14 results found

Matériel pédagogique | B@seball | University of Antwerp

B@seball search menu search content Matériel pédagogique 1. L'emplacement de l'école et de la cour de récréation 2. La biodiversité à l'école Beaucoup de ressources sur les thèmes de la biodiversité, de l’écologie, des végétaux et des insectes sont disponibles sur l’Ecolothèque de …


Publications Anne Hebert | Anne Hebert | University of Antwerp

Anne Hebert predoc researcher FWO Publications Anne Hebert Expanding the clinical spectrum of biglycan-related Meester-Loeys syndrome Source Npj genomic medicine - ISSN 2056-7944-9:1 (2024) p. 1-9 Author(s) Josephina Meester, Anne Hebert, Maaike Bastiaansen, Laura Rabaut, Jarl Bastianen, Nele Boeckx…


Publications Laura Rabaut | Laura Rabaut | University of Antwerp

Laura Rabaut Publications Laura Rabaut Expanding the clinical spectrum of biglycan-related Meester-Loeys syndrome Source Npj genomic medicine - ISSN 2056-7944-9:1 (2024) p. 1-9 Author(s) Josephina Meester, Anne Hebert, Maaike Bastiaansen, Laura Rabaut, Jarl Bastianen, Nele Boeckx, Kathryn Ashcroft, …


Publications Josephina Meester | Josephina Meester | University of Antwerp

Josephina Meester assistant professor - postdoc researcher FWO Publications Josephina Meester An exploration of alternative therapeutic targets for aortic disease in Marfan syndrome Source Drug discovery today - ISSN 1359-6446-29:7 (2024) p. 1-12 Author(s) Lotte Van Den Heuvel, Silke Peeters, Joseph…


Publications Lut Van Laer | Lut Van Laer | University of Antwerp

Lut Van Laer associate professor Publications Lut Van Laer Phenotypic spectrum of the first Belgian MYBPC3 founder : a large multi-exon deletion with a varying phenotype Source Frontiers in genetics - ISSN 1664-8021-15 (2024) p. 1-15 Author(s) Hanne Boen, Maaike Alaerts, Lut Van Laer, Johan Saenen, …


Publications Maaike Bastiaansen | Maaike Bastiaansen | University of Antwerp

Maaike Bastiaansen Publications Maaike Bastiaansen Expanding the clinical spectrum of biglycan-related Meester-Loeys syndrome Source Npj genomic medicine - ISSN 2056-7944-9:1 (2024) p. 1-9 Author(s) Josephina Meester, Anne Hebert, Maaike Bastiaansen, Laura Rabaut, Jarl Bastianen, Nele Boeckx, Kathry…


Publications Jarl Bastianen | Jarl Bastianen | University of Antwerp

Jarl Bastianen Publications Jarl Bastianen Phenotypic spectrum of the first Belgian MYBPC3 founder : a large multi-exon deletion with a varying phenotype Source Frontiers in genetics - ISSN 1664-8021-15 (2024) p. 1-15 Author(s) Hanne Boen, Maaike Alaerts, Lut Van Laer, Johan Saenen, Inge Goovaerts, …


Publications Aline Verstraeten | Aline Verstraeten | University of Antwerp

Aline Verstraeten TT. asst. research professor Publications Aline Verstraeten Investigation of strategies to block downstream effectors of AT1R-mediated signalling to prevent aneurysm formation in Marfan syndrome Source International journal of molecular sciences - ISSN 1661-6596-25:9 (2024) p. 1-12…


Déroulement du projet | B@seball | University of Antwerp

B@seball search menu search content Déroulement du projet Newsletter juin 2023 Comment se déroule l'enquête jusqu'à présent ? A3 (pdf - 25,9 MB) Comment se déroule l'enquête jusqu'à présent ? A4 (pdf - 22MB) Plus de 500 enfants belges de 5e et 6e primaires ont récolté des éch…


Field visits | Health in Congolese artisanal and small-scale mines | University of Antwerp

Health in Congolese artisanal and small-scale mines search menu search content Field visits Watch the video here - Regardez la vidéo ici EN In April 2021 and August 2021 the multidisciplinary CEGEMI team visited the mines of Kamituga to collect data on health and environment. Kamituga is a mining t…


Past GaP-lectures | Grammar and Pragmatics | University of Antwerp

Grammar and Pragmatics search menu search content Past GaP-lectures 2024 25 June. Jennifer Thewissen (University of Antwerp): "Going beyond 'just' errors: expanding the scope of learner corpus accuracy studies" 7 May. Jana Declercq (University of Antwerp): "Untangling chronic pain: talking about pai…


Awards | Laboratory of Adsorption and Catalysis | University of Antwerp

Laboratory of Adsorption and Catalysis search menu search content Awards 2022 Presentation award Title: Immobilizing neuroglobin in mesoporous materials-monitoring protein structure and dynamics with spin-label electron paramagnetic resonance. Authors: Lore Van den Bergh, Z. Hafideddine, S. Loreto, …


FAQ | B@seball | University of Antwerp

B@seball search menu search content FAQ Y a-t-il des résultats concernant d'autres pays ? Il existe déjà quelques études réalisées à l'étranger sur ce sujet. Cependant, chaque pays a des paysages et des traditions différents. Le microbiome diffère entre les personnes de différents pays. D…


Research | Research Centre for Visual Poetics | University of Antwerp

Research Centre for Visual Poetics search menu search content Research Ongoing projects Sabbatical Leave 2024-2025 (Gertjan Willems). 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2025 Abstract The scientific objectives for my sabbatical leave can be divided into two main categories. 1) Continuation of ongoing research endeav…
