36 results found

Education Theo Linders | Theo Linders | University of Antwerp

Theo Linders education supervisor Education Theo Linders 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2024-2025 Product and Engineering Product and Engineering Course code: 1011FOWPOW Bachelor of Product Development Product Communication Product Communication Course code: 1012FOWPOW Bachelor of Product Development…


Education Jouke Casper Verlinden | Jouke Casper Verlinden | University of Antwerp

Jouke Casper Verlinden professor - vice-dean Education Jouke Casper Verlinden 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2024-2025 Technical Product Communication Technical Product Communication Course code: 1028FOWPOW Bachelor of Product Development CAD - Advanced Techniques CAD - Advanced Techniques Course cod…


Supervisors | IQ-BRAIN | University of Antwerp

IQ-BRAIN search menu search content Supervisors of the Doctoral Candidates (DCs) University of Antwerp Prof. Dr. Jan Sijbers Imec-Vision Lab Coordinator of IQ-BRAIN Supervisor of DC 1 and 8 Co-supervisor of DC 3, 5, 6, 10 and 14 Dr. Arjan Den Dekker Imec-Vision Lab Co-supervisor of DC 1, 4 and 8 Dr.…


Supervisors | B-Q MINDED | University of Antwerp

B-Q MINDED search menu search content Supervisors Each ESR will be supervised by an International Supervisory Team (IST). Below is a list of all supervisors involved in the B-Q MINDED training network: Dr. ir. Dirk Poot Postdoctoral researcher at the Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam (BIGR) and dep…


Speakers | B-Q MINDED | Summer School | Antwerp Summer University | University of Antwerp

B-Q MINDED | Summer School | Antwerp Summer University search menu search content Speakers Dr. Shabab Bazrafkan - Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp Biography: Shabab Bazrafkan received his B.Sc degree from Urmia University, Urmia, Iran in electrical engineering in 2011, M.Sc degre…


Equipment | Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp | University of Antwerp

Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp search menu search content Equipment MICA is housed in a custom-built facility with state-of-the-art equipment. The radiopharmacy has an on-site cyclotron (Siemens Eclipse HP 11MeV) , 10 different hot cell units (Veenstra synthesis modules, fastlabs GE), including mu…


Annual Meeting 2020 | B-Q MINDED | University of Antwerp

B-Q MINDED search menu search content Annual Meeting 2020 Program: Hereby you will find the detailed program of the 2nd Annual meeting B-Q Minded. Date: 29/01-30/01/2020 Venue: Siemens Healthineers - Meeting room Agora 3 and Agora 4 (ground floor - building 43) Guido Gezellestraat 125 1654 Beersel (…


Beneficiaries | IQ-BRAIN | University of Antwerp

IQ-BRAIN search menu search content Beneficiaries University of Antwerp imec-Vision Lab Erasmus MC Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine University of Antwerp Bio-Imaging Lab Instituto Superior Técnico LaSEEB Forschungszentrum Julich Medical Imaging Physics Amsterdam UMC Department of Biomed…


Publications | μNEURO | University of Antwerp

μNEURO search menu search content Publications Recent publications of the µNEURO members: imec - Vision Lab Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology Bio-imaging Lab Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp Translational Neurosciences Peripheral Neuropathies Group Publications of the µNEURO members in the…


Partners - B-Q MINDED | B-Q MINDED | University of Antwerp

B-Q MINDED search menu search content Partners - B-Q MINDED B-Q Minded has 9 beneficiaries (5 academic and 4 from industry): Project Coordinator Hosting ESR 2 and ESR 5 Vision Lab Bio-Imaging Lab Expert Group Antwerp Molecular Imaging (EGAMI) Hosting ESR 6 and ESR 9 University of Leeds CISTIB Hostin…


Previous editions | TransportNET | University of Antwerp

TransportNET search menu search content Previous editions Antwerp Rail School Programme 2023 Antwerp Rail School 24-29 April 2023 - University of Antwerp Date Topic Time Subject Speaker Monday 24 April (Location: Brussels South Station, Frankrijkstraat 91 ) Setting the scene: the strategic challenge…


About Jan Bouckaert | Jan Bouckaert | University of Antwerp

Jan Bouckaert full professor - chair of Board of Governors About Jan Bouckaert Jan Bouckaert Contact Stadscampus Show email address Tel. +3232654055 Prinsstraat 13 2000 Antwerpen, BEL OPEN LETTER on European Champions after the blocked Siemens-Alstom merger. The webpage of Massimo Motta shows the or…


The 16 PhD positions | IQ-BRAIN | University of Antwerp

IQ-BRAIN search menu search content The 16 PhD positions Visit our job offers DC 1: Intra-scan modulation with model-guided AI for accelerated diffusion MRI - University of Antwerp (Belgium) (pdf - 175 kB) DC 2: Deep learning-augmented super resolution reconstruction for accelerated relaxometry - Si…


News | B-Q MINDED | University of Antwerp

B-Q MINDED search menu search content News New B-Q MINDED E-Learning platfom (10/2021) Posted 10/2021 Interested in our research on quantitative MRI? Please visit the new B-Q MINDED E-learning platform. Dedicated Session B-Q MINDED @ ESMRMB 2021 (10/2021) Posted 08/2021 The fully online ESMRMB 38th …


Preclinical imaging expertise and facilities | MICA-BIL Core Facility | University of Antwerp

MICA-BIL Core Facility search menu search content Preclinical imaging expertise and facilities Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp - Bio-Imaging Lab The Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp and Bio-Imaging Lab bring their small animal imaging expertise together in the MICA_BIL core facility The core facili…


Content description | B-Q MINDED | Summer School | Antwerp Summer University | University of Antwerp

B-Q MINDED | Summer School | Antwerp Summer University search menu search content Content description This programme will not be offered this year. If you want to stay tuned about the launch of next edition, please sign up for our newsletter. As an example, here is an overview of the 2019 summer sch…


Launching IQ-BRAIN | IQ-BRAIN | University of Antwerp

IQ-BRAIN search menu search content Launching IQ-BRAIN Press release Doctoral Network project IQ-BRAIN will Revolutionize Neuro-imaging with AI-enhanced Quantitative MRI Tools The project IQ-BRAIN (Improving QMRI By Realizing trustworthy integration of AI in Neuro-imaging) has received 4 M euro of f…


Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) | B-Q MINDED | University of Antwerp

B-Q MINDED search menu search content Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) Overview of ESR projects: ESR1 Name: Emanoel Sabidussi Topic: Integrated motion estimation for Q-MRI. Host: Erasmus MC (supervisor: D. Poot) Video ESR1 ESR2 Name: Michele Nicastro Topic: SRR technology for direct estimation of Q-MR…


LAB-Net involved in comparative study: performance evaluation of 2 CE-IVD tests | Laboratory of Medical Microbiology | University of Antwerp

Laboratory of Medical Microbiology search menu search content LAB-Net involved in comparative study: performance evaluation of 2 CE-IVD tests for detection of Adenovirus, Parainfluenzavirus type 1-4, Human Metapneumovirus, Rhinovirus and Enterovirus LAB-Net was involved in the validation of ThermoFi…


Antwerp Rail School 2025 | TransportNET | University of Antwerp

TransportNET search menu search content Antwerp Rail School 2025 Connecting Academia with Industry | 22 - 25 April 2025 Since its inception in 2010, the Antwerp Rail School, hosted by the University of Antwerp’s Department of Transport and Regional Economics, has successfully brought together acad…


Conferences by Stef Jacobs | Stef Jacobs | University of Antwerp

Stef Jacobs predoc researcher FWO Conferences by Stef Jacobs Collection of all conference papers and poster presentations What can we find here? This webpage summarises all information about my participation in conferences. Thus, an overview of past and planned conferences is available. From past co…


Research Yana Debie | Yana Debie | University of Antwerp

Yana Debie doctoral scholarship holder Research Yana Debie Research team Center for Oncological Research (CORE) Cellular and humoral predictors of vaccine efficacy in cancer patients: lessons to be learned from the covid-19 pandemic (CLOVER). 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2025 Abstract COVID-19, a disease caus…


Study programme | Product Development | University of Antwerp

Product Development Study programme Dutch-taught Master of Product Development Study programme Dutch-taught Master of Product Development 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2024-2025 Model Path Part 1 Compulsory Courses 48 ECTS-credits Strategic Design Fundamentals Course co…


Biographies | Xplore Design Week | University of Antwerp

Xplore Design Week search menu search content Biographies #1 Elise Coudré & Mie Goffin Elise Coudré is a designer and artist who specializes in creating mesmerizing and playful experiences. Trained in industrial design (University of Antwerp) with experience in service design, communication & phot…


Biographies | Xplore Design Week | University of Antwerp

Xplore Design Week search menu search content Biographies #1 Casper Boks & June Trondsen June Kyong Trondsen is a Ph.D. candidate at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Design. Her research focuses on understanding the role of shame in design and its entanglement with no…
