114 results found
Sequentiality | University of Antwerp
Sequentiality Sequentiality is a concept that applies to specific courses within the programme. It implies that you can include certain courses in your study programme only after completing one or more prerequisite courses. These courses cannot be registered for simultaneously. Sequentiality plays a…
Publications Chris Blondia | Chris Blondia | University of Antwerp
Chris Blondia emeritus occasional assignment Publications Chris Blondia Dedicated restricted target wake time for real-time applications in Wi-Fi 7 Source IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference : WCNC- (2024) p. Author(s) Andrei Belogaev, Xiaoman Shen, Chun Pan, Xingfeng Jiang, Chris…
Bart Decroos | Henry van de Velde | University of Antwerp
Henry van de Velde search menu search content Bart Decroos 2017 - 2023 The Ecological Sensibility: Between Ruskin and Banham Promotor: Lara Schrijver Contemporary architecture seems to be increasingly described as sustainable, circular, re-usable, environmentally friendly or carbon hostile, as being…
Ethical code on active pluralism | University of Antwerp
Ethical code on active pluralism Philosophical diversity is an integral part of our contemporary society and of our university. In responding to this diversity, the University of Antwerp takes an actively pluralistic approach. Active pluralism shares the moral sensitivity of passive pluralism: that …
Resits and deferred exams | Language courses | University of Antwerp
Language courses search menu search content Resits and deferred exams Other language courses Resits Students who do not pass all of their exams are welcome to take a resit. This is subject to strict conditions: You must take the resit within 6 months after the end of your course. You can only take a…
Working in Belgium after graduation | University of Antwerp
Working in Belgium after graduation After graduation, some students decide to stay in Belgium to work. If you decide to do so, you will need to think about your visa. This will require some planning. If you are a Belgian national, a Swiss national or a national from a European Economic Area (EEA) co…
Prof Sandra Van Puyvelde new co-chair of Young Academy | Laboratory of Medical Microbiology | University of Antwerp
Laboratory of Medical Microbiology search menu search content Prof Sandra Van Puyvelde new co-chair of Young Academy On 8 April 2023, professors Sandra Van Puyvelde and Bart Vermang will take over the role of chairs of the Jonge Academie. Sandra is a microbiologist & researcher at the Laboratory of …
Supports and grants | HPV Prevention and Control Board | University of Antwerp
HPV Prevention and Control Board search menu search content Supports and grants The executive secretariat of the HPV prevention and Control Board benefits from being seated at the Center for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) of the University of Antwerp, where it has the infrastructure and adminis…
Exemptions | Master of Epidemiology | University of Antwerp
Master of Epidemiology Exemptions Exemptions It is sometimes possible to receive an exemption from a programme component. This means you don’t have to sit an exam for that particular programme component in order to obtain your degree. You can request exemptions on the basis of: work or other pract…
Research in the spotlight | Law and Development | University of Antwerp
Law and Development search menu search content Research in the spotlight Research in the spotlight This section highlights the current research projects in the spotlight. These themes often transcend the strict division of our research lines. Joint research with South Institutions Human Rights & Bus…
Realtime tomograph.reconstruction using Neural Networks | imec - Vision Lab | University of Antwerp
imec - Vision Lab search menu search content Realtime tomograph.reconstruction using Neural Networks Abstract: Tomographical algorithms can be separated into two classes: analytical “one-step” methods and iterative reconstruction algorithms. Analytical methods are fast, but require projection da…
Exemptions | Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy | University of Antwerp
Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy Exemptions Exemptions It is sometimes possible to receive an exemption from a programme component. This means you don’t have to sit an exam for that particular programme component in order to obtain your degree. You can request exemptions on the basis of: …
Resits and deferred exams | Language courses | University of Antwerp
Language courses search menu search content Resits and deferred exams Dutch as a Foreign Language Resit Students who do not pass all of their exams are welcome to take a resit. This is subject to strict conditions: You must take the resit within 6 months after the end of your course. You can only ta…
Education | Centre Pieter Gillis | University of Antwerp
Centre Pieter Gillis search menu search content Education In order to embody the mission of active pluralism, one of the main tasks of the Centre Pieter Gillis (CPG) is the organization of university-wide, interdisciplinary courses (30 teaching hours – 3 credits) for BA2 and BA3 students. In order…
Born-Bunge Institute | IBB-Neurobiobank | University of Antwerp
IBB-Neurobiobank search menu search content Born-Bunge Institute IBB and the IBB-Neurobiobank About IBB The Born-Bunge Institute (IBB) at the University of Antwerp wants to assist patients via their treating physician by: making a definite neuropathological diagnosis or by developing new research me…
Research Hanan Barich | Hanan Barich | University of Antwerp
Hanan Barich unpaid staff Research Hanan Barich Research team Antwerp engineering, PhotoElectroChemistry & Sensing (A-PECS) Combining photoelectrochemistry and voltammetry: towards a mobile electrosensor for phenolics in industrial wastewater. 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2023 Abstract The amount of chemicals…
Edition 2017 | Transport and Regional Economics | University of Antwerp
Transport and Regional Economics search menu search content Edition 2017 Ship finance in the Basel IV era On 28 February, during the EU Shipping Week, the BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Transport, Logistics and Ports hosted an event on the topic ‘Ship finance in the Basel IV era’ in Brussels. After tw…
Open-book exams: what to be mindful of as a lecturer | Centre of Expertise for Higher Education | University of Antwerp
Centre of Expertise for Higher Education search menu search content Open-book exams: what to be mindful of as a lecturer November 2023 in collaboration with Dr Jasmine Meysman, Faculty of Applied Engineering, University of Antwerp Introduction In recent years, the focus on blended learning and dista…
Doctoral research | Arts | University of Antwerp
Arts Doctoral research PhD in the Arts Doctoral research PhD in the Arts Attend a doctoral defence Doing a PhD On average, 130 PhD students are active at the Faculty of Arts in the various research groups. Every year about twenty of them defend their thesis. Are you interested in doing a PhD at our …
Vehicle routing problems | ANT/OR | Antwerp Operations Research | University of Antwerp
ANT/OR | Antwerp Operations Research search menu search content Vehicle routing problems The freight transportation sector accounts for a major percentage of the global economy. Companies in this sector face a major challenge when planning their operations: on a regular basis, they need to decide wh…
Special Issue | European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry | University of Antwerp
European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry search menu search content Special Issue Call for X-Ray Spectrometry papers Selected EXRS-2022 contributions will be published in a special issue of the scientific journal X-Ray Spectrometry (Wiley Online Library). Registered authors of accepted contribution…
UAntwerp Building Z | Non Written Output | University of Antwerp
Non Written Output search menu search content UAntwerp Building Z UA Building Z - Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences Architectural competition by UAntwerpen, winning project: Accommodation of the Faculty of Applied Engineering of the UA at the Campus Groenenborger in Wilrijk, awarded to DMT arc…
Completed granted project | Antwerp Centre for Entrepreneurship Research | University of Antwerp
Antwerp Centre for Entrepreneurship Research search menu search content Completed granted project 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2022 The impact of government regulation and self-monitoring in capital markets Abstract Good investor protection is of primordial importance to ensure investors are willing to invest…
Research Lucas Panneel | Lucas Panneel | University of Antwerp
Lucas Panneel unpaid staff Research Lucas Panneel Research team Laboratory Experimental Medicine and Pediatrics (LEMP) Exposure of premature neonates to bisphenol A and phthalates at the intensive care unit: accumulation in hair and long-term neurodevelopmentel and pulmonary toxicity. 01/11/2019 - 3…
Flexible end-to-end architectures | IDLab | University of Antwerp
IDLab search menu search content Flexible end-to-end architectures Current trends on 5G and AI are pushing network management to its limits. Many new applications such as autonomous driving, haptic sensing, and 3D holographic displaying demand very high computing power with low latency. In order to …