24 results found

Beta Gamma Sigma | Business and Economics | University of Antwerp

Business and Economics Beta Gamma Sigma International honor society for students with outstanding academic results Beta Gamma Sigma International honor society for students with outstanding academic results Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) is the international honor society serving business programs accredite…


Screen printing | A-PECS | University of Antwerp

A-PECS search menu search content Screen printing DEK NeoHorizon 01iX The DEK NeoHorizon 01iX has an alignment capability of ±12.5 µm @ > 2 Cmk (±6 Sigma) and a print capability of ±20 µm @ > 2.0 Cpk, (±6 Sigma), AVS-certified, with a maximum printing surface of 510 mm (X) × 508.5 mm (Y), whi…


Oral and maxillofacial surgery | Translational Neurosciences | University of Antwerp

Translational Neurosciences search menu search content Oral and maxillofacial surgery Members ZAP Prof. dr. Nasser Nadjmi BAP Dr. Geert Van Hemelen Dr. Jan Van de Perre Research Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in the treatment of alveolar cleft defects PhD A. Khojasteh (jan 2013) In samenwerking met S…


About MOCS | Merck Organic Chemistry Symposium | University of Antwerp

Merck Organic Chemistry Symposium search menu search content About MOCS The Merck Organic Chemistry Symposium (MOCS) is an annual two-day symposium that brings together Belgian organic chemists from both the Flemish and French speaking communities. About 150 to 200 academic participants coming from …


Publications Ignacio Barros | Ignacio Barros | University of Antwerp

Ignacio Barros TT. asst. research professor Publications Ignacio Barros On the irrationality of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces Source Transactions of the American Mathematical Society - ISSN 0002-9947-376 (2023) p. 1407-1426 Author(s) Daniele Agostini, Ignacio Barros, Kuan-Wen Lai Citation link On pro…


News | Particle Physics Group | University of Antwerp

Particle Physics Group search menu search content News Einstein Telescoop in de media Reportagereeks van TV Limburg over de Einstein Telescoop Limburg maakt kans om een uniek wetenschappelijk miljardenproject binnen te halen waarin topwetenschappers uit heel de wereld geïnteresseerd zijn. Onze prov…


Research Yannick Gullentops | Yannick Gullentops | University of Antwerp

Yannick Gullentops unpaid staff Research Yannick Gullentops Research team Fundamental Mathematics Rigidity and conservation laws of Hamiltonian partial differential equations in hyperkähler Floer theory. 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2021 Abstract Named after the Irish physicist, astronomer, and mathematician…


Research Philippe Nimmegeers | Philippe Nimmegeers | University of Antwerp

Philippe Nimmegeers postdoc researcher FWO Research Philippe Nimmegeers Research team Engineering Management Intelligence in PRocesses, Advanced Catalysts and Solvents (iPRACS) Expertise Process-based modelling, control and optimization for the development of sustainable systems I am Philippe Nimmeg…


Research Tom Maris | Tom Maris | University of Antwerp

Tom Maris researcher Research Tom Maris Research team Ecosphere Research on ecosystem modelling using OMES data. 01/12/2023 - 30/11/2027 Abstract For more than 20 years, special attention is paid to the study of the Schelde estuary and the scientific support of necessary management actions to meet b…


Tom Mestdag | Tom Mestdag | University of Antwerp

Tom Mestdag associate professor Tom Mestdag Submitted preprints M. Belrhazi and T. Mestdag, Geodesic extensions of mechanical systems with nonholonomic constraints, [arXiv] Accepted for publication Published papers S. Hajdu and T. Mestdag, Homogeneous nonlinear splittings and Finsler submersions. Di…


Research Peter Goos | Peter Goos | University of Antwerp

Peter Goos full professor Research Peter Goos Research team Engineering Management Expertise I specialize in statistical modelling in business and industry, design and analysis of industrial experiments, design and analysis of choice experiments or stated preference studies, and operations research.…


Documents | Institute of Development Policy | University of Antwerp

Institute of Development Policy Documents Documents Below you can find the public documents made by the O*Platform. We provide documents made for DGD on the 20%, on the condition they are public, and documents made on the 80% research activity. Political economy of aid, reform and governance De Maes…


Publications on public governance, policy evaluation and better regulation Peter Van Humbeeck | Peter Van Humbeeck | University of Antwerp

Peter Van Humbeeck unpaid staff Publications on public governance, policy evaluation and better regulation Peter Van Humbeeck Publications on public governance, policy evaluation, better regulation, digitalization For more and recent work for SERV on these topics, please visit http://www.serv.be/ser…


Research Sonja Hohloch | Sonja Hohloch | University of Antwerp

Sonja Hohloch associate professor Research Sonja Hohloch Research team Fundamental Mathematics Expertise 1) Integrable Hamiltonian systems and their singularities (elliptic, hyperbolic, focus-focus) and bifurcation behavior; interaction with Hamiltonian S^1-actions. 2) Symplectic geometry, Floer the…


Research Patrick Meire | Patrick Meire | University of Antwerp

Patrick Meire emeritus occasional assignment Research Patrick Meire Research team Ecosphere Expertise Ecological investigations in aquatic and wetland ecosystems. Vegetation mapping. Physico-chemical and biological (BBI) analysis of water quality. Blue-Green strategies for climate change adaptation …


Research Bert Maes | Bert Maes | University of Antwerp

Bert Maes full professor Research Bert Maes Research team Organic synthesis (ORSY) Catalysis for sustainable organic chemistry (CASCH). 01/01/2026 - 31/12/2031 Abstract Catalysis is a key interdisciplinary technology in the chemical industry, and certainly one of the scientific disciplines with the …


Research Pierre Van Mechelen | Pierre Van Mechelen | University of Antwerp

Pierre Van Mechelen full professor Research Pierre Van Mechelen Research team Particle Physics Group Expertise Analysis of large samples of numerical data The group can provide consulting advice in the field of high-resolution radiation and particle detection using fast detectors. Design and operati…


Research Stijn Temmerman | Stijn Temmerman | University of Antwerp

Stijn Temmerman professor Research Stijn Temmerman Research team Ecosphere Expertise Hydrodynamics, sediment transport and morphodynamics in estuaries and rivers: field measurements, GIS and remote sensing, numerical modelling Coastal climate adaptation and mitigation services of newly created marsh…


Research projects | Engineering Management | University of Antwerp

Engineering Management search menu search content Research projects Ongoing projects Socio-economic implications of marine protected areas (MPAs) for local fishing communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2025 Abstract In 2022, United Nations Member States have committed to conserving a…


Projects | ECOSPHERE | University of Antwerp

ECOSPHERE search menu search content Projects Ongoing projects The consequences of nitrogen-induced shifts in fungal and bacterial communities for carbon cycling in temperate forests. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2027 Abstract Forests constitute a large and persistent carbon stock, which has increased over th…


Research Projects | Particle Physics Group | University of Antwerp

Particle Physics Group search menu search content Research Projects Ongoing projects 3D SHERPA: 3-dimensional hadron structure in mainstream Monte Carlo generator for Electron-Ion Collider. 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2027 Abstract The limited knowledge of the internal structure of hadrons is one of the main…


Doctoral research | Business and Economics | University of Antwerp

Business and Economics Doctoral research Doctoral research Ongoing doctoral research (alphabetical order) Name PhD student Title research Supervisor(s) Abu Dayyeh Fares Public and Private Perceptions of Sea Freight intermodal competitiveness van Hassel Edwin, Vanelslander Thierry Agapito Luiz The ef…


Projects | Pure Mathematics | University of Antwerp

Pure Mathematics search menu search content Projects Ongoing projects Non-Commutative and Homological methods in Geometry and Mirror Symmetry. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2027 Abstract Algebraic geometry is a field that underpins geometric intuition with the precision brought about by calculation from algebr…


Public defences 2020 | Science | University of Antwerp

Science Public defences 2020 Attend a phd defence or find the archive of concluded doctoral research Public defences 2020 Attend a phd defence or find the archive of concluded doctoral research First-Principle Studies of Plasma-Catalyst Interactions for Greenhouse Gas Conversion - Amin Jafarzadeh (1…
