636 results found

National survey on the situation of out-of-school children & adolescents (2013) | Great Lakes of Africa Centre | University of Antwerp

Great Lakes of Africa Centre search menu search content National survey on the situation of out-of-school children & adolescents (2013) Subject This is a national survey on the situation of out-of-school children in the DRC which gathered statistics and information on factors contributing to the exc…


Enquête nationale sur la situation des enfants et adolescents en dehors de l’école (2013) | Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique | University of Antwerp

Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique search menu search content Enquête nationale sur la situation des enfants et adolescents en dehors de l’école (2013) Sujet L'enquête nationale sur la situation des enfants et adolescents non scolarisés en RDC a recueilli des statistiques et informations sur l…


Cost of living | University of Antwerp

Cost of living The cost of living depends on various factors. To have an idea of your expenses, we advise you to draw up a financial plan beforehand. We provide some indications that will allow you to calculate your own budget.We distinguish between the cost of studying, which is a direct consequenc…


| Law and Development | University of Antwerp

Law and Development search menu search content The situation in Gaza and the role of universities The Council of the Law Faculty at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) decided by consensus to halt the execution of a cooperation agreement with Bar-Ilan University (Israel). The Antwerp/Bar-Ilan univer…


Application documents | University of Antwerp

Application documents Check which application documents you need for an exchange To complete your application, you will need to provide five documents: a transcript of records, a language certificate, a passport photo, a proof of identification and one of the three types of learning agreements. Chec…


My website Matteo Balliauw | Matteo Balliauw | University of Antwerp

Matteo Balliauw unpaid staff My website Matteo Balliauw Impact of youth transfers on player performance and market value The most recent version of the working paper made by Laurenz Van Looveren (Stirr Associates), Matteo Balliauw and Sunčica Vujić is available here. The coverage on Sporza is give…


3D conversion | Virtual technology for resilient fortification heritage | University of Antwerp

Virtual technology for resilient fortification heritage search menu search content 3D conversion Past - Present - Future The pilot action describes a prototype 3D conversion with Time Machine functions and allows to provide different target groups with a visualization of the past, present and future…


Impact of COVID-19 on Cervical Cancer Screening, Treatment and Vaccination | HPV Prevention and Control Board | University of Antwerp

HPV Prevention and Control Board search menu search content Impact of COVID-19 on Cervical Cancer Screening, Treatment and Vaccination November 2020 - Online Technical Meeting Meeting objectives: Update on Covid-19 pandemic: What’s the new normal? Discuss the impact of Covid-19 on WHO cervical eli…


Cross-border employment | International Staff Office | University of Antwerp

International Staff Office search menu search content Cross-border employment Working and living in different countries (cross-border workers) or working in different countries (simultaneous employment) can have implications for your social security and taxes. Please make sure to inform your HR Offi…


Safety and transgressive behaviour | Social Sciences | University of Antwerp

Social Sciences Safety and transgressive behaviour Safety and transgressive behaviour As a faculty, we aim for an inclusive environment where everyone feels physically, mentally and emotionally safe. Collegiality and respect for others, regardless of position, experience or background, is of great i…


CNDD | Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique | University of Antwerp

Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique search menu search content CNDD Le parti CNDD (Conseil national pour la défense de la démocratie) a été fondé en septembre 1994. Le 6 mai 1998, le président du parti Léonard Nyangoma a été destitué par Jean-Bosco Ndayikengurukiye. A son tour Ndayikenguruk…


Taxes | International Staff Office | University of Antwerp

International Staff Office search menu search content Taxes Taxes If you are employed in Belgium, taxes will be deducted from your monthly salary. The percentage depends on your family situation and civil status. That means it is really important you inform your HR officer of any changes regarding y…


Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (1995 - 2001 - 2010) | Great Lakes of Africa Centre | University of Antwerp

Great Lakes of Africa Centre search menu search content Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (1995 - 2001 - 2010) MICS 1 (1995) Subject MICS surveys were developed to respond to the critical need to measure progress made on the situation of children and women around the world in light of international…


Enrollment | Think Water | University of Antwerp

Think Water search menu search content Enrollment Application procedure You will have your main registration and need to enroll at the University of Antwerp. You can find the relevant application procedure through the links below: Your situation: I am not an EEA-national and I need to apply for a vi…


Forms | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Forms Do you need a webform at the UAntwerp website? Call-to-action buttons allow you to link to web forms from the website. We have different types of forms🔐 for different purposes: For event registrations, you can generate a registration form on our ev…


Cour Pénale Internationale | Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique | University of Antwerp

Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique search menu search content Cour Pénale Internationale Par une loi du 30 août 2003, le Burundi a ratifié le Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale. L'instrument de ratification ayant été déposé avec un certain retard, le Statut est entré en vigueur…


FRODEBU | Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique | University of Antwerp

Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique search menu search content FRODEBU Le parti FRODEBU (Front pour la démocratie au Burundi) a été créé en mai 1986. Il a été officiellement agréé en juillet 1992 (voir l'Ordonnance ministérielle du 23 juillet 1992 portant agrément). Documents antérieurs …


CHANGE | Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy | University of Antwerp

Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy search menu search content CHANGE "Changing work, changing incomes: designing a responsive social protection system for all" Talks 16/04/2024 - Study afternoon “Our social security: ready for another 80 years?” - “Onze sociale zekerheid: klaar voor nog e…


Responding supportively to students who are experiencing emotional difficulties | Centre of Expertise for Higher Education | University of Antwerp

Centre of Expertise for Higher Education search menu search content Responding supportively to students who are experiencing emotional difficulties June 2024 In collaboration with Evelyne Mancel, Antje Simon and Sara Backx (Study Advice & Student Counselling Services, UAntwerp) The transition to hig…


Project objectives - BRAIN-TRAINS | BRAIN-TRAINS | University of Antwerp

BRAIN-TRAINS search menu search content Project objectives - BRAIN-TRAINS Project objectives BRAIN-TRAINS’ main goal is to develop a blue print establishing the detailed criteria and conditions for developing an innovative international intermodal network in Belgium, as part of the Trans-European …


UPRONA | Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique | University of Antwerp

Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique search menu search content UPRONA Le parti UPRONA (agréé sous le nom Parti de l'Unité pour le Progrès national le 14 mai 1992) a été fondé par Prince Louis Rwagasore en 1958 (Voici l'ordonnance ministérielle du 14 mai 1992, portant agrément de l'UPRONA) Do…


Videos (EN) | HPV Prevention and Control Board | University of Antwerp

HPV Prevention and Control Board search menu search content Videos (EN) Introduction & Objectives - HPV Prevention and Control Board - Alex Vorsters Elimination of Cervical Cancer as a Public Health Problem - Nathalie Broutet Quality Review, Validation and Availability of HPV tests: Commercially ava…


Opérations de terrain - rapports droit de l'homme | Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique | University of Antwerp

Centre des Grands Lacs d’Afrique search menu search content Opérations de terrain - rapports droit de l'homme Le Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme des Nations Unies (OHCDH) a été présent au Burundi depuis de longues années, sous forme soit d’un bureau national soit d’une division …


Relation between learning goals and learning outcomes | Centre of Expertise for Higher Education | University of Antwerp

Centre of Expertise for Higher Education search menu search content Relation between learning goals and learning outcomes In recent years there has been an increasing reference to learning goals and learning outcomes in the world of education. The construction of learning goals and learning outcomes…


Research Jan Van Eemeren | Jan Van Eemeren | University of Antwerp

Jan Van Eemeren unpaid staff Research Jan Van Eemeren Research team Perceiving affordances in natural, social and moral environments. A study of the concept of affordance, and its explanatory value. 01/10/2014 - 30/09/2017 Abstract When a person stretches out her hand to me, I see it as an invitatio…
