16 results found
Research Hayat Bentouhami | Hayat Bentouhami | University of Antwerp
Hayat Bentouhami senior researcher Research Hayat Bentouhami Research team Social Epidemiology & Health Policy (SEHPO) Expertise Hayat Bentouhami is a researcher in the Department of Social Epidemiology and Health Policy. She graduated as a biomedical scientist and also obtained a master's degree in…
Research Lidia Casas Ruiz | Lidia Casas Ruiz | University of Antwerp
Lidia Casas Ruiz tenure track asst. professor - guest prof. external funds Research Lidia Casas Ruiz Research team Social Epidemiology & Health Policy (SEHPO) Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (LAMB) Expertise Environmental epidemiology. Health effects of air pollution, green spac…
About Hayat Bentouhami | Hayat Bentouhami | University of Antwerp
Hayat Bentouhami senior researcher About Hayat Bentouhami Hayat Bentouhami Contact Show email address Tel. +3232652833 Doornstraat 331 2610 Wilrijk, BEL Hayat Bentouhami is a researcher in the Department of Social Epidemiology and Health Policy. She graduated as a biomedical scientist and also obtai…
Climate extremes | Plants and Ecosystems | University of Antwerp
Plants and Ecosystems search menu search content Climate extremes Impact of heatwaves and extreme droughts on grasslands and tundra In a changing climate, extreme events such as heatwaves and extreme droughts become more frequent and more severe, but the impact on plant communities is poorly underst…
Current Research Hans De Boeck | Hans De Boeck | University of Antwerp
Hans De Boeck senior researcher Current Research Hans De Boeck Current Research A big part of my time is now spent on setting up two major, high-tech experiments. One involves an all new open-air system that allows warming (with infrared heaters) and precipitation control (with automated rainout she…
Projects | Social Epidemiology & Health Policy (SEHPO) | University of Antwerp
Social Epidemiology & Health Policy (SEHPO) search menu search content Projects More information about the ongoing projects of research group SEHPO: Co-Prime Project Supporting the development of self-regulation in infants: a promising strategy in preventive mental health care. A major challenge of …
Humanitarian logistics | ANT/OR | Antwerp Operations Research | University of Antwerp
ANT/OR | Antwerp Operations Research search menu search content Humanitarian logistics The vast majority of research in the field of operations research focuses on solving problems that arise in the private sector. The usual goal is to optimize an industrial process with the objective of minimizing …
Past Research Hans De Boeck | Hans De Boeck | University of Antwerp
Hans De Boeck senior researcher Past Research Hans De Boeck Past research Second term post-doctoral project work (2011-2014) The focus of my research was, as in the first three years of post-doctoral work, on the impact of climatic extremes on plants. At the same time, I was also involved in project…
Project Details | Social Epidemiology & Health Policy (SEHPO) | University of Antwerp
Social Epidemiology & Health Policy (SEHPO) search menu search content Project Details Ongoing projects FIGHT-CancER project in Flanders. 01/08/2024 - 31/07/2026 Abstract Early detection of cancer through screening and vaccination against the human papilloma virus (HPV) are effective ways to reduce …
Results survey 8 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp
The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 8 Clear majority say they will not use emergency shelter at school May 5th 2020 UAntwerp’s Great Corona Study yields interesting results after first relaxation The weekly questionnaire by UAntwerp shows that on Monday 4 May, 28% of p…
Research Projects | Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | University of Antwerp
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology search menu search content Research Projects Ongoing projects Advancing Health Equity Through Microbiome-Centric and Multidisciplinary Research.(U-MaMi). 01/01/2026 - 31/12/2031 Abstract Research into health and well-being has historically been ne…
Workshops | International Design Workshop Week | University of Antwerp
International Design Workshop Week search menu search content Workshops #1 Office for Phantasmatic Displacements by Franziska Hederer and Max Höfler room F1.7 Design is some sort of a technique to organize things and processes in an efficient and smooth way. In order to create just a beautiful surf…
Research | Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | University of Antwerp
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology search menu search content Research Mission LAMB Our team shares a passion for beneficial microorganisms and their potential to enhance human and environmental health. We implement broad ecological and molecular-mechanistic approaches and focus on…
Workshops | International Design Workshop Week | University of Antwerp
International Design Workshop Week search menu search content Workshops #1 What the Body Does Remember / How to become? by Hélène Aarts and Sarah Westphal Harry Potter, Superman, Wonder Woman & co; What they all have in common is their special abilities to overcome struggles and grow though given …
Paper Sessions | Urban Studies Institute | University of Antwerp
Urban Studies Institute search menu search content Paper Sessions Preliminary Programme Overview Parallel Paper Sessions (pdf - 1618kb) 1. (Dis)Cohesion as sense of urbanity (Dis)cohesion as sense of urbanity PS001 | THURSDAY 15 JULY, 14:00-15:30 CEST Peter Dirksmeier – Leibniz Universität Hannov…
Public defences 2020 | Science | University of Antwerp
Science Public defences 2020 Attend a phd defence or find the archive of concluded doctoral research Public defences 2020 Attend a phd defence or find the archive of concluded doctoral research First-Principle Studies of Plasma-Catalyst Interactions for Greenhouse Gas Conversion - Amin Jafarzadeh (1…