12 results found

Support young researchers | University of Antwerp

Support young researchers Subsidie Omkadering Jonge Onderzoekers (OJO) On 28 June 2013, the Flemish government approved a grant to support young researchers (“subsidie Omkadering Jonge Onderzoekers” - OJO). Within the framework of this grant, the Antwerp Doctoral School launches a call (OJO call…


Funding | Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts | University of Antwerp

Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts search menu search content Funding Doctoral students are students (third cycle) who are enrolled at the University of Antwerp. This means it’s possible to do a PhD even without funding. In practice, however, most doctoral research is funded, meaning PhD stud…


Career Support | University of Antwerp

Career Support Below you will find UAntwerp career support initatives from the Talent Center, Support Young Researchers Grant and Research, Innovation & Valorisation Antwerp (RIVA) to help you steer your (future) career. Talent Center The Talent Center of the HR department supports you as a postdoc …


GLITCH project | Marketing | University of Antwerp

Marketing search menu search content GLITCH project Glastuinbouw innoveert door co-creatie met koolstofarme Hightech Closing Symposium GLITCH-project Plenary session Closing Symposium GLITCH Project Presenation by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Moons Met steun van The Marketing Research Group of UAntwerp investig…


UAntwerp Funding | University of Antwerp

UAntwerp Funding Below you will find UAntwerp funding options specifically for postdocs. These options includes funding from the University Research Fund (BOF), the Industrial Research Fund (IOF) and the Support Young Researchers Grant (OJO). BOF Postdoctoral Fellowships Within the University Resear…


Research Gertjan Willems | Gertjan Willems | University of Antwerp

Gertjan Willems associate professor Research Gertjan Willems Research team Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi) Research Centre for Visual Poetics Expertise His research interests are aimed at a critical analysis of film, television, radio, literature and other forms of media and cultu…


Smart Light | Smart Light | University of Antwerp

Smart Light search menu search content Smart Light AXIS Smart*Light: grensoverschrijdend onderzoek voor hoog-innovatieve röntgenoplossingen In onderzoeksproject Smart*Light wordt een compacte en verplaatsbare bron van zeer heldere röntgenstraling met instelbare golflengte ontwikkeld, een ‘tafelm…


Opportunities for Internationalisation | University of Antwerp

Opportunities for Internationalisation International mobility grants for conferences, courses or short stays abroad (less than 3 months) Are you looking for funding to attend conferences and courses or for short research stays abroad? Explore which research and training opportunities for internation…


Information for Supervisors (PI's) | University of Antwerp

Information for Supervisors (PI's) This section is intended for supervisors of postdoctoral researchers. You will find information about: Procedures to hire a new postdoctoral researcher Welcoming a new postdoctoral researcher Training opportunities Procedures to hire a new postdoctoral researcher A…


Expertise | Research Centre for Visual Poetics | University of Antwerp

Research Centre for Visual Poetics search menu search content Expertise De Laet Timmy - Research on the relationship between dance history and contemporary dance, with a specific focus on practices of re-enactment - The reiterative nature of live performance in relation to (embodied) documentation, …


Sprekers | Centre for Health and Technology (ChaT) | University of Antwerp

Centre for Health and Technology (ChaT) search menu search content Sprekers Sprekers Bruno Bonnechère Bruno Bonnechère heeft zijn doctoraatsstudies uitgevoerd aan de Faculteit Geneeskunde van de Université Libre de Bruxelles, in samenwerking met de Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen van de Vrije U…


Appearance in the media | Transport and Regional Economics | University of Antwerp

Transport and Regional Economics search menu search content Appearance in the media The Department of Transport and Regional Economic has a continuing appearance in the daily press and media. 2024 14 juni 2024: De eerste publieke laadparking voor elektrische vrachtwagens van België staat in de Antw…
