33 results found

3D sonar sensors enable unmanned sailing | Cosys-Lab | University of Antwerp

Cosys-Lab search menu search content 3D sonar sensors enable unmanned sailing UAntwerp and Port of Antwerp testing innovative technology for autonomous shipping Automated navigation is the future of inland shipping. It may sound futuristic, but innovative research carried out by UAntwerp and the Por…


Sonar navigation inspired by bat flowers | Cosys-Lab | University of Antwerp

Cosys-Lab search menu search content Sonar navigation inspired by bat flowers About the sonar navigation Flemish, Dutch and German researchers discover bioinspired signs to make robot navigation more efficient Sonar is essential for robots and self-driving cars as it is a very cost-effective sensor …


Active Perception Lab | Engineering Management | University of Antwerp

Engineering Management search menu search content Active Perception Lab About Research topics Research methods Research team About The work in the lab is oriented towards the development of biomimetic sensors to support intelligent interactions with the environment by autonomous systems. This interd…


Exact sciences | Info for­ companies | University of Antwerp

Info for companies search menu search content Exact sciences License offers Sonar sensing systems for autonomous navigation and smart industries applications Based on over a decade of intense research, researchers of the Faculty of Applied Engineering updated the ultrasonic sensing modality - one of…


Sensor Processing for CPS | Cosys-Lab | University of Antwerp

Cosys-Lab search menu search content Sensor Processing for CPS Our roots in biomimetic sensing have laid a firm foundation when it comes to sensing with ultrasound. Bats use their calls to scan the world around them, navigating through complex environments – rain or shine. This inspired our resear…


Research Robin Kerstens | Robin Kerstens | University of Antwerp

Robin Kerstens senior researcher Research Robin Kerstens Research team Co-Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (Cosys-Lab) Expertise I work on algorithm design and signal processing techniques for in-air sonar and radar applications such as autonomous navigation. I also teach the analog electronics lab …


Research Wouter Jansen | Wouter Jansen | University of Antwerp

Wouter Jansen researcher Research Wouter Jansen Research team Co-Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (Cosys-Lab) 3D sonar sensing for inland shipping applications.. 01/02/2020 - 31/01/2021 Abstract In this project, we will evaluate the applicability of the eRTIS 3D sonar sensor in autonomous indoor shi…


Research Herbert Peremans | Herbert Peremans | University of Antwerp

Herbert Peremans full professor Research Herbert Peremans Research team Engineering Management Expertise Signal processing HRTF measurement Biomimetic Sonarsystems for robots Nexor - Cyber-Physical Systems for the Industry 4.0 era 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2026 Abstract The fourth industrial revolution (In…


Publications Andre Boen | Andre Boen | University of Antwerp

Andre Boen expert Publications Andre Boen Place recognition using batlike sonar Source eLife - ISSN 2050-084X-5 (2016) p. 1-23 Author(s) Dieter Vanderelst, Jan Steckel, André Boen, Herbert Peremans, Marc W. Holderied Citation link Broadband 3-D sonar system using a sparse array for indoor navigatio…


Research Dennis Laurijssen | Dennis Laurijssen | University of Antwerp

Dennis Laurijssen guest lecturer Research Dennis Laurijssen Research team Co-Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (Cosys-Lab) ABN HaFreeS MVP Prototype. 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024 Abstract In this project we investigated during the first phase (IOF-POC ABN HaFrees Feasibility) whether it was possible to de…


Publications Robin Kerstens | Robin Kerstens | University of Antwerp

Robin Kerstens senior researcher Publications Robin Kerstens Fusion of RADAR and acoustic arrays for drone detection in restricted air-space Source 2024 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON), 22-24 January, 2024, Goa, India- () p. 1-4 Author(s) Gaetan Blankers, Robin Kerstens, Wouter Jansen, Walt…


Publications Wouter Jansen | Wouter Jansen | University of Antwerp

Wouter Jansen researcher Publications Wouter Jansen EchoPT : a pretrained transformer architecture that predicts 2D in-air sonar images for mobile robotics Source Biomimetics - ISSN 2313-7673-9:11 (2024) p. 1-16 Author(s) Jan Steckel, Wouter Jansen, Nico Huebel Citation link SonoNERFs : neural radia…


Publications Niels Balemans | Niels Balemans | University of Antwerp

Niels Balemans predoc researcher FWO Publications Niels Balemans LiDAR-BIND : multi-modal sensor fusion through shared latent embeddings Source IEEE robotics and automation letters - ISSN 2377-3766-9:11 (2024) p. 9159-9166 Author(s) Niels Balemans, Ali Anwar, Jan Steckel, Siegfried Mercelis Citation…


Waarom wetenschap belangrijk is! | Kekulé-cyclus | University of Antwerp

Kekulé-cyclus search menu search content Waarom wetenschap belangrijk is! Nieuw concept ! De jeugdsessie gaat niet ‘live’ door maar wordt in Studio Sonar – Antwerpen opgenomen op 27 februari 2024: twee sessies van telkens 45 min. Vanaf 10 maart 2024 staan deze opnames online. De link zal grat…


Research Jan Steckel | Jan Steckel | University of Antwerp

Jan Steckel associate research professor Research Jan Steckel Research team Co-Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (Cosys-Lab) Expertise 3D Sonar Acoustic Signalprocessing Embedded systems Electronics Signal Processing Artificial Intelligence Automatic Sensor Pose Evaluation and Reconfiguration (ASORE-…


Research Inga Geipel | Inga Geipel | University of Antwerp

Inga Geipel unpaid staff Research Inga Geipel Research team Co-Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (Cosys-Lab) Expertise I study sensory ecology and animal behaviour, specializing in bioacoustics, predator-prey interactions, and functional ecology. As a member of the Cosys-Lab and Active Perception lab…


Exact sciences | Info for­ companies | University of Antwerp

Info for companies search menu search content Exact sciences License offers Non-contact moisture content analysis with hyperspectral imaging Membraneless electrolyzers for green H2 production Super-resolution reconstruction for fast and quantitative MRI Teaching intelligent robots the art of delegat…


Past projects | Centre for Health and Technology (ChaT) | University of Antwerp

Centre for Health and Technology (ChaT) search menu search content Past projects Preventive measures for high physical strain workers - In this project we focus on preventive measures for dockers under physical load. We aim to achieve maximal support through recommendations for new products and trai…


Publications | Cosys-Lab | University of Antwerp

Cosys-Lab search menu search content Publications EchoPT : a pretrained transformer architecture that predicts 2D in-air sonar images for mobile robotics Source Biomimetics - ISSN 2313-7673-9:11 (2024) p. 1-16 Author(s) Jan Steckel, Wouter Jansen, Nico Huebel Citation link Synchronisation of a multi…


Publications Erik Verreycken | Erik Verreycken | University of Antwerp

Erik Verreycken Publications Erik Verreycken Distributed microphone arrays for passive acoustic localization across spatial and temporal scales Source Antwerpen, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Engineering, 2024,xii, 130 p. Author(s) Erik Verreycken, Jan Steckel, Walter Daems Citation link…


Publications Dennis Laurijssen | Dennis Laurijssen | University of Antwerp

Dennis Laurijssen guest lecturer Publications Dennis Laurijssen Synchronisation of a multimodal sensing setup for analysis of conservatory pianists Source 27th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 28-30 August, 2024, Paris, France- () p. 576-581 Author(s) Rens Baeyens, Max Cornilly, …


Publications Ralph Simon | Ralph Simon | University of Antwerp

Ralph Simon unpaid staff Publications Ralph Simon Detecting and classifying bio-inspired artificial landmarks using in-air 3D sonar Source Proceedings of IEEE Sensors- () p. 1-4 Author(s) Maarten de Backer, Wouter Jansen, Dennis Laurijssen, Ralph Simon, Walter Daems, Jan Steckel Citation link An ult…


Publications Jan Steckel | Jan Steckel | University of Antwerp

Jan Steckel associate research professor Publications Jan Steckel EchoPT : a pretrained transformer architecture that predicts 2D in-air sonar images for mobile robotics Source Biomimetics - ISSN 2313-7673-9:11 (2024) p. 1-16 Author(s) Jan Steckel, Wouter Jansen, Nico Huebel Citation link Synchronis…


Projects | Cosys-Lab | University of Antwerp

Cosys-Lab search menu search content Projects Ongoing projects Online Global Motion Profile Optimizer. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2026 Abstract To address environmental concerns, researchers focus on reducing the energy use of industrial machinery. Position-controlled systems allow for energy savings by opt…


Events | Applied Mathematics | University of Antwerp

Applied Mathematics search menu search content Events Applied Mathematics Christmas Dinner - 2017 Edition 19 January 2017 The tradition of the Applied Mathematics Christmas dinner was established at the founding of the group in 2006. Due to the appealing nature of this event, it has been organized o…
