250 results found
Nature Smart Cities | Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development | University of Antwerp
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development search menu search content Nature Smart Cities Nature Smart Cities is a project funded by the European Union through its Interreg 2 Seas programme. The project brings together city partners from Belgium, the Netherlands, France and the UK, and aca…
Initial package | Social Sciences | University of Antwerp
Social Sciences Initial package Initial package In 2022, the Flemish Parliament approved a decree to promote study efficiency in higher education. The implementation started from 2023-2024 and includes the introduction of the ‘initial package’. Every student who enrols in a bachelor’s programm…
Small stations – big challenges | Research group for Urban Development | University of Antwerp
Research group for Urban Development search menu search content Small stations – big challenges The past decade was dominated by the major European station renewal projects in cities such as Antwerp, Liège, Rotterdam or Lille. In the coming period, the transformation of train stations in smaller …
History and development of the Nature Smart Cities Business Model | Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development | University of Antwerp
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development search menu search content History and development of the Nature Smart Cities Business Model One of the key aspects influencing the usability and relevance of this Nature Smart Cities Business Model is the collaborative and interdisciplinary way i…
Laser cutting | Library | University of Antwerp
Library search menu search content Laser cutting Flux Beambox Pro Our materials are smaller than the dimensions of the cutter. Check the dimensions and take them into account in your design. Book How to laser cut 1. Book Book the device via Book a Thing. 2. Create (or download) a cuttable 2D design …
Research Allan Estandarte | Allan Estandarte | University of Antwerp
Allan Estandarte doctoral scholarship holder Research Allan Estandarte Research team Marketing Huisvestingsomstandigheden en voedingsgewoonten van consumenten: Perspectieven van verschillende stakeholders. 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2025 Abstract The links between housing type (especially apartment living),…
Want to get the best out of your students? Let’s coach! | Centre of Expertise for Higher Education | University of Antwerp
Centre of Expertise for Higher Education search menu search content Want to get the best out of your students? Let’s coach! February 2021 What is coaching? What if you took students on a journey of discovery where they became their own guides over time? What if, during your lectures, you could lea…
Research Marie Irmer | Marie Irmer | University of Antwerp
Marie Irmer doctoral scholarship holder Research Marie Irmer Research team Grammar and Pragmatics Gender dynamics in political debates. A diachronic quantitative and qualitative linguistic analysis of verbal interruptions in the federal parliament of Germany. 01/11/2022 - 31/10/2025 Abstract Previou…
Research Mats Van Gestel | Mats Van Gestel | University of Antwerp
Mats Van Gestel researcher - education supervisor Research Mats Van Gestel Research team Evolutionary ecology group (EVECO) Prioritizing Lyme borreliosis risk areas for forest and nature management based on novel insights in tick ecology. 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022 Abstract Cases of Lyme borreliosis, a…
Carbon sequestration at risk | Global Change Ecology | University of Antwerp
Global Change Ecology search menu search content Carbon sequestration at risk Carbon sequestration at risk of destabilization in large regions of the world A study led by researchers of the University of Antwerp and the Catalan Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre (CREAF) shows that …
Research Raewyn Town | Raewyn Town | University of Antwerp
Raewyn Town guest prof. external funds Research Raewyn Town Research team Ecosphere Expertise environmental physical chemistry, electrochemistry, nanoparticle reactivity, measurement and modelling of dynamic chemical speciation, bioavailability and bioaccumulation Quantitative extrapolation in ecoto…
Related projects - Mind Bending Grammars | Mind-Bending Grammars | University of Antwerp
Mind-Bending Grammars search menu search content Related projects - Mind Bending Grammars Related projects The projects on this page are closely related to the Mind-Bending Grammars project (To do or not to do), in using similar data smaller-scale stand-alone projects originally designed to solve a …
About Mathilde Falcou Préfol | Mathilde Falcou Préfol | University of Antwerp
Mathilde Falcou Préfol predoc researcher FWO About Mathilde Falcou Préfol Mathilde Falcou Préfol Contact Campus Groenenborger Show email address Groenenborgerlaan 171 2020 Antwerpen, BEL I am a PhD student working on the development of methods to analyse small microplastics and nanoplastics (plas…
Horizon 2020 | University of Antwerp
Horizon 2020 (2014 - 2020) Introduction to Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 is the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2014-2020 and consists of three big pillars and several other smaller programmes. First pillar – Excellent Science European Research Council (ERC) Marie Skl…
Research Tim Huygh | Tim Huygh | University of Antwerp
Tim Huygh guest lecturer Research Tim Huygh Research team Management Information Systems (MIS) Boosting Value Creation Through Information Technology in Flemish SMEs: On the Implementation of IT Governance to Enable the Creation of Business Value from IT-enabled investments. 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2018 …
Brain-Trains Workshop | BRAIN-TRAINS | University of Antwerp
BRAIN-TRAINS search menu search content Brain-Trains Workshop 14 September 2015 Location: HEC - Université de Liège, Rue Louvrex 14, 4000 Liège Transport: The university is located 700m from the smaller train station 'Liège Jonfosse' (10 min walk) The university is located 1,4km from the main tr…
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) | Biophysics and Biomedical Physics | University of Antwerp
Biophysics and Biomedical Physics search menu search content Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Digital image correlation (DIC) is an optical non-contact technique to measure strains on surfaces. By using two cameras, one can obtain the three dimensional deformations (pr…
Archief Gent | B-MAGIC | University of Antwerp
B-MAGIC search menu search content Archief Gent - Ghent Archief Gent preserves two large lantern slide collections. The first collection contains 195 slides made by Amand Goderus (1854-1941), the secretary and then president of the Ghent section of the Association Belge de Photographie and suppo…
Food | UAntwerp Climate Team | University of Antwerp
UAntwerp Climate Team search menu search content Food Food has an integral link to global greenhouse gas emissions and forms an important point for climate action. While the estimated impact of food on the total emissions of the university remains relatively limited, it cannot be neglected. Moreover…
The Future is AI: Its Transformative Role in Business and Society | Business and Economics | University of Antwerp
Business and Economics The Future is AI: Its Transformative Role in Business and Society A summary of the panel discussion The Future is AI: Its Transformative Role in Business and Society A summary of the panel discussion The future of AI is now, and it's transforming everything - from our workplac…
High resolution gas volume change sensor | Biophysics and Biomedical Physics | University of Antwerp
Biophysics and Biomedical Physics search menu search content High resolution gas volume change sensor High resolution gas volume change sensor For research on gas exchange processes in biologic systems, such as the middle ear, a gas volume change detector with microliter resolution is available. The…
Peter Petré | Mind-Bending Grammars | University of Antwerp
Mind-Bending Grammars search menu search content Peter Petré Peter Petré I am a research professor at the University of Antwerp and the Principal Investigator of the Mind-Bending Grammars project. Between 2014-2015 I was assistent professor of English at the University of Lille 3 (France). As a re…
Elections | Great Lakes of Africa Centre | University of Antwerp
Great Lakes of Africa Centre search menu search content Elections Following the end of the monarchy and its replacement by a republican system in 1966, Burundi has held multiparty elections in 1993, 2005, 2010 and 2015. For each of these four electoral cycles, this section provides (i) an overview o…
Cluster for elderly care | Non Written Output | University of Antwerp
Non Written Output search menu search content Cluster for elderly care Cluster for elderly care GITSCHOTELHOF De volledige studieopdracht voor de opmaak van een zorgstrategisch masterplan voor de Wijk Borgerhout Extra Muros, OCMW Antwerpen. Open Oproep Vlaamse Bouwmeester 1713 (2009) Architectural c…
Lize Gijs | Greenoffice | University of Antwerp
Greenoffice search menu search content Lize Gijs Roles; Social Media Manager Heyy I’m Lize, I’m 24 years old and currently finishing my bachelor in biology. I’m that person that can’t stop talking about the ocean and made diving their whole personality. If I can’t be under water I love to …