1467 results found

Product | Service | Systems | Product | Service | Systems | University of Antwerp

Product | Service | Systems search menu search content Product | Service | Systems Welcome on our website The PSS design toolkit brings forward iterative support in the design process with a threefold focus: a synthesis approach the user experience the front-end of innovation (FEI). The toolkit aims…


Downloads - Product | Service | Systems | Product | Service | Systems | University of Antwerp

Product | Service | Systems search menu search content Downloads - Product | Service | Systems Product-Service Systems The book, PSS Design and Strategic Rollout | tools for product-service systems (250 pages) accompanies the tools that you can download on this page. It provides the methodology, mul…


PSS toolkit - Product | Service | Systems | Product | Service | Systems | University of Antwerp

Product | Service | Systems search menu search content PSS toolkit - Product | Service | Systems PSS Design Toolkit: the process Understand This stage frames the context, its underlying human drives and helps you to understand and reveal all possible interactions between those affecting the context …


Project details - Product | Service | Systems | Product | Service | Systems | University of Antwerp

Product | Service | Systems search menu search content Project details - Product | Service | Systems PSS Design & Strategic Rollout | Toolkit The “PSS Design Toolkit”: context of discovery As part of a PhD by Ivo Dewit, PSS design forms the core of his study. Five years of participatory action r…


More inspiration - Product | Service | Systems | Product | Service | Systems | University of Antwerp

Product | Service | Systems search menu search content More inspiration - Product | Service | Systems Beyond the dichotomy When reading the literature on service innovation, the field is at the dawn of its third wave. For some decades, service innovation has had a great deal of efforts, following an…


About us - Product | Service | Systems | Product | Service | Systems | University of Antwerp

Product | Service | Systems search menu search content About us - Product | Service | Systems Editor and author 'PSS Design and Strategic Rollout' Ivo Dewit - PSS design lead Design & postdoctoral researcher ivo.dewit@uantwerpen.be University of Antwerp | Fac. of Design Sciences | Dept. of Product D…


Service | Metrodora | University of Antwerp

Metrodora search menu search content Service Cookie prreferences Strictly necessary cookies They are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and can not be switched off. They are generally defined only as a result of actions you carry out and that enable you to make use of the services w…


Service | Movement Antwerp | University of Antwerp

Movement Antwerp search menu search content Service The Pelvic Floor Antwerp Hearts Oedema OSCARE Diversity M²OCEAN Pain in Motion Schoudernetwerk Vlaanderen Cookie prreferences Strictly necessary cookies They are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and can not be switched off. They…


Service to society | University of Antwerp

Service to society The University of Antwerp encourages societal debate and attaches great importance to the scientific and social services that its staff and students provide to society. The university shares its scientific knowledge with society: professors and researchers from the University of A…


Academic service provision | Law | University of Antwerp

Law Academic service provision Academic service provision Academic service provision Scientific research The Institute for Cooperation between University and Labour Movement (ISUA) carries out applied research with a view to strengthening workers’ bargaining position. Sometimes ISUA deals with que…


Analytical Service | Toxicological Centre | University of Antwerp

Toxicological Centre search menu search content Analytical Service Due to its strong analytically oriented profile, the Toxicological Centre offers also a number of services in the field of Forensic Toxicology and Environmental Toxicology. All methods have an adequate quality control/quality assuran…


Service | imec - Vision Lab | University of Antwerp

imec - Vision Lab search menu search content Service The X-ray Imaging Research Centre offers a range of services to industrial companies, other research groups and institutions. scanning reconstruction of the data data analysis quality control defect detection Please feel free to submit the user fo…


Bike repair service | Greenoffice | University of Antwerp

Greenoffice search menu search content Bike repair service Your bike broke down! What to do now? Luckily we have bicycle repair on all campuses! Kijk hier voor de Nederlandse versie UAntwerp has an on-demand bicycle repair service where employees and students can go to have their bikes repaired by t…


Service analysis | A-PECS | University of Antwerp

A-PECS search menu search content Service analysis Service and equipment In A-PECS, we focus on bridging the gap between the academic world, industry and society. We are open for collaboration with academic groups, industrial partners and governmental organizations. A-PECS is member of the IOF-ENVIR…


Bike repair service | Greenoffice | University of Antwerp

Greenoffice search menu search content Bike repair service Green Office regularly organises free bicycle repair services. On these days, UAntwerp students and staff can bring their bikes in for free general maintenance. This includes: General repair Lubricating the chain Tightening up the brakes Inf…


Service Delivery | Global Health Institute | University of Antwerp

Global Health Institute search menu search content Service Delivery Besides research projects, GHI also takes the lead in technical assistance programs. Our focus here is more on coordinating, service delivery and capacity building: WAKA HPV Africa The aim of the project is to set up a HPV reference…


Service | Biomolecular & Analytical Mass Spectrometry | University of Antwerp

Biomolecular & Analytical Mass Spectrometry search menu search content Service Analytical services offered to 3rd parties We offer certain analytical services to 3rd parties (academia and industry), capacity permitting. Please use the links on the left to find out more. Companies which we collaborat…


Molecular interaction service | Medical Biochemistry | University of Antwerp

Medical Biochemistry search menu search content Molecular interaction service The Biomolecular Interaction Platform (BIP) The Biomolecular Interaction Platform (BIP) at the University of Antwerp consists of several complementary state-of-the-art methodologies for the verification and in-depth charac…


Design research | Product | Service | Systems | University of Antwerp

Product | Service | Systems search menu search content Design research PSS design PhD presentation This thesis, submitted for the degree of doctor in Product Development was defended at the University of Antwerp by Ivo Dewit in 2019, September 12th. PDF version of the thesis Cookie prreferences Stri…


Service design | Research Group Product Development | University of Antwerp

Research Group Product Development search menu search content Service design Service design is about creating and improving all aspects of the service experience, including the customer journey, touchpoints, and underlying processes. True service designers believe in beauty in all its forms, hope to…


In-service training | Department of Physics | University of Antwerp

Department of Physics search menu search content In-service training The In-service Training Center of the University (CNO), is an independent entity within the Antwerp School of Education of the University. Educational workers and teaching staff are trained in multiple subjects. Several classes in …


Service A-Sense Lab | A-PECS | University of Antwerp

A-PECS search menu search content Service A-Sense Lab Service analysis The state-of-the-art equipment and associated expertise described in this section is accessible to third parties (companies, research institutions, governmental organizations) as well. The A-PECS group offers reliable qualitative…


Community Service | Family Medicine and Population Health | University of Antwerp

Family Medicine and Population Health search menu search content Community Service Network for Education and Support in Immunisation NESI is an international multidisciplinary network with the mission to strengthen immunisation programmes, in particular in low- and middle-income countries Center for…


Service Design Lab | Research Group Product Development | University of Antwerp

Research Group Product Development search menu search content Service Design Lab Context Topics Services Projects Related courses Team Associations & partners Contact Context In an ever-growing experience economy, we advocate that services can and should be designed with the same care as products, w…


Service | Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology | University of Antwerp

Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology search menu search content Service ACAM is open to collaborations with partners from Academia or Industry, preferably oriented towards pre-clinical research. What we offer: high-end imaging infrastructure expertise in sample preparation image informatics expe…
