10 results found

Publications Ann Crabbé | Ann Crabbé | University of Antwerp

Ann Crabbé guest professor - associate professor - senior researcher Publications Ann Crabbé Transition towards sustainable material innovation : evidence and evaluation of the Flemish case Source Journal of cleaner production - ISSN 0959-6526-56 (2013) p. 63-72 Author(s) Ann Crabbé, Ria Jacobs, …


Biological and Medical Art in Belgium | Biomab | University of Antwerp

Biomab search menu search content Biological and Medical Art in Belgium founded in 2010 Bij wetenschappers, artsen en kunstenaars is een grote bereidheid en openheid om elkaars leefwereld te leren kennen en begrijpen. Integratie van kunst in de wetenschappen kwam de afgelopen jaren ook steeds meer e…


Institutional stability and change | Sustainable water management | University of Antwerp

Sustainable water management search menu search content Institutional stability and change An integrated water management An often heard critique on water governance in Flanders, is its fragmentation and the seeming inability to create more coordination between the various actors involved. In the 19…


Project | From handmade gravel to handmade urbanism | University of Antwerp

From handmade gravel to handmade urbanism search menu search content Project EN In the project, we trace the value chain of sand and stones, manually extracted along Lake Kivu, transported to the city of Bukavu, and materially transformed into the city’s handmade architecture. Focusing on human la…


Research Bastiaan Redert | Bastiaan Redert | University of Antwerp

Bastiaan Redert senior researcher Research Bastiaan Redert Research team Antwerp Centre for Institutions and Multi-Level Politics (ACIM) Politics & Public Governance Expertise My research agenda focuses on interest groups, European policymaking, (regulatory) agencies and the legitimacy of stakeholde…


SBT/A | The Samuel Beckett Endpage | University of Antwerp

The Samuel Beckett Endpage search menu search content SBT/A Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui (SBT/A) English A blind peer-reviewed bilingual journal, Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd’hui (SBT/A) has established itself as one of the leading international journals in the dynamic field of Beckett stu…


Research Kris Van Alsenoy | Kris Van Alsenoy | University of Antwerp

Kris Van Alsenoy emeritus occasional assignment Research Kris Van Alsenoy Research team Expertise Calculation of molecular properties using quantum chemical methods. Development of new exchange-correlation functionals and introduction of fractional occupation numbers in KS-DFT. 01/10/2009 - 30/09/20…


Past events | Power in History | University of Antwerp

Power in History search menu search content Past events 23-24 February 2024: Workshop Research School Political History 'Working in an international academic community' More information can be found here. 9 February 2024: Het Groot Geschiedenisdebat (in Dutch) Recente publicaties over de relatie tus…


Research Francois Peeters | Francois Peeters | University of Antwerp

Francois Peeters emeritus with assignment Research Francois Peeters Research team Condensed Matter Theory Expertise - Modelling of semiconductors and of electrical and magnetic processes. Advancing photocatalytic water-splitting technology by reliable in silico design of the catalysts. 01/10/2022 - …


Appearance in the media | Transport and Regional Economics | University of Antwerp

Transport and Regional Economics search menu search content Appearance in the media The Department of Transport and Regional Economic has a continuing appearance in the daily press and media. 2024 14 juni 2024: De eerste publieke laadparking voor elektrische vrachtwagens van België staat in de Antw…
