of Arts | Arts | University of Antwerp

Arts Departments, research groups and institutes - Faculty of Arts Departments, research groups and institutes - Faculty of Arts Departments The Faculty of Arts and Philosophy is divided into five departments and twelve research groups. In addition, there are several institutes, expertise centres an…


Organisational structure | Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences | University of Antwerp

Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences Organisational structure Organisational structure The Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences has a decentralised structure. The Dean is the head of the faculty, and receives support from the Dean's office. The Faculty Board is…


Abstract submission | Second neurodevelopmental disorders conference: ADNP and more | University of Antwerp

Second neurodevelopmental disorders conference: ADNP and more search menu search content Abstract submission Abstracts centered around any of the neurodevelopmental disorders will be considered Please, submit your abstract via e-mail. Abstract guidelines: Clearly indicate authors and affiliations on…


2014 | Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages Series | University of Antwerp

Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages Series search menu search content 2014 Migrant Literatures and Translation / Realism Reconsidered, 2014 This conference, organized from 18 until 20 June 2014 at the University of Aix-Marseille, was to a large extent focused on a major CHLEL pr…


Research Sietske Van den Wyngaert | Sietske Van den Wyngaert | University of Antwerp

Sietske Van den Wyngaert Research Sietske Van den Wyngaert Research team Centre for Urban History The pre-industrial transformation of boys' labour. From learning through apprenticeships to being employed as an unskilled, cheap workforce? (1550 – 1800). 01/10/2018 - 30/09/2020 Abstract This projec…


Education and courses | Transport and Regional Economics | University of Antwerp

Transport and Regional Economics search menu search content Education and courses Major Trasporteconomie en Logistiek in Master Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen / Handelsingenieur Master Maritiem en Logistiek Management Master Maritime and Air Transport Management Master Real Estate Management M…


Start of the academic year | Business and Economics | University of Antwerp

Business and Economics Start of the academic year at the Faculty of Business and Economics Start of the academic year at the Faculty of Business and Economics Have you completed the application process and been accepted to start as a full-time Master's student at the Faculty of Business and Economic…


Cell sorters | FACSUA | University of Antwerp

FACSUA search menu search content Cell sorters In the context of Flow cytometry, Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) is a method that is utilized in differentiating and sorting a sample of a mixture of biological cells. The cells are separated from two or more containers. The sorting method i…


Gender neutral toilets | Arts | University of Antwerp

Arts Gender neutral toilets Gender neutral toilets Just wash your hands Separate toilets for men and women can be found just about everywhere in public spaces, including at our university. Makes sense, right? If you are cisgender (i.e. when your gender identity coincides with the sex you were assign…


Distinction between person and thing | Personal Rights and Property Rights | University of Antwerp

Personal Rights and Property Rights search menu search content Distinction between person and thing Research leaders: Frederik Swennen, Elise Goossens & Eva Bernet Kempers. Short text Since the late modern period, private law has relied on the dichotomy between persons and things. However, recent so…


Fire insurance for your accommodation | University of Antwerp

Fire insurance for your accommodation Before signing your contract, ask your landlord about fire insurance. Prevention is better than cure. Three reasons to take out fire insurance Tenant's liability "The Civil Code states that the responsibility for all consequences of fire and related hazards lie …


Educational sessions | Centre of Expertise for Higher Education | University of Antwerp

Centre of Expertise for Higher Education search menu search content Educational sessions To meet the demand for short initiatives on the one hand and for activities for more experienced teachers on the other, ECHO also organises separate sessions of educational professionalisation. These sessions ar…


In Via Veritas | Research group for Urban Development | University of Antwerp

Research group for Urban Development search menu search content In Via Veritas What is a route? A route does not coincide with a road or an infrastructure. Infrastructure is only a possible manifestation of the route. Routes are multiple. Although they have physical and spatial precipitation, they a…
