56 results found

Seastar - Condensed Matter Theory | Condensed Matter Theory | University of Antwerp

Condensed Matter Theory search menu search content Seastar - Condensed Matter Theory Seastar Configuration & Documentation Using Seastar : PDF-version (handy for printing) Using Seastar : HTML-version (handy for online reading) I wrote "Using Seastar" in LaTeX, this is not a language made for the we…


Bio-Informatics | Adrem Data Lab | University of Antwerp

Adrem Data Lab search menu search content Bio-Informatics Significant Subgraph Miner The Significant Subgraph Miner (SSM) is an algorithm to find subgraphs in a single graph that are significantly associated with a set of vertices. It can handle a large variety of graph dataset types and vertex sele…


Library & Archives | Library | University of Antwerp

Library search menu search content Library & Archives University of Antwerp Search books and articles search As a UAntwerp student you can book a place in advance! Experiencing problems? The library staff is there to help you Start@lib A flying start to your studies in the library Remote access Use …


Remote access | Library | University of Antwerp

Library search menu search content Remote access Install VPN client Cisco Secure Client On August 14, 2024, the old VPN servers will be disabled and you can only use the new VPN servers via MFA (multi-factor authentication). When connecting, replace vpn.uantwerpen.be with vpnmfa.uantwerpen.be. To be…


Preservation | University of Antwerp

Preservation Selection of data to preserve Although a great deal of research data should be preserved for the long term, either for (re)use or to validate research results, that is not true for all data. Similarly to generating data, preservation of data costs time and money. Before the preservation…


Kerr Van Lerberghe | Greenoffice | University of Antwerp

Greenoffice search menu search content Kerr Van Lerberghe Roles; Content Manager + Green Impact Coordinator Hey there, I’m Kerr, a 21 year old sustainability enthusiast. Im currently in the middle of my transition year for the master of environmental science (milieuwetenschap). In my free time you…


Framework and methodology - Mind-Bending Grammars | Mind-Bending Grammars | University of Antwerp

Mind-Bending Grammars search menu search content Framework and methodology - Mind-Bending Grammars Framework and methodology The approach is constructionist (Goldberg 1995, 2006, Croft 2001), seeing grammatical items as form-meaning combinations that are interconnected in a complex associative netwo…


Antwerp Centre for Advanced Microscopy | Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology | University of Antwerp

Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology search menu search content Antwerp Centre for Advanced Microscopy The Antwerp Centre for Advanced Microscopy (ACAM) has been founded in 2006 and has again been granted a renewed status of core facility, currently governed by an executive committee comprising …


Research Isabel Pintelon | Isabel Pintelon | University of Antwerp

Isabel Pintelon project coordinator Research Isabel Pintelon Research team Laboratory of cell biology and histology Advanced Centre for Advanced Microscopy (ACAM). 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2026 Abstract The Antwerp Centre for Advanced Microscopy (ACAM) provides high-end service for visualizing biological …


DGX-2 | IDLab | University of Antwerp

IDLab search menu search content DGX-2 The DGX-2 integrates 16 Nvidia v100 Tensor Core GPUs in one chassis that is not larger than a small fridge. It is the world's first single server to have a calculation speed of two petaflops. The system is designed such that complex models can use the combined …


About SCOB | Study Center for Companies and Exchanges | University of Antwerp

Study Center for Companies and Exchanges search menu search content About SCOB SCOB: Study Center for Companies and the Stock Exchange SCOB (Studiecentrum voor Onderneming en Beurs) is a Research Center founded at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) in 1999 when we obtained the official price lists …


Editing rights for new editors | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Editing rights for new editors Below you’ll find a ‘nutshell’ overview of the responsibilities and roles editors have and when you do and don’t need write permission. What does an editor do? An editor is responsible for ensuring that their entity’…


Bioinformatics - Centre for Proteomics | Centre for Proteomics | University of Antwerp

Centre for Proteomics search menu search content Bioinformatics - Centre for Proteomics Bioinformatics A typical characteristic of modern proteomics and metabolomics studies is the large amount of data that is produced during experimentation. This has led to a situation where the interpretation of d…


Research Carlos De Backer | Carlos De Backer | University of Antwerp

Carlos De Backer emeritus Research Carlos De Backer Research team Maintaining privacy in hostile and complicated ubiquitous computing environments. 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2008 Abstract In the PACE (privacy awareness for complicated environments) project we develop a system that provides feedback related…


Slimme geluidssensoren | Sustainable Pavements and Asphalt Research (SUPAR) | University of Antwerp

Sustainable Pavements and Asphalt Research (SUPAR) search menu search content Slimme geluidssensoren Proficiat, je hebt één van onze slimme geluidssensoren gevonden! Met deze sensor meet de Universiteit Antwerpen het omgevingsgeluid op deze locatie. De sensor maakt samen met tien andere sensoren o…


Event, conference or project site | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Event, conference or project site Your conference, event or project online? Organising a conference or major event? Working on an interesting project or research project? A good website is essential to let the world know about your event, conference or proj…


Research Benny Van Houdt | Benny Van Houdt | University of Antwerp

Benny Van Houdt professor Research Benny Van Houdt Research team Internet Data Lab (IDLab) Expertise The development of mathematical models to assess the performance of large and complex systems, where the main focus lies on the analysis of communication and computer systems. Examples of topics incl…


Les pratiques de médecine générale sont sous pression | COOPERATE-study | University of Antwerp

COOPERATE-study search menu search content Les pratiques de médecine générale sont sous pression ... une collaboration avec une infirmière praticienne peut aider. Évolution de la population belge et de la main-d'œuvre des médecins généralistes La population belge vieillit. En 2022, un Belge…


Research Maarten Van Ginderachter | Maarten Van Ginderachter | University of Antwerp

Maarten Van Ginderachter professor Research Maarten Van Ginderachter Research team Centre for Urban History Power in History - Centre for Political History Small Players in the Big Game: King Leopold II's Diplomatic Brokers in Late Qing China. 01/11/2022 - 31/10/2026 Abstract This project proposes a…


Data Management Plan | University of Antwerp

Data Management Plan DMP What is a Data Management Plan (DMP)? A DMP is a requirement of most research funders. It is simply good research and scientific practice to consider how data will be managed before, during, and after research. A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document that outlines …


UAntwerp Training Offer | University of Antwerp

UAntwerp Training Offer Below you will find an overview of training opportunities for postdocs by the UAntwerp offices, departments and central services: E-learning Talent Center Research, Innovation & Valorisation Antwerp (RIVA) Science for everyone Other useful training opportunities E-learning As…


Research Jan Paredaens | Jan Paredaens | University of Antwerp

Jan Paredaens emeritus occasional assignment Research Jan Paredaens Research team ADReM Data Lab (ADReM) Expertise To make our know how available on XML, XQuery, XPath and datamining. Pilot studies housing: new forms of collectivity. 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2014 Abstract This project represents a formal …


Publications and projects | Management Information Systems | University of Antwerp

Management Information Systems search menu search content Publications and projects Publications in the spotlights Full bibliography of this research group Ongoing projects Governing cyber resilience 01/01/2024 - 31/05/2028 Abstract The aim of the project is to explore new ways to understand and mit…


Academic bibliography | Library | University of Antwerp

Library search menu search content Academic bibliography As of 1991 the university library produces and maintains an Academic Bibliography for the University of Antwerp (UAntwerp). This database gives an overview of the scientific publications of the UAntwerp researchers. The Institutional Repositor…


Cadre stratégique pour l’engagement mondial | Auditorium Lumumba | University of Antwerp

Auditorium Lumumba search menu search content Cadre stratégique pour l’engagement mondial En 2020, l’université a publié un texte autour de sa nouvelle vision en matière d’engagement mondial et de coopération avec l’Afrique, l’Asie et l’Amérique latine. La co-création de connaissa…
