36 results found
About self-sampling | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content About self-sampling Population Screening for cervical cancer started in June 2013. Too few women are still having a cervical smear taken by a doctor. To keep motivating women who have stopped having their smears taken in recent years to get tested, Antwerp Uni…
The result of the test | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content The result of the test Two results are possible: The lab does not find a virus in your sample. In 9 out of 10 women, we find no traces of the virus. No further investigation is needed. The lab does find the virus in your sample. That certainly does not mean yo…
Gemeda ABEBE | Global Health Institute | University of Antwerp
Global Health Institute search menu search content Gemeda ABEBE Tuberculosis diagnostic challenges : health care seeking behavior, diagnostic algorithms and drug resistance in Ethiopia Thesis summary Tuberculosis (TB) is still an important cause of mortality worldwide. One-third of the world’s pop…
Research Severien Van Keer | Severien Van Keer | University of Antwerp
Severien Van Keer assistant professor - senior researcher Research Severien Van Keer Research team Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) Expertise Severien Van Keer graduated in 2014 as Master in Biomedical Sciences, major 'Infectious and Tropical Diseases' and minor 'Molecular and Cellular…
Research Wiebren Tjalma | Wiebren Tjalma | University of Antwerp
Wiebren Tjalma professor Research Wiebren Tjalma Research team Center for Oncological Research (CORE) Expertise Breast cancer: clinical and translational research - Breast cancer related lymphedema - Axillary surgery - Breast surgery - Mammary gland - Lobular carcinoma - Secondary prevention: thermo…
From virus to cervical cancer | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content From virus to cervical cancer What is HPV? In Flanders, 350 women get cervical cancer every year. This cancer is caused by a virus: human papillomavirus or HPV. The virus is transmitted through sexual contact and is highly contagious. Most women and men have a…
Letters and self-sampling packages | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content Letters and self-sampling packages The ScreenUrSelf trial works with four groups that can use a self-sampling kit: One group will be given an envelope that can be used to request a free urine self-sampling kit. One group will be given a package that already in…
Research Geert Van Raemdonck | Geert Van Raemdonck | University of Antwerp
Geert Van Raemdonck unpaid guest prof. Research Geert Van Raemdonck Research team Identification of biomarkers using proteomics to detect cervical cancer. 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2013 Abstract Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus (mostly by "high risk" HPV-types 16, 18, 31, 45 en 58) and…
What do we do with your data? | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content What do we do with your data? When you send your sample together with the participation form, you agree that we will send the results of the trial to you and your GP. To send these results, Antwerp University works with a service provider (DaklaPack Clinical T…
Frequently asked questions | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content Frequently asked questions Here you will find the answers to some frequently asked questions about cervical cancer in general and Population Screening for cervical cancer. For a reliable answer to personal questions you should consult your GP. Below are the an…
Closed projects | Global Health Institute | University of Antwerp
Global Health Institute search menu search content Closed projects Monitoring and management of patients with HIV in Africa Abstract Within this project the management of patients with HIV in South Africa will be studied. Intervention studies will be performed to define the value of weight monitorin…
HPV Vaccination of Adults: Impact, Opportunities and Challenges | HPV Prevention and Control Board | University of Antwerp
HPV Prevention and Control Board search menu search content HPV Vaccination of Adults: Impact, Opportunities and Challenges November 2019 - Antwerp, Belgium Meeting objectives: Provide an overview of the current situation of the HPV vaccine for adults. Discuss the immunogenicity, safety and efficacy…
Don't want to use the self-sampling kit? | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content Don't want to use the self-sampling kit? Or are our records wrong and you have in fact had a smear test taken in the past three years? If so, let us know. This allows us to update our database. You can do this: on the website: www.baarmoederhalskanker.bevolkin…
ScreenUrSelf | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content ScreenUrSelf Reduce cervical cancer risk: take a sample yourself The study is closed, you can no longer request your self-sampling kit. If you still have a kit at home, you can use it and send it in by Monday, December 16th, 2024. You can also make an appointm…
Guidelines from international organisations | HPV Prevention and Control Board | University of Antwerp
HPV Prevention and Control Board search menu search content Guidelines from international organisations Communication WHO communication on HPV Vaccines Human papillomavirus vaccines: WHO position paper, December 2022 This position paper is concerned with vaccines and vaccination against diseases cau…
Research Xaveer Van Ostade | Xaveer Van Ostade | University of Antwerp
Xaveer Van Ostade professor Research Xaveer Van Ostade Research team Cell death signaling (CDS) Expertise Purification and characterisation of proteins and protein complexes. Strengthening Phytopharmaceutical and OMICs Research as well as Biomedical Education in Three Cuban Institutes by Defining th…
You decide! Make sure you are properly informed | ScreenUrSelf | University of Antwerp
ScreenUrSelf search menu search content You decide! Make sure you are properly informed It is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of investigation. That way, you can make a conscious choice. Advantages Cervical cancer and its precursors can be detected early, before you notice it your…
Videos (EN) | HPV Prevention and Control Board | University of Antwerp
HPV Prevention and Control Board search menu search content Videos (EN) Introduction HPV Prevention & Control Board Meeting Antwerp, Belgium - Alex Vorsters Immunogenicity and tolerability of HPV vaccine in women aged 15-55 years; study findings and way forward - Tino F. Schwarz Potential Benefits o…
Publications Ina Benoy | Ina Benoy | University of Antwerp
Ina Benoy unpaid staff Publications Ina Benoy Evolution of human papilloma virus prevalence in a highly vaccinated region in Belgium : a retrospective cohort study in Flemish women (2010-2019) Source European journal of cancer prevention - ISSN 1473-5709-32:1 (2023) p. 48-56 Author(s) Evelyne Huyghe…
Natalie LORENT | Global Health Institute | University of Antwerp
Global Health Institute search menu search content Natalie LORENT Early diagnosis and care of tuberculosis through community-based active case-finding in urban slums of Phnom Penh, Cambodia Summary In Cambodia the suffering from tuberculosis (TB) remains unacceptably high. WHO estimates that for Cam…
Eshetu Lemma Haile | Global Health Institute | University of Antwerp
Global Health Institute search menu search content Eshetu Lemma Haile Evaluation of cervical cancer screening uptake, HPV genotyping and self-sampling collection techniques in Ethiopia PhD summary Invasive cervical cancer (ICC) is the fourth most prevalent malignancy and cause of death in women worl…
Research Alex Vorsters | Alex Vorsters | University of Antwerp
Alex Vorsters TT. asst. research professor Research Alex Vorsters Research team Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) Expertise Prof. Vorsters is involved in several vaccine preventable disease projects including the Viral Hepatitis Prevention board (www.vhpb.org). Since 2015 he coordinates…
Zerihun Zerdo Zeleke | Global Health Institute | University of Antwerp
Global Health Institute search menu search content Zerihun Zerdo Zeleke Perceptions and impact of malaria health education in school children; Challenges in malaria control & elimination in Arba Minch, SNNPR, Ethiopia PhD summary Introduction Malaria remains a public health problem in economically d…
Research Robert Colebunders | Robert Colebunders | University of Antwerp
Robert Colebunders emeritus occasional assignment - emeritus with assignment Research Robert Colebunders Research team Global Health Institute (GHI) Expertise Training and providing advice in the field of infectious diseases, tropical medicine, travel medicine and HIV infection and assistance in est…
Research Pierre Van Damme | Pierre Van Damme | University of Antwerp
Pierre Van Damme emeritus with assignment Research Pierre Van Damme Research team Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) Expertise -conduct of phase I, II, III and IV clinical trials with emphasis on vaccine trials -protocol writing -scientific writing -project management, with emphasis on i…