686 results found

Invasive species | Plants and Ecosystems | University of Antwerp

Plants and Ecosystems search menu search content Invasive species Invasiveness and invasibility, impact of invasive species, climate sensitivity The introduction and spread of alien plant species has become a global ecological and conservation crisis as these species can dramatically effect native e…


Invasive species in the Andes | Global Change Ecology | University of Antwerp

Global Change Ecology search menu search content Invasive species in the Andes Invasive species in the Andes are surprisingly familiar One day, Jonas Lembrechts (Global Change Ecology, Reserach Group Plants and Ecosystems) received a beautifully illustrated book about the exotic flora of Chile from …


Applied population biology: Conservation, pests and invasive species | Evolutionary Ecology Group - EVECO | University of Antwerp

Evolutionary Ecology Group - EVECO search menu search content Applied population biology: Conservation, pests and invasive species This research line developed from work in fundamental population ecology in the 1980s. The work with rodents that cause damage in agriculture or carry diseases, especial…


Ecology and impact of invasive vertebrate species - Evolutionary Ecology | Evolutionary Ecology Group - EVECO | University of Antwerp

Evolutionary Ecology Group - EVECO search menu search content Ecology and impact of invasive vertebrate species - Evolutionary Ecology Invasive species are increasingly regarded as a major threat to biodiversity, but in many cases evidence is lacking on the actual impact of these species on endemic …


studyspecies Wendt Müller | Wendt Müller | University of Antwerp

Wendt Müller associate research professor studyspecies Wendt Müller Study species Cookie prreferences Strictly necessary cookies They are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and can not be switched off. They are generally defined only as a result of actions you carry out and that e…


Methods - Leaf fall | Leaf-fall | University of Antwerp

Leaf-fall search menu search content Methods - Leaf fall Methods Studied species In this research we concentrate on four deciduous tree species: European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) , pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and European aspen (Populus tremula L.). Europ…


Research Léa Joffrin | Léa Joffrin | University of Antwerp

Léa Joffrin postdoc researcher FWO Research Léa Joffrin Research team Evolutionary ecology group (EVECO) Community ecology of Tanzanian bats and cross-species transmission of their viruses. 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2024 Abstract Most research on the eco-epidemiology of bat-borne viruses is conducted on …


Education Erik Matthysen | Erik Matthysen | University of Antwerp

Erik Matthysen full professor Education Erik Matthysen 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2024-2025 Diversity of animals Diversity of animals Course code: 1001WETDVD Bachelor of Biology Ecology I Ecology I Course code: 1001WETECO Bachelor of Biology Good Field Practices Good Field Practices Course code: …


Research Valentina Burskaia | Valentina Burskaia | University of Antwerp

Valentina Burskaia senior researcher Research Valentina Burskaia Research team Evolutionary ecology group (EVECO) Expertise Stunning beauty of living creatures raises an inevitable question: how is it made? According to the second law of thermodynamics, in a closed system entropy always increases ir…


| Global Change Ecology | University of Antwerp

Global Change Ecology search menu search content Invasive Chinese mitten crabs useful to monitor PFAS contamination Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as PFAS, are a large group of man-made chemicals. PFAS have been used for many different applications including waterproofing materi…


NEW: Avoiding a local wildlife reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 in Belgium. | Evolutionary Ecology Group - EVECO | University of Antwerp

Evolutionary Ecology Group - EVECO search menu search content NEW: Avoiding a local wildlife reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 in Belgium. SARS-CoV-2 has its origin in an Asian bat species, but it is now clear that it can infect various unrelated mammal species in addition to humans. Given the circulation of …


Research Genevieve Diedericks | Genevieve Diedericks | University of Antwerp

Genevieve Diedericks project coordinator Research Genevieve Diedericks Research team Evolutionary ecology group (EVECO) Expertise I'm a postdoctoral research fellow at the Svardal lab, University of Antwerp (Belgium). My research interests center around population genetics, and the interface between…


Publications Hans De Boeck | Hans De Boeck | University of Antwerp

Hans De Boeck senior researcher Publications Hans De Boeck Publications (you can mail me hans.deboeck@uantwerp.be to get a pdf of these, or check ResearchGate - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hans_De_Boeck) Vetter VM, Kreyling J, Dengler J, Apostolova I, Arfin‐Khan MA, Berauer BJ, Berwaers S…


Functional plant diversity | Plants and Ecosystems | University of Antwerp

Plants and Ecosystems search menu search content Functional plant diversity Biodiversity-functioning relationships, interaction with climate change, diversity and stability A plant community generally consists of many species from multiple functional groups. The role of species richness, evenness an…


Education Herwig Leirs | Herwig Leirs | University of Antwerp

Herwig Leirs full professor - rector Education Herwig Leirs 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2024-2025 Parasitology Parasitology Course code: 1001WETPAR Bachelor of Biology Project Project Course code: 1001WETPRO Bachelor of Biology Field Course Tropical Biology Field Course Tropical Biology Course cod…


Past Research Hans De Boeck | Hans De Boeck | University of Antwerp

Hans De Boeck senior researcher Past Research Hans De Boeck Past research Second term post-doctoral project work (2011-2014) The focus of my research was, as in the first three years of post-doctoral work, on the impact of climatic extremes on plants. At the same time, I was also involved in project…


Can you help us find crabs? | Global Change Ecology | University of Antwerp

Global Change Ecology search menu search content Can you help us find crabs? Wanted dead or alive: blue crabs The University of Antwerp is looking for Atlantic blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). These crabs with striking blue legs and pincers occur naturally along the Atlantic coasts of North and Sou…


Mustached Bat brain atlas | Bio-Imaging Lab | University of Antwerp

Bio-Imaging Lab search menu search content Mustached Bat brain atlas The Mustached Bat brain atlas and its manual can be freely downloaded as zip-file and can be interactively explored with AMIDE, AMIRA 5.4.5, MRIcro, MRIcron, MRIcro-GL, or any other common MRI visualization program. Substantial kno…


Research Maria Cecilia Oliveira | Maria Cecilia Oliveira | University of Antwerp

Maria Cecilia Oliveira postdoctoral scholarship hold. Research Maria Cecilia Oliveira Research team Plasma Lab for Applications in Sustainability and Medicine - Antwerp (PLASMANT) Expertise I am a postdoctoral fellow performing molecular dynamics simulations of biological systems. Specifically, I am…


How do bioluminescent fireflies respond to artificial light? | Global Change Ecology | University of Antwerp

Global Change Ecology search menu search content How do bioluminescent fireflies respond to artificial light? Behavioural responses of bioluminescent fireflies to artificial light at night Nocturnal light pollution affects the natural light environment and day-night cycle, impacting many taxa. The c…


PhDs | Plants and Ecosystems | University of Antwerp

Plants and Ecosystems search menu search content PhDs Completed PhDs since 1999 2024 Jan Clavel - The potential for upward range expansion of alien plant species in cold-climate mountains in a warming world. Defended on 5.02.2024. Irene Ramirez Rojas - Underground connections: the interplay between …


Plasma medicine Annemie Bogaerts | Annemie Bogaerts | University of Antwerp

Annemie Bogaerts full research professor Plasma medicine Annemie Bogaerts The use of plasma for various medical applications, i.e., so-called “plasma medicine”, is gaining increasing interest, e.g., for sterilisation and decontamination purposes, for wound healing, the treatment of skin diseases…


Open PhD/Postdoc posititions Hannes Svardal | Hannes Svardal | University of Antwerp

Hannes Svardal associate research professor Open PhD/Postdoc posititions Hannes Svardal Evolutionary population genomics The role of structural variants in the rapid evolution of biodiversity Our recent work suggests that large genomic inversions, a type of structural genetic variants, segregate in …


Research Els De Keyzer | Els De Keyzer | University of Antwerp

Els De Keyzer postdoc researcher FWO Research Els De Keyzer Research team Evolutionary ecology group (EVECO) Expertise My main expertise is evolutionary genomic analysis of whole-genome sequencing data and RAD sequencing data. I have experience in population genomics analysis and metabarcoding studi…


Research Ken Schoutens | Ken Schoutens | University of Antwerp

Ken Schoutens postdoc researcher FWO Research Ken Schoutens Research team Ecosphere Nature-based climate adaptation in the coastal zone: demonstrating the key role of spatial self-organization of coupled plant species zonation and wave attenuation in tidal marshes. 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2026 Abstract T…
