8 results found
Expedition Social Sciences | Social Sciences | University of Antwerp
Social Sciences Expedition Social Sciences March 2022 Expedition Social Sciences March 2022 Where in your neighbourhood can water infiltrate? Expedition Social Sciences - March 2022 Mandy Paauw talks about her research on socio-spatial (in)justice in flood risk management Expedition Social Sciences …
Research Ann Crabbé | Ann Crabbé | University of Antwerp
Ann Crabbé guest professor - associate professor - senior researcher Research Ann Crabbé Research team Biobased sustainability engineering (SUSTAIN) Expertise Dr. Ann Crabbé is a senior researcher and member of the research group Environment & Society of the University of Antwerp. Ann has a bache…
Publications Jasper Van de Vijver | Jasper Van de Vijver | University of Antwerp
Jasper Van de Vijver guest lecturer - education supervisor Publications Jasper Van de Vijver Bewoonbare beelden: heimwee en nostalgie in Solaris en Nostalghia Source Denken in het donker met Andrej Tarkovski / Van Gerwen, Rob [edit.]-p. 37-56 Author(s) Jasper van de Vijver Citation link Non grazioso…
Just Water Governance & Finance | Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development | University of Antwerp
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development search menu search content Just Water Governance & Finance Co-creation, participation, citizen science, innovative finance, water justice, right to access to water Research groups Urban Development EnvEcon CRESC Law and Development Key experts Tin…
Young USI | Urban Studies Institute | University of Antwerp
Urban Studies Institute search menu search content Young USI Young USI comprises of the young researchers at the University of Antwerp who focus on urban studies. In their research projects they are often supervised by members of the USI steering board. Young USI Tural Abdullazada Inneke Baatsen, US…
Research Mandy Paauw | Mandy Paauw | University of Antwerp
Mandy Paauw doctoral scholarship holder Research Mandy Paauw Research team Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change The role of knowledge and recognition in promoting just flood risk management in Flanders and abroad. 15/07/2023 - 14/07/2024 Abstract Climate change, combined with urban…
Research Frederic Vandermoere | Frederic Vandermoere | University of Antwerp
Frederic Vandermoere associate professor Research Frederic Vandermoere Research team Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change Expertise Social scientific research and the provision of services in the policy domain of sustainability transitions. Sociological research on changing water c…
Projects | Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change | University of Antwerp
Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change search menu search content Projects Ongoing projects The visa process outsourcing industry: the case of Afghan refugee families seeking reunification in Belgium 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2026 Abstract The outsourcing of visa processing is a relatively …