8 results found
Have you met... Alessandro Rizzo? | DiplomatiCon-net | University of Antwerp
DiplomatiCon-net search menu search content Have you met... Alessandro Rizzo? Confronting otherness by diplomatic dialogue Alessandro Rizzo For someone who wrote a dissertation under the supervision of Frédéric Bauden on the diplomatic relations between the Mamluk sultanate and Florence and who wa…
Return Review Revise | Institute of Jewish Studies | University of Antwerp
Institute of Jewish Studies search menu search content Return Review Revise European Jewish Literature Studies: State of the Art and Outlook to the Future 10th Conference of the Association for European Jewish Literature Studies / Gesellschaft für europäisch-jüdische Literaturstudien e.V. (EJLS) …
Book: International Law and Transitional Governance | Institute of Development Policy | University of Antwerp
Institute of Development Policy Book: International Law and Transitional Governance Book: International Law and Transitional Governance Buy the book Free sample: Introduction (pdf) Flyer 20% Discount (pdf) Request review copy This book offers a new perspective on the phenomenon of conflict-related t…
Philosophical Sources of European Identity | Center for European Philosophy | University of Antwerp
Center for European Philosophy search menu search content Philosophical Sources of European Identity Lecture Series The lecture series Philosophical Sources of European Identity (UAntwerp/YUFE) offered a philosophical introduction to the idea of Europe. Far from aspiring to a systematic exposition o…
Biographies | International Design Workshop Week | University of Antwerp
International Design Workshop Week search menu search content Biographies Venkatkrishnan Ashok Venkatkrishnan Ashok is a trained Architect with an experience spanning over 15 years. He is passionate about the connections between abstract art and Architecture and all that falls in between. Venkat and…
Workshop facilitators | International Design Workshop Week | University of Antwerp
International Design Workshop Week search menu search content Workshop facilitators #1 Stijn Rybels Stijn Rybels is an architect and urban planner. He is currently assisting in the design studios of the master in urbanism and spatial planning at the faculty of design sciences where he challenges stu…
Research Lieven Bervoets | Lieven Bervoets | University of Antwerp
Lieven Bervoets full professor Research Lieven Bervoets Research team Ecosphere Expertise For more than 30 years, I have mainly been carrying out field ecotoxicological research on the bioavailability and effects of micropollutants on both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. We mainly look at the eff…
Research Ronny Blust | Ronny Blust | University of Antwerp
Ronny Blust full professor Research Ronny Blust Research team Ecosphere Expertise - Molecular, cellular and organismal toxicity tests - Characterisation of mode of action of microcontaminants - Analysis of inorganic and organic contaminants - Chemical and biological monitoring and diagnostics - Deve…