752 results found

Survey | Centre for Evaluation of Vaccination | University of Antwerp

Centre for Evaluation of Vaccination search menu search content Survey EU Joint Action on Vaccination - Vaccine Training Barometer Healthcareworkers (HCWs) play a crucial role in the transfer of information to the general public. A recent survey among medical students has suggested that the educatio…


KHDS Joachim De Weerdt | Joachim De Weerdt | University of Antwerp

Joachim De Weerdt associate professor KHDS Joachim De Weerdt KAGERA HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT SURVEY (KHDS) Introduction The Kagera Health and Development Survey (KHDS) is a study into the long-run wealth dynamics of households and individuals within North West Tanzania. This study entails the resurvey…


Results survey 26 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 26 Young people want other groups to be vaccinated first December 17th 2020 As the end-of-year celebrations come closer, more participants in the Great Corona Study want to follow the rules Now that the holiday season is upon us, more …


Results survey 42 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 42 Non-vaccinated Belgians have more physical interactions August 24th 2021 Large majority of participants in the Great Corona Study spontaneously share vaccination status A large majority of vaccinated Belgians tell family and friends…


Results survey 4 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 4 People put off going to the doctor Fourth wave UAntwerp’s Great corona study enquired about other health problems The fourth wave of the Great Corona Study shows what doctors already feared: many people who suffer from non-COVID-19…


Results survey 3 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 3 More tension in relationships 415,000 people took part in third wave of UAntwerp’s Great Corona Study University The weekly UAntwerp corona study shows that, among other things, 6% of families still have to work out a practical arr…


Results survey 17 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 17 Pressure to go to work increases August 11th 2020 The Great Corona study shows that again more people (80%) no longer shake hands with or kiss to non-household members The tightening of measures at the end of July is also seen in th…


Results survey 9 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 9 ‘We think others will not abide by the rule of four’ May 12th 2020 The Great Corona study surveyed our attitude about relaxation of the measures We have little faith in others when it comes to respecting the ‘rule of four’. A…


Results survey 39 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 39 We shake hands or give a kiss more often June 15th 2021 Participants in the Great Corona Study follow the UEFA European Football Championship mostly in their own bubble Good weather, increasing vaccination coverage, steeply declinin…


Results survey 11 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 11 Our mental well-being is heading in the right direction May 26th 2020 On Tuesday, 50,000 people took part in eleventh wave of UAntwerp’s Great Corona Study Since the first relaxations in early May, the mental well-being of Belgian…


Results survey 5 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 5 Home schooling and work appear to be a difficult combination April 14th 2020 The fifth wave of the UAntwerp corona study enquired about experiences with home schooling The fifth wave of the Great Corona Study shows that home schoolin…


Results survey 8 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 8 Clear majority say they will not use emergency shelter at school May 5th 2020 UAntwerp’s Great Corona Study yields interesting results after first relaxation The weekly questionnaire by UAntwerp shows that on Monday 4 May, 28% of p…


Results survey 10 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 10 Going to bed later is fun, but missing friends is not May 19th 2020 UAntwerp’s Great Corona Study gave the floor to the children this week. The 6–12 year olds indicated that they like to sleep longer and go to bed later, but the…


Corona Cooking Survey | Food, Media and Society | University of Antwerp

Food, Media and Society search menu search content Corona Cooking Survey Visit our international website www.coronacookingsurvey.com CoronaCookingSurvey In April 2020 we launched a survey to monitor peoples’ changes in food behavior because of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures. We also a…


Results survey 14 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 14 One in five children goes on holiday with their grandparents June 30th 2020 Fourteenth wave of the Great Corona study shows more people want masks to be mandatory More and more people would like to see masks become mandatory, for ex…


Results survey 45 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 45 8 out of 10 vaccinated youngsters would get a booster vaccine February 1st 2022 The Great Corona Study compares now to one year ago: more handshakes and kisses, less working from home Of the vaccinated 12–17 year-olds, eight out o…


Results survey 46 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 46 Elderly people still concerned about corona February 1st 2022 Almost half of participants in the last Great Corona Study think they will work from home more often in the future Corona no longer dominates news reports, but particular…


Results survey 44 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 44 Compared to last year December 7th 2021 Tuesday saw round 44 of the Great Corona Study – an initiative of UAntwerp, in cooperation with UHasselt, KU Leuven, ULB and supported by a financial boost from the Research Foundation Fland…


Results survey 1 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 1 Call to work from home was heeded March 10 2020 More than half a million Belgians participated in the UAntwerp corona study on Tuesday On Tuesday, Belgians massively filled in the corona study questionnaire, an initiative of the Univ…


Results survey 2 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 2 Three out of four work from home Second wave of UAntwerp’s Great Corona Study also enquired about mental well-being On Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of Belgians filled in the UAntwerp corona questionnaire again. An initial analysi…


Results survey 34 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 34 Most vaccinated people still respect the rules April 6th 2021 The Great Corona study confirms that young adults experience relatively more vaccine side effects People who have already received their vaccine seem to continue to compl…


Results survey 13 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 13 One in three uses at least one corona support measure June 16th 2020 Participants in the Great Corona Study shake hands more often, but don’t go to bars yet Two-thirds of participants in the Great Corona Study say they don’t use…


Results survey 41 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 41 Travellers think the Dutch are least likely to comply with corona measures July 27th 2021 Large majority of participants in the Great Corona Study want mandatory vaccination of health care staff A large majority of Belgians who have…


Results survey 40 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 40 Most parents also want a vaccine for their children June 29th 2021 Great Corona Study shows that we are more in touch with each other The vast majority of parents, who have already been vaccinated, would have their underage children…


Results survey 25 | The Great Corona Study | University of Antwerp

The Great Corona Study search menu search content Results survey 25 More people will respect rules for Christmas December 3rd 2020 Almost none of the participants in the Great Corona Study say they will go on skiing holiday Two weeks ago, one in three participants of the Great Corona Study said they…
