9 results found

Creating a subsite: steps | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Creating a subsite: steps You’ll need to give us the following information: The full name of the conference, project, event or partnership. The name of the contact person. A clear and logical site structure. Take a look at some examples. A striking photo …


Research groups | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Research groups Every official research group registered in the research database of the Research Coordination and Administration Department receives its own subsite in the online research overview: www.uantwerpen.be/research-overview. These subsites are de…


Website and house style | UAntwerp Style Guide | University of Antwerp

UAntwerp Style Guide search menu search content Website and house style The University of Antwerp website was developed according to the ‘mobile first’ principle. Some important design principles behind the website User-friendliness and user experience are paramount. Simplicity and clarity creat…


Editing rights for new editors | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Editing rights for new editors Below you’ll find a ‘nutshell’ overview of the responsibilities and roles editors have and when you do and don’t need write permission. What does an editor do? An editor is responsible for ensuring that their entity’…


Images | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Images Responsive design Responsive design allows us to show the same image in different formats on our website. No matter what device our website visitors use, they will always see the right image format. This requires a different approach when it comes to…


Event, conference or project site | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Event, conference or project site Your conference, event or project online? Organising a conference or major event? Working on an interesting project or research project? A good website is essential to let the world know about your event, conference or proj…


Wellbeing | University of Antwerp

Wellbeing Training opportunities, activities and tools The University of Antwerp offers a range of tools, training opportunities and activities that can support your well-being. Below is a limited overview of some of the initiatives. On the Pintra subsite ‘well-being’ (after login) you can find …


Domain names or short URLs | Web information | University of Antwerp

Web information search menu search content Domain names or short URLs As far as possible, we communicate through www.uantwerpen.be in Dutch and through www.uantwerp.be in English. www.uantwerpen.be is the University of Antwerp's one and only real URL. www.uantwerp.be is its equivalent in English. To…


PhD at ARIA | Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts | University of Antwerp

Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts search menu search content PhD at ARIA PhD in Arts ARIA organises and supervises research and PhDs in, with and for the arts. The institute safeguards the special character of research in the arts and fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange with other art…
