22 results found

Learning outcomes | Advanced master of Tax Law | University of Antwerp

Advanced master of Tax Law Learning outcomes Learning outcomes 1. The Master has advanced and integrated knowledge of and insight in tax law. 2. The Master has a wide and profound insight in the national, European and international context of the domain of tax law. 3. The Master has solid knowledge …


Results survey 20 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 20 For one in four income decreased due to corona September 24th 2020 More and more participants of UAntwerp’s Great Corona Study are in quarantine Twenty-four per cent of respondents said that their income will have decreased in 202…


Research Christophe De Block | Christophe De Block | University of Antwerp

Christophe De Block professor Research Christophe De Block Research team Laboratory Experimental Medicine and Pediatrics (LEMP) Expertise type 1 diabetes continue glucose monitoring autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes Elucidating the contribution of NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and insul…


Paul Panda Farnana Prize | Global Engagement | University of Antwerp

Global Engagement search menu search content Paul Panda Farnana Prize Recipient academic year 2023-2024 UCA & Nitlapan partnership The 2023-2024 Paul Panda Farnana Prize was awarded to the UCA/Nitlapan partnership, a collaboration between UAntwerp (formerly UFSIA) and the Universidad Centroamericana…


Projects | EnviroStress | University of Antwerp

EnviroStress search menu search content Projects Selected running projects Active passive water pollution sampling device (WATERSIDE). 01/05/2019 -30/04/2020 Abstract Previously an active passive sampler for accumulation of pollutants from water was developed into a laboratory prototype. Its n°1 fe…


European Regional Development Fund | University of Antwerp

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is one of the five European Structure and Investment Funds (ESIF). The ERDF aims to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU by redressing some of the main imbalances between its regions. To…


Research Erik Franck | Erik Franck | University of Antwerp

Erik Franck associate professor Research Erik Franck Research team Centre for Research and Innovation in Care (CRIC) Expertise Erik Franck is a nurse (KdG Hogeschool, 1997), Master in clinical psychology (UGent, 2001), Accredited Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (UGent, 2006) and holds a PhD in psycho…


Research Kris Van den Broeck | Kris Van den Broeck | University of Antwerp

Kris Van den Broeck assistant professor - principal research fellow Research Kris Van den Broeck Research team Primary and interdisciplinary care Antwerp (ELIZA) Expertise Public mental health (prevalence); mental health promotion and selfcare (in primary care professionals); stigma on mental health…


Research Stijn Verbeke | Stijn Verbeke | University of Antwerp

Stijn Verbeke principal research fellow Research Stijn Verbeke Research team Energy and Materials in Infrastructure and Buildings Expertise Expert on energy performance of buildings regulations and modeling methods, part-time employed at both University of Antwerp and VITO. Developing methodologies …


Research Peter Van Bogaert | Peter Van Bogaert | University of Antwerp

Peter Van Bogaert emeritus with assignment Research Peter Van Bogaert Research team Centre for Research and Innovation in Care (CRIC) Expertise Research topics are focused within health services and outcomes research in all domains (acute care, mental health care, residential aged care and primary c…


Research Filip Meysman | Filip Meysman | University of Antwerp

Filip Meysman research professor Research Filip Meysman Research team Geobiology Expertise marine microbiology and ecology biogeochemistry oceanography climate change and global change citizen science Marine carbon dioxide drawdown via enhanced carbonate dissolution in coastal sediments. 01/11/2024 …


Research Nathalie Holvoet | Nathalie Holvoet | University of Antwerp

Nathalie Holvoet full professor - chair of IOB Research Nathalie Holvoet Research team Development processes, actors and policies Expertise -monitoring and evaluation in the field of development cooperation (M&E methods, but also analysis of M&E systems, policy, use and influence of evaluation, impa…


Research Ivan Verhaert | Ivan Verhaert | University of Antwerp

Ivan Verhaert associate professor Research Ivan Verhaert Research team Energy and Materials in Infrastructure and Buildings Expertise Design and analysis of (thermal) energy systems: * sustainable systems like CHP, Heat pumps, Thermal Solar, Fuel cells * specialized in HVAC, domestic hot water syste…


Research Lieven Bervoets | Lieven Bervoets | University of Antwerp

Lieven Bervoets full professor Research Lieven Bervoets Research team Ecosphere Expertise For more than 30 years, I have mainly been carrying out field ecotoxicological research on the bioavailability and effects of micropollutants on both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. We mainly look at the eff…


Research Maarten Van Acker | Maarten Van Acker | University of Antwerp

Maarten Van Acker professor Research Maarten Van Acker Research team Research Group for Urban Development Henry van de Velde Expertise Maarten Van Acker is an expert in infrastructure and urban planning. He is Professor of Urban Design at the master programs of Architecture and Urbanism and Spatial …


Research Marcel Eens | Marcel Eens | University of Antwerp

Marcel Eens full professor Research Marcel Eens Research team Behavioural Ecology & Ecophysiology Expertise Evolutionary biological and Molecular ecological research. Field ecotoxicological and behavioural research in birds. TQUAnt: Targeted metabolome and exposome analysis for biological and enviro…


Research Amaryllis Audenaert | Amaryllis Audenaert | University of Antwerp

Amaryllis Audenaert full professor - vice-dean Research Amaryllis Audenaert Research team Energy and Materials in Infrastructure and Buildings Expertise The built environment is the result of a chain of materials, companies and people and their interaction. Therefore, defining sustainability in one …


Research Projects | Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology | University of Antwerp

Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology search menu search content Research Projects Ongoing projects Mercury exposure, nutritional stress and their combined effect on the susceptibility to a viral disease, physiology, and parental care behaviour: an experimental approach in a wild, long-lived seabird…


Overview projects | Research group for Urban Development | University of Antwerp

Research group for Urban Development search menu search content Overview projects Ongoing projects Rewild the City 01/12/2024 - 31/05/2028 Abstract Planetary boundaries, No Net Land Take and the doughnut model all highlight the urgent need for a paradigm shift in urban planning and growth. However, …


Working Papers | Institute of Development Policy | University of Antwerp

Institute of Development Policy Working Papers Working Papers The IOB Working Paper Series (ISSN 2294-8643) seeks to stimulate the timely exchange of ideas about development issues, by offering a forum to get findings out quickly, even in a less than fully polished form. The IOB Working Papers are v…


Projects | Institute of Development Policy | University of Antwerp

Institute of Development Policy Projects Projects Ongoing projects Challenging the dominant food production: Alternative food systems' knowledges within everyday resistances. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2025 Abstract The prevailing food production paradigm is both unsustainable and unjust, which has prompted…


Projects | Primary and Interdisciplinary Care (ELIZA) | University of Antwerp

Primary and Interdisciplinary Care (ELIZA) search menu search content Projects Ongoing projects Bridging gaps in Hepatitis B prevention and management for newborns and pregnant women in South Africa. 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2029 Abstract Hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes 1.3 million deaths per year worldwid…
