31 results found
Education Siebe De Ley | Siebe De Ley | University of Antwerp
Siebe De Ley doctoral scholarship holder Education Siebe De Ley 2024-2025 2023-2024 2024-2025 6-Heat and Mass Transfer 6-Heat and Mass Transfer Course code: 1716FTIWMO Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Technology Bridging Programme Industrial Sciences: Chemistry Preparatory Programme Industrial Scien…
About Siebe Van Calster | Siebe Van Calster | University of Antwerp
Siebe Van Calster predoc researcher FWO About Siebe Van Calster Siebe Van Calster Contact Campus Drie Eiken Show email address Universiteitsplein 1 2610 Wilrijk, BEL Department Vaccine & infectious disease institute Statute & functions Bijzonder academisch personeel predoc researcher FWO Cookie prre…
Research Siebe De Ley | Siebe De Ley | University of Antwerp
Siebe De Ley doctoral scholarship holder Research Siebe De Ley Research team Applied Electrochemistry & Catalysis (ELCAT) Cookie prreferences Strictly necessary cookies They are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and can not be switched off. They are generally defined only as a resu…
Research Siebe Van Calster | Siebe Van Calster | University of Antwerp
Siebe Van Calster predoc researcher FWO Research Siebe Van Calster Research team Laboratory for Experimental Hematology (LEH) Functional and molecular profiling of immune-competent neurospheroids under stroke-like conditions. 01/11/2023 - 31/10/2024 Abstract Due to the enormous impact of stroke on t…
About Siebe De Ley | Siebe De Ley | University of Antwerp
Siebe De Ley doctoral scholarship holder About Siebe De Ley Siebe De Ley Contact Campus Drie Eiken Show email address Tel. +3232651817 Universiteitsplein 1 2610 Wilrijk, BEL Department Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering Statute & functions Bijzonder academisch personeel doctoral scho…
Publications Peter Ponsaerts | Peter Ponsaerts | University of Antwerp
Peter Ponsaerts Publications Peter Ponsaerts Unbiased identification of cell identity in dense mixed neural cultures Source eLife - ISSN 2050-084X- () p. 1-32 Author(s) Sarah De Beuckeleer, Tim Van De Looverbosch, Johanna Van den Daele, Peter Ponsaerts, Winnok De Vos Citation link Varicella-zoster v…
Publications Elise Van Breedam | Elise Van Breedam | University of Antwerp
Elise Van Breedam senior researcher Publications Elise Van Breedam Varicella-zoster virus recapitulates its immune evasive behaviour in matured hiPSC-derived neurospheroids Source Frontiers in immunology - ISSN 1664-3224-15 (2024) p. 1-19 Author(s) Jonas Govaerts, Elise Van Breedam, Sarah De Beuckel…
Former Staff | Toxicological Centre | University of Antwerp
Toxicological Centre search menu search content Former Staff The following people have proceeded their career at a different place: Dr. Nadeem Ali Dr. Yu Ait-Bamai Dr. Michiel Bastiaensen Dr. Frederic Béen Dr. Delphine Cappelle Dr. Christina Christia Dr. Matthias Cuykx Dr. Katyeny Manuela Da Silva …
Publications Peter Delputte | Peter Delputte | University of Antwerp
Peter Delputte professor Publications Peter Delputte Varicella-zoster virus recapitulates its immune evasive behaviour in matured hiPSC-derived neurospheroids Source Frontiers in immunology - ISSN 1664-3224-15 (2024) p. 1-19 Author(s) Jonas Govaerts, Elise Van Breedam, Sarah De Beuckeleer, Charlotte…
Meet our team | Laboratory of Experimental Hematology | University of Antwerp
Laboratory of Experimental Hematology search menu search content Meet our team Group Leader Prof. dr. Sébastien ANGUILLE Principal Investigators Prof. dr. Sébastien ANGUILLE Prof. dr. Eva LION Prof. dr. Peter PONSAERTS Prof. dr. Nathalie COOLS Prof. dr. em. Zwi BERNEMAN Postdoctoral Researchers Dr…
Publications | Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases | University of Antwerp
Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases search menu search content Publications Most recent publication in the UAntwerp library: A fractional order SIR model describing hesitancy to the COVID-19 vaccination Source Applied numerical mathematics - ISSN 0168-9274-207 (202…
Publications Winnok De Vos | Winnok De Vos | University of Antwerp
Winnok De Vos professor Publications Winnok De Vos Unbiased identification of cell identity in dense mixed neural cultures Source eLife - ISSN 2050-084X- () p. 1-32 Author(s) Sarah De Beuckeleer, Tim Van De Looverbosch, Johanna Van den Daele, Peter Ponsaerts, Winnok De Vos Citation link PAC-MAP : pr…
Bio-imaging Lab | μNEURO | University of Antwerp
μNEURO search menu search content Bio-imaging Lab Recent publications Dataset: Adult auditory brain responses to nestling begging calls in seasonal songbirds: an fMRI study in non-parenting male and female starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) Source -, Mendeley Data, 2024, Author(s) Nicholas Vidas-Guscic, …
Publications Ian Garcia | Ian Garcia | University of Antwerp
Ian Garcia doctoral scholarship holder Publications Ian Garcia A pilot study for a 3D scanning to VR workflow for building spaces : exploring possibilities through the use of different scanning hardware Source Towards a New European Bauhaus—Challenges in Design Education : EAAE Annual Conference, …
Publications Jasper Bombeke | Jasper Bombeke | University of Antwerp
Jasper Bombeke specialist staff member Publications Jasper Bombeke Personal environmental exposure to plasticizers and organophosphate flame retardants using silicone wristbands and urine : patterns, comparisons, and correlations Source The science of the total environment - ISSN 0048-9697-927 (2024…
Publications Marleen Verhoye | Marleen Verhoye | University of Antwerp
Marleen Verhoye professor Publications Marleen Verhoye Dataset: Adult auditory brain responses to nestling begging calls in seasonal songbirds: an fMRI study in non-parenting male and female starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) Source -, Mendeley Data, 2024, Author(s) Nicholas Vidas-Guscic, Elisabeth Joncke…
Publications Peter Verstraelen | Peter Verstraelen | University of Antwerp
Peter Verstraelen principal research fellow Publications Peter Verstraelen Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of bi-partite and tri-partite murine iPSC-derived neurospheroids under steady-state and inflammatory condition Source Brain, behavior, and immunity - ISSN 0889-1591-121 (2024) p. 1-12 Au…
Publications Ligia Monica Mateiu | Ligia Monica Mateiu | University of Antwerp
Ligia Monica Mateiu Publications Ligia Monica Mateiu Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of bi-partite and tri-partite murine iPSC-derived neurospheroids under steady-state and inflammatory condition Source Brain, behavior, and immunity - ISSN 0889-1591-121 (2024) p. 1-12 Author(s) Julia Di Stefa…
Publications Wim Vanden Berghe | Wim Vanden Berghe | University of Antwerp
Wim Vanden Berghe full professor Publications Wim Vanden Berghe Prevalence of single-nucleotide variants in twenty-five pharmacogenes from a Cuban sample cohort Source Frontiers in pharmacology - ISSN 1663-9812-15 (2024) p. 1-13 Author(s) Elizabeth Reyes-Reyes, Jose Alfredo Herrera-Isidron, Elizabet…
Publications Hans De Reu | Hans De Reu | University of Antwerp
Hans De Reu Publications Hans De Reu Varicella-zoster virus recapitulates its immune evasive behaviour in matured hiPSC-derived neurospheroids Source Frontiers in immunology - ISSN 1664-3224-15 (2024) p. 1-19 Author(s) Jonas Govaerts, Elise Van Breedam, Sarah De Beuckeleer, Charlotte Goethals, Claud…
Members | VAXINFECTIO | University of Antwerp
VAXINFECTIO search menu search content Members Leading Researchers VAXINFECTIO The Laboratory of Medical Microbiology (LMM) is headed by Prof. Herman Goossens The Centre For the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) is headed by Prof. Pierre Van Damme The Laboratory of Experimental Hematology (LEH) is hea…
Publications Benson Ogunjimi | Benson Ogunjimi | University of Antwerp
Benson Ogunjimi associate research professor - senior researcher Publications Benson Ogunjimi Varicella-zoster virus recapitulates its immune evasive behaviour in matured hiPSC-derived neurospheroids Source Frontiers in immunology - ISSN 1664-3224-15 (2024) p. 1-19 Author(s) Jonas Govaerts, Elise Va…
Read our work | Laboratory of Experimental Hematology | University of Antwerp
Laboratory of Experimental Hematology search menu search content Read our work LEH's publications on UAntwerp's repository Real-life data of luspatercept in lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes advocate new research objectives Source EJHaem - ISSN 2688-6146-5:5 (2024) p. 1096-1099 Author(s) Bert Hey…
Discover our interests | Laboratory of Experimental Hematology | University of Antwerp
Laboratory of Experimental Hematology search menu search content Discover our interests The Laboratory of Experimental Hematology has built up a track record on the development of cellular immunotherapies in the context of cancer and autoimmune diseases as well as stem cell research. Within these th…
Publications | VAXINFECTIO | University of Antwerp
VAXINFECTIO search menu search content Publications Publication list of VAXINFECTIO members Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) De houten ijzeren long Source Verhalenvertellers : academisch erfgoed aan de Universiteit Antwerpen in 20 objecten : tentoonstellingscatalogus, 19 september 2024…